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Gvmt Shutdown

Started by JohnP, October 02, 2013, 10:36:13 AM

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Two days in a row and the sun still came up in the east and last night it set in the west.  I am totally in awe that this could happen without our politicians hard at work.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


I'm actually enjoying this, for a few reasons:

1) The government has partially shut down, and besides the folks getting a paid vacation of some unknown duration (and that is exactly what this will be), has anyone really noticed? Nope. This yanks more teeth out of doomsday scenarios Democrats and RINOs love to throw at the people. Remember when the Sequester was going to cause Armageddon...except it didn't? Same thing here. More government hysterics proven to be the wailing's of spoiled children.

2) ObamaCare still going into effect, and the more that sign up, the faster we can see it unravel.

3) Nobody besides Pat Buchanan and myself can seem to separate "law of the land" with funding from the House. Just because a thing is a law does not mean the House is beholden to assign a particular budget for it. They can set the budget of $0 and not break, violate or otherwise ignore "the law of the land." And previous funding levels are not an indicator nor driver of future ones, as no Congress is required to uphold the promises of prior ones. So it's funny to see so many people with the "law of the land" argument like they are Constitutional scholars, while conveniently ignoring all of Article 1.

4) The Democrat definition of compromise is much more visible to the country, even if most won't figure it out with a road map, binoculars and a seeing eye dog. "Give us exactly everything we want or we take our ball and go home". That's compromise to Reid, Pelosi and Obama. "I get my way or you're a sheit head". Ironically, the party voting to fund 99.9% of the government is called the party of "NO", while the party who says "100% or nothing, f**k you", is considered statesmanlike and ready to compromise. Which leads to the next point....

5) Wow is it fun to watch the MSM manufacture a story from whole cloth. If it isn't Fox News or AM radio, at this point, it's just one more propaganda wing for the DNC.


The country is sinking fast.  I don't see any life boats either.    The damage done by the current administration will be with us for many, many years.    Our young people will ultimately suffer the most. 


This picture pretty well sums up Obama's vision for America.


My daughter asked me last night...she says if the Government is shut down does that mean people are getting away with breaking the law? What happens if someone breaks the law now?
I guess it's kinda my fault as a parent that my child would ask such a question :doh2:
I told her the Government was the only one I knew of that was breaking any laws, and a lot of em.
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nor-cal yote

I got furloughed yesterday morning at 0800, but was made to work until 1030... I was told I would not be paid for my time. My guys and I were told to put all our gear away and prep everything for winter. We purged the chainsaws and pumps. Then went to the bar and drank our faces off.
never yell whoa in a horse race


Quote from: Semp on October 02, 2013, 06:22:45 PM
The country is sinking fast. I don't see any life boats either.

The simple fact is, we've grown weaker, more ignorant, more dependent and exceedingly lazier with each passing generation. With such an electorate, I don't care if you're the 240 IQ econo-spawn of Friedman-Smith-Hayek-Sowell-Mises...you ain't gonna convince anyone not already seeking answers and educating themselves that free market reforms, taking care of yourself, etc. can and will work.

"Hey, here's some free stuff, paid for by people you hate", sells to a wide majority of our electorate far, far better than, "Hey, if you delay gratification now, are prudent with your money, properly conduct yourself within the free market, you'll have a better future 30 years from now."

The trains, planes, and buses run on time, nobody's iPhones got shut off, so who cares who pays as long as it isn't me, right? THAT's the electorate of this nation. Fiscal sanity won its last election in 1994. It will never win another one. Not with a libertarian, not with a Republican, not even if God Himself takes the form of man again and runs for office on the omniscient/omnipotent platform. The human nature following the path of least resistance has rendered fiscal sobriety moot, and now it's all just so much boring economic theory bantered about between pissed off libertarians on message boards and in coffee houses.

Our nation no longer concerns itself with fiscal sanity, and instead just waits for the latest rhetorical bromides like, "CBO projections say everything magically fixes itself within 20 years if you just love me", from some politician, and once fed that bit of placebo, we can all go on ignoring the disease, playing Angry Birds, and lamenting the end of Breaking Bad.

This is the nation we live in. Complex ideas, critical thinking, long term planning, etc. are all passe, nerdy, uncool or just old white men bitching and griping. The thoughtful reasoned vote is a very tiny minority, and has no hope against the "gimme free stuff" masses of the Ignorati.

This is the country the majority wanted, and this is the one they get. Party politics, media-political complex, etc. are all just tools for the lazy to get lazier, yet remain profitable. We passed the event horizon some time ago, not yesterday. The past couple days just represents a mile marker on the road to some dramatic upheaval of whatever sort. In their hearts, 95% or more of this country would skin me alive, rape my wife and burn my house to the ground if a politician they agree with told them it would get them free stuff. In such a nation, common sense and good ideas are pointless and meaningless.


Quote from: Semp on October 02, 2013, 07:21:53 PM

That picture alone should make everyone feel REAL good about putting our health care in the hands of government. Next time the people feel frisky they station guards in front of the hospital....

"You vill be obedient to de regime, Komrade."


The following quote has been attributed to Alexander Fraser Tytler in 1770 (although some dispute he actually said it) and I might have posted this before somewhere.  But here it is again:

  " A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.

    The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

        From bondage to spiritual faith;
        From spiritual faith to great courage;
        From courage to liberty;
        From liberty to abundance;
        From abundance to selfishness;
        From selfishness to complacency;
        From complacency to apathy;
        From apathy to dependence;
        From dependence back into bondage."


PARIS â€" Tourists travelling to Omaha Beach to pay their respects to the 9,387 military dead at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial will find it closed, a victim of the U.S. government’s partial shutdown.

The site overlooking the D-Day invasion beaches is one of 24 U.S. military cemeteries overseas that have closed to visitors since Monday. Ten more cemeteries in in France, as well as others in various European countries as well as Mexico, Panama, Tunisia and the Philippines, will remain closed for the duration of the shutdown.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


How fast would they fire back up if another one of Americas financial institutes came under fire.
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They also shut down Land Between The Lakes.   Hope they open it by February. 


The AZ Game & Fish sent a letter to the Feds stating that we (Az G&F) would man the most popular federal lands that are closed because of the "slimdown" and would not bill them for anything.  As of this morning no reply has been received.  Our Governor, God Bless Her, takes no BS from oboma has stated that no hunting lands will be closed during this period!   
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


My brother in law called and said the government shutdown was OVER!     

He said the government must be back working because they just took federal taxes out of his paycheck.    :alscalls: