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My 1st hog of the year.

Started by HaMeR, May 28, 2013, 06:47:50 PM

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Wasn't anymore than 50yds tops. 17gr V-Max outta the HMR & into it's chest. Just a pup that opened up nicely. Top pic is the video.


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


That's what I'm talking about! :congrats:  Way to go Glen.  And I have to say, good camera work Diane.  You two make a great team. 



Very nice :yoyo:
I dunno, speaking of hogs I'm thinking if you and HuntnCarve hook up, we could have an FnF hog roast :jump:
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Hawks Feather

Nice shot Glen.  It is always nice to get that first one out of the way.  Now Diane can start shooting.

Jim, if we are having a hog roast can we invite some of the southern boys who could bring a hog large enough for all of us to enjoy?



Thanks guys!! The shot was a chip shot for the old 17HaMeR. Coulda head shot it but I was using the V-Max due to the outbuildings. Still made it's way to the target. Good thing the wind wasn't blowing huh??  :alscalls: :alscalls:

Diane forgot the tripod so she had to shoot the video offhand.

We seen 2 hogs yesterday that woulda been enough for a hog roast if we added Dave's boar to the mix!! Just add a little BBQ sauce & they go from tasting just like chicken to tasting just like BBQ'ed chicken!!!!!   :alscalls: :alscalls:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


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Wow, you ripped him a new one! 

Hawks Feather

Quote from: FinsnFur on May 28, 2013, 09:45:02 PM
See Jerry?  :eyebrownod:

Jim, Glen has seen the way I can eat.  You on the other hand haven't.  I think he would concur that it would take a few more of those little hogs for us to chow down.



Why yes it would Jerry!!

Dave-- That little HMR sure knocks the snot outta them!!  :biggrin: :biggrin:  Well that & some of the vital organs in the chest too.  :innocentwhistle: :innocentwhistle:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Shot a couple with the 204 Wednesday evening. The 1st hog was a nice big female. I needed to send a 45gr SP from the 204 thru something to see if it's gonna be coyote worthy. After 1 shot I would say yes. I'll be shooting some more,, hopefully,, with these bullets to get a better idea. She was a real pig & got ripped up for her bean eating efforts at around 75-85ds. Maybe I should carry the RF more often. No videos as we were split up in field where the hogs are just decimating the beans.

The bean rows are 16-20" apart. She's a real pig!!

#2 was a little pup. the 39gr BK sure did the trick on it tho!! About 65yds.


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Opened her up like a can of Pork N Beans :laf:
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Told ya JaMaR...If you vacum more often...you can shoot more often :eyebrownod:
"Choot...Choot em Jacob!"



 :laf: :laf: @ the pork & beans!!

You said you wouldn't tell anybody Wendy!!!  :alscalls: :alscalls:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11



I'm sure you've read about Diane's hogs on Saturday & if anybody is interested in the rest of the story from Saturday you'll just have to deal with my exploits afield.  :laf: :laf:

After walking 2/3rds of the field I finally made my way up to where Diane was setting. She hadn't seen the hog I told her about but was looking in the right place. I thought maybe that 2nd shot made it stay underground. So she sat there as I walked the last part of the field. I did see a small hog down along the field edge. I had to walk a couple hundred yards  out of the way to get set up without spooking it too bad. As I rounded the corner of the field I seen it stand up. I froze & it went down. I set the chair up with the sticks & got ready. It stood for just a split second then ran into the weeds. Before it came back out I had another one come out closer & stand up. So I whacked this one in the head with a 20gr XTP from the lit 17 HaMeR.


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


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 :laf: :laf: @ ^^^^!!

Sunday's exploits.

We left the house around 7:30ish. Went back to the field we slaughtered the 3 in the previous day to wait for the 2 that we didn't get a shot at the day before. Well as it turned out we didn't get a shot at them Sunday either!!  :laf: :laf:   So we left for the next field down the road & the action picked up quick!! Diane seen a hog in the field & said "RIGHT THERE!!"  So I jumped out & grabbed my stuff quick & ,, you're gonna like this part Jim  :readthis: ,, told her to drive on down to the opening where we always park!!  :biggrin: :biggrin: I walked up the bank into the field & went past a hole that had a hog in it that we hadn't got a shot at yet. I set up waiting for the hog to come back out & within a few minutes it did. Problem was it was too close to the top of the hill & I had to wait for it to come down a little ways for a backstop. After a couple minutes I looked to my right & seen a brown head sticking outts that other hole. I turned & got set on it & fired a 17gr V-Max it's way. I rushed the shot & missed!!  :biggrin: :biggrin:  The one up the hill ran down towards me a little ways & stood up. It was now or never & I let another 17gr V-Max fly. this one was 130yds uphill. the little pill found it's mark & passed thru both shoulders making a mess outta it's boiler room.  :yoyo: :yoyo:  I thought this was going to grab the Shot of the Day Award!!

My setup.

Bean field hog later that AM.

Last hog of the day from a different hay field. This hog needed 2 pics for the full effect.  :eyebrow:
25yds facing me with the 204 & a 40gr Berger running around 3800fps.  Face pic as I found it. :biggrin: :biggrin:

Back side after flipping it over.  :alscalls: :alscalls:


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


 :yoyo: Thats what I'm talking bout
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July 4th.

The story before the pics so you gotta  :readthis: 1st.  :biggrin: :biggrin:

Not more than 10 minutes after Diane shoots her groundhog we both hear what sounded like a rabbit squealing off to Diane's left of where she was setting. The noise came from up along the hill. to the left of where she was setting. I know that area has a good population of coyotes so I start scanning that pasture. I didn't see anything after a couple minutes so I went back to groundhoggin. I looked behind me along the tree line for any hogs & didn't any & when I turned back around I seen a coyote on the hilltop 100yds in front of me!! I started to swing the sticks & gun around & she kinda flinched like she wanted to run. Then looked away from me at the woods. She gave me enough time to swing the sticks & rifle around & when she looked back I already had the trigger pulling. I heard the crack of the old 357 lever rifle & seen the coyote lay over sideways & then heard that resounding "THUMP" we've all grown so accustomed to hearing.  :yoyo: :yoyo:

You can see the drag line thru the wet hay field. She was right at the top of the drag line broadside.

As I found her.

After I drug her back to where I was setting. I do love that little Marlin 357!!  :biggrin: :biggrin:


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Later that evening I was able to just HaMeR another big ol groundhog with the 17HMR. This one was about 80yds +/- & I used the 20gr XTP's on her. Solid chest shot that just liquified her chest cavity. She rolled about 4 feet down the slope there & expired.

The rifle in this picture is pure hell on Ohio groundhogs out to 135yds. It's a laser from point A to point B with very hard hitting & traumatic results.  :eyebrow: :eyebrow:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11