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Border Mess

Started by JohnP, April 14, 2013, 06:46:38 PM

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Link: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/...g-audio-images/
For all the talk in Washington about border security, the one agency charged with providing it isn't sharing a wealth of details. So a group of volunteers -- called Secure Border Intelligence -- has stepped in, working around the clock in Arizona to keep a thorough record of the front lines of the border battle.
Using tiny, motion-activated cameras hidden in the desert along known smuggling routes, the group captures images of illegal immigrants streaming into the U.S. Some carry water, others bundles of drugs slung across their shoulders. SBI also records conversations between Border Patrol pilots and agents on the ground. Excerpts from those conversations, obtained exclusively by Fox News, suggest the border may not be as secure as frequently portrayed by the Obama administration.
The following is one exchange recorded by the group:
Drone Operator: "We haven't been in that area for hours... we're being inundated where we're at."
Fixed-wing Pilot: "This is Night Owl on air four. You guys got targets out there?"
Drone Operator: "Are you kidding me? We just broke the record."
Helicopter Pilot: "We're going to need another person over here, we've got about 50 bodies out there."
Fixed-wing Pilot: "What's your plan on the group of 20 or so that's outstanding?"
Drone Operator: "Working a group of 37."
Helicopter Pilot: "Left side of the bird, left side of the bird ... bodies and bundles."
Each day, the group posts an audio track taken from the previous 24 hours. The conversations are intercepted off un-encrypted U.S. Border Patrol channels -- it's not unlike people who listen to police and fire department scanners. After listening to agents' back and forth, much of it laced with GPS coordinates, mile markers and known landmarks, the group compresses a 24-hour day into a 10-minute compressed audio file.
On Tuesday, the group noted agents caught three Chinese illegal immigrants. The next day, agents identified 223 immigrants either in or trying to enter Arizona illegally, according to Wednesday's audio download.
The material is distributed as part of an effort by SBI to '"document the porous US/Mexico border (and) to expose the 'lie' by fostered the current administration that our borders are secure," one of the founders told Fox News. "This documentation is being offered to you and any other news organization without any copyright, distribution, or other restrictions with the stipulation that credit be given." Customs and Border Protection insists the administration is cranking up border security efforts.
"Under this administration, DHS has dedicated historic levels of personnel, technology, and resources to the Southwest border," the agency said in a recent statement to Fox News. "CBP has more than doubled the size of the U.S. Border Patrol since 2004. In FY 2012, CBP employed over 21,300 Border Patrol agents, keeping staffing levels along the border at an all-time high. Additionally, CBP continues to deploy proven, effective surveillance technology tailored to the operational requirements along the highest trafficked areas of the Southwest Border."
The SBI group also uses trail cameras to document the flow of illegal immigrants. Because the video cameras are motion-activated, batteries last for weeks. The latest pictures were downloaded and provided to Fox News on Sunday. They show groups of illegal immigrants nonchalantly walking through the desert on their way to Phoenix and Tucson, and pick-up points in between. The cameras appear to have been placed at a position that is a one-to-four days walk north of the border.
However, it's possible not everyone on the video actually escapes the Border Patrol, since the agency uses a layered approach to security. Agents do not always interdict illegal immigrants at the border -- sometimes apprehensions take place five to 10 miles north after several shifts. So it is impossible to know whether all immigrants captured by SBI camera's successfully escaped the Border Patrol.
Asked more about their membership and means, the group's founder said they preferred to remain anonymous for fear of being targeted.
"Due to the sensitive nature of our endeavor, further disclosure of the mechanism of our efforts cannot be disclosed," he said. "We would prefer that the story be about the 'smoking gun' information provided rather than about the 'messenger' providing the information."
Not far from the back door  They are carrying burlap back pack which means only one thing - marajuana

When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Get ya some antifreeze and set up a lemon aid stand for the sunsabitches :eyebrow:
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Hawks Feather

Drudge had a link on their site in the past couple of days about this.  One of the border hoppers was yelling that president  :puke: obama would free him and give him citizenship.    :sad:



As you can tell from this picture, there is no concern about being caught, the truck is just a bit over twenty-five yards from them.  Truly a "catch and release" program.  One of the few things I will not miss when we move. 

On the up-side is that we are seeing fewer and fewer hunters on the border.  This past season my friend and I saw absolutely no one, other than illegals, while calling. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


I don't understand why we can't just kill all of them.  I guess it is illegal to kill an illegal.  Doesn't make any sense to me at all. 


I heard on pbs today the the elderly are getting to many 'entitlements' and that money should go to the young where it will help them get a start and help the economy.
Funny I thought the elderly paid money for their 'entitlements' all the years they were working??
Maybe the money can be used to put in water stations for the illegal ALIENS flowing across the secure boarders.
"My Jeep won a war...Your Honda mows my yard !"


Quote from: yotefever on April 15, 2013, 12:07:44 AM
Maybe the money can be used to put in water stations for the illegal ALIENS flowing across the secure boarders.

I LOVE THAT IDEA! :congrats:
And then weld cattle panels over the top of it so no animals can reach the water, but yet the beaners can reach down in and wet a cloth for water or use a cup or a can to fetch water. And then either run 220volts to the water :eyebrow: and or splash in some cyanide.
Because I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. :biggrin:
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I thought I would mention what Eisenhower's solution was for illegals.
And here is what the blogger and I found on the not very accurate snopes.
Operation Wetback

Now here's something that's pretty darned interesting:

You folks know Snopes, right? It's one of the main "fact check" sites on the internet.

Whenever I receive some email that sounds too nutty to be true, I check it out using Snopes and/or FactCheck.

Anyway... I was just doing a bit of light research on Eisenhower's "Operation Wetback" and funny enough... Snopes - one of the initial "hits" that popped up - notes the follow on their "Operation Wetback" page:

Claim: "Operation Wetback" deported 13 million Mexican nationals from the U.S. during the 1950's.

Status: Undetermined/Research In Progress.

Interesting, huh...??? I mean... this isn't exactly a new topic... a new question. I learned about "Operation Wetback" decades ago, back during college.

The bloggers post seemed a bit more accurate.
"My Jeep won a war...Your Honda mows my yard !"

Hawks Feather

Remember that Snopes is a pretty liberal (read that as supporting democratic views) when you read their answers that might be considered political.  If the answer doesn't support the "people currently in power" there is a good chance that you will get a partial answer.  At the same time if a conservative screws up ou will usually get the answer that makes that person look bad.



I found that out when I looked up saddams birth record situation when it started.
snopes stated that he has to be a legal citizen because he was a senator and they would have caught it when he was running in illinoise.
"My Jeep won a war...Your Honda mows my yard !"


That picture from the border should look more like this...




LOL, Yah except the two guys laying half out of the Fox hole still cant see em. Their taking aim into the brush :alscalls:
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Quote from: FinsnFur on April 18, 2013, 07:11:10 PM
LOL, Yah except the two guys laying half out of the Fox hole still cant see em. Their taking aim into the brush :alscalls:

Jim my grass hopper.

The 5 illegals in the picture are scouts for the main group of 221 illegals following behind. They let the scouts (point men) pass so they can open up on the main group coming through the bush. They know full well the sniper can pick off the scouts they let pass with the Scopes rifle.

You need to read the Dale Carnegie book again.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 using Tapatalk 2




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