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Call Maker Domain... For Sale

Started by FinsnFur, March 21, 2007, 09:16:45 AM

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I ended up buying another domain when I started the hosting end of Fins and Fur, so I could run myself through as a client and confirm everything was in order.

Now I have a domain that I'd like to auction off.
The name?...www.CustomPredatorCalls.net

I put a redirect on it, and leads right back to the forums for now...go ahead an click er  :eyebrownod:

The domain cannot be transferred for 60 days which means from my name to your name, to do with as you choose. It was purchased on the 8th of this month, so the auction will run until 12:00 noon board time, May 8th at which time the registar will release me to transfer it to the highest bidder.

This is not a net to land me another hosting client...the winner can do as he pleases with the domain since it will be transfered to his name. If asked I would be happy to host it though.
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I'll give you $10 and a picture of my wife turning calls :nono:



how much does hosting cost now-a-days?


i just paid over 300.00 at Godaddy my domain name is R&Rcalls.com. triedto do it my self pretty hard. was going to have a guy do it but waiating to see tue's if i have to pay the 4000.00 to fix my truck or exended warranty. so know truck. cant wait get her done. Rick


Hosting pretty much runs basically the same web wide. But it is very deceiving.
Some companies sell it for $2.00 a month and they put miscellaneous ads for other companies on your site to cover the rest of the cost. These are the companies that over sell their server space through greed, and clients end up with ticked off visitors because the browsers time out while waiting for a response from the server. (Slow sites, pages dont load, etc.

Some people think that the more you pay, the better the hosting. Not true either. There's a ton of hosts offering 1500 meg of space and 10 gig of bandwidth, for $5.00 a month. Check their server uptimes.
Ask them how many parked domains they allow. The answer will be "none to 2". The stuff that could be included for free is being charged for.

HostGator and Go-Daddy are in the same category. Very big outfits, but full of surprises that prey on the unsavy.
Buy a domain from Go-Daddy for 1.99 and when your done the bill is $70 bucks because they try to force the hosting with it :iroll:

All in all...they pretty much run the same though, because for every host charging $5 bucks a month, because it's lacking in so many areas.... there's two more up the street charging $10 with a much bigger clientele base, and fewer bad experiences being reported from their customers.
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