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The Pond

Started by nastygunz, May 27, 2013, 04:46:58 PM

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Thats a heck of big pond! Nice shot for sure with the sun closing down on it. Any fish?
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Despite the 35° weather, raging thunder and rain storms of wind, and 3 inches of snow we got Saturday, we have been absolutely hammering the smallmouth, large mouth and bluegill. I have a ton of pictures I need to put up and post!


Ive been slammin em on the flyrod.



I know your a smallie guy Jimbo;)


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I was mostly using a Betts popping bug on the surface of the water, today I switched over to a brown woolly bugger and was letting it sink and stripping it in real slow and just hammering the smallmouth, the woolly bugger looks exactly like a small crayfish scooting backwards when you strip it in on the fly rod. The pix r like that cuz the wind was blowing me sideways.... :innocentwhistle:


We had the same weather without the snow, but our fish sure didnt cooperate.
Did you catch ALL those on the flyrod? I'm curious as to what that lure in the bluegills mouth looks like.
Thats a pretty nice smallie :eyebrownod:
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I wanna get into some bluegilling with an ultra light and artificial baits. Bought an Ultra light the other day and have been doing a lot of research but cant find much on it. Everything I find reverts to ice fishing. Tell me about your popper bug.
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These were on the wooly bugger.


This one wasnt ...but you got most of the gills on the booger?
Looking at the Betts website. nice stuff. How are they listing the sizes? By the hook?
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I would suggest with an ultra light, a small bobber and some Betts popping bugs, or most any kind of fly. You could cast out with the bobber to get it out there and then just watch when they hit it. I would suggest if you want the ultimate bluegill experience to get yourself a cheap flyrod and dedicate it to panfish, nothing beats bluegill on topwater bugs/flies. My 12 year old niece tried her hand at flyfishing for the first time Saturday, and half an hour later caught her first fish ever on a fly rod, a bluegill!


I think size is by the hooks.Betts bugs are deadly on Pan fish. I caught most of the bluegill on the Betts bugs.


I dont know if could get into the flyrod stuff.
I'm using 3lb test on the ultra light now, so casting isnt much of a problem. I've been trying 1inch twisters with zero jewelry.
You making your own bugers by the way?
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Nossuh I buy mine!...flyrod+bluegill= like pb&j!!


Another flyrod victim!


I wanna get into some bluegilling too in NH. :yoyo: Will be in Concord July 24th for a week. Reckon a young Southern boy could find a pond like that??  :innocentwhistle:

Nice pond and nice fish...
