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Maybe I'm an idiot

Started by bambam, August 21, 2012, 07:26:38 PM

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Yesterday I received a National Trapper's Assoc. alert about the Department of the Interior/Fish and Wildlife service, attempting to establish an area of critical jaguar habitat. The full text is very long and boring, and I know a lot of you don't have time, or just don't want to read it. I would like to just give a summary of it and my opinion, for what it's worth, and get your opinions. ( if you do want to read the entire proposal, just go to the Dept. of the Interior website, Fish and Wildlife, and you can pull up the entire story ).

In a nutshell, they want to set aside over 800,000 acres of land in Arizona and New Mexico, along or near the Mexican border, as critical habitat for jaguars. Of course this area would then be highly regulated to protect the jaguars and their habitat.

They say that the land will still be open to ranchers, miners, hunters, trappers, etc. but we all know what usually happens when the government takes control of a piece of land. It usually isn't long before that land becomes totally off-limits to the real owners, we the people ( or more specifically.... the taxpayers ) . We are reguired to jump through so many governmental hoops, cut through so much red tape, pay so many fees and or fines, and follow so many onerous rules and regulations, that it becomes impractical or impossible to comply.
( Remember the spotted owls and the snail darters for example ?)

Sounds like a really bad deal doesn't it ?

Sounds like we the people are about to get " bent over " again, doesn't it ?

Well, maybe not. This might not be such a bad thing. As a matter of fact, it just might be a GREAT thing !!

Now before you all go thinking that I have finally lost my last marble, bear with me for a few minutes while I explain what I'm thinking.

We all know to what lengths the government , which is full of radical environmentalists, and all their wacko environmentalist friends, will go to protect an endangered or threatened species.

Now we also know that every day, thousands of illegal immigrants cross the border into the U.S. No political party....Republicans, democrats, or any of the parties before them ( yes, there were other policical parties before them.......read your history books ), have ever SERIOUSLY tried to stop illegal immigration. Oh yes, they put up fences that they crawl over, or under, or cut through, and yes we have border agents that they fire or put in prison if they dare shoot an illegal, but they have never seriously tried to stop them, because the democrats want their votes and the republicans want their cheap labor.

But IF this proposal passes, and this land IS designated critical habitat, the FWS and the environmentalists will spare no expense and go to any length to protect the 4 or 5 jaguars who were stupid enough ( or smart enough, depending on how you look at it ) to wander into the U.S.

IF they determine that the illegal aliens are damaging the Jaguars' habitat ( which they ARE ) , or scaring them out of their habitat, it won't be long before tens of thousands of federal agents are lined up along the border to stop illegal immigration !!!! ( Need a break-dancing smiley here )

This could be our one chance to finally stop the illegals. So we all need to call the FWS, and our members of congress, and voice 1000 % support for this !!! Get your family, friends, neighbors , and strangers to call and support it.

This could be the GREATEST thing to happen since they invented beer !!!! ( need a falling -down slobbering smiley here ).

So what do you think ? Have I lost it completely ?   

Those who trade liberty for security shall have neither.

"Take ye heed,watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is".


I dont think you lost it.  :nono: But I'm so tired I cant hardly get through the post without nodding, so I'm going to re-read it tomorrow.
G'night :sleep:
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