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FnF Youth Holiday Drawing !!! Step In And Register

Started by FOsteology, December 06, 2013, 05:41:38 PM

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Once again, I managed to get a couple businesses and retailers to donate some great loot/products for a FnF Youth Holiday Drawing!!!  :highclap:

In order to be eligible for the drawing, the FnF Youth will need to make a post in this thread under their own user name, AND in their own words.

Should they currently NOT be a registered member, they may create a new registration. However, to keep it fair and on the "up-n-up", the newly registered youth will need to have a parent, or relative that is a current active member of FnF (minimum of 100 posts) and they must identify in this thread that individuals username.

Youth participants will need to post a short essay (minimum three paragraphs) in this thread, about what the Holidays mean to them and their family. Theme may include what's important to them, why they like this time of year the best, the meaning of Christmas, etc.

Youth participants that meet the above eligibility requirements will be entered in the drawing. Contest ends December 20, 2013 6pm Central time.

There will be three (3) main prizes to be given away (to be disclosed at the end of the Contest.... trust me, they're GOOD!)

In addition, all eligible entrants not drawn for one of the 3 main prizes will receive a small token of appreciation for their contribution and participation.

Looking forward to reading the entries!!


 What do the holidays mean to you ? What makes Christmas such a special time of year ? Every family has their own opinion on the holidays, but to me , they're the most special time of year, especially Christmas.

  Christmas isn't just about receiving free clothes, toys, candy, money, etc. , it's about spending time with family and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Family time is more important than anything and Christmas is the perfect time of year to do just that. It's very important to remember why all of us are here on earth , and we have Jesus to thank for that. It's important to rejoice the day He was born because if it weren't for Him, we wouldn't have life, faith, family , friends, nothing.

  The holidays are an important time of year to me because of hunting season. My classmates and I get a week out of school for Thanksgiving and Christmas , and my daddy and I always take advantage of every opportunity we have to go hunting. My daddy and I don't get to spend an extreme amount of time together, so when hunting season rolls around , we get a lot of quality time together doing something we both love. No one ever said family time had to be spent sitting around a dinner table. In my family, family time is also in a hunting blind.

  Young kids today truly don't understand the meaning of the words family, holidays , and Christmas. They need to take advantage of family time because that's something they'll never get back. So many people seem to forget the true meaning of Christmas. People seem to neglect the realization that Christmas isn't just about receiving, it's about giving, especially to those who are less fortunate.

  Thank you so much Fosteology for having this contest. Merry Christmas to all of you !!! 


Well done!  I've nudged my second oldest grandson to enter but you are blowing the doors off of competition!  :highclap: :yoyo:

If you post something about your volleyball team I'd read it.  hint...


Quote from: Okanagan on December 08, 2013, 01:31:58 PM
Well done!  I've nudged my second oldest grandson to enter but you are blowing the doors off of competition!  :highclap: :yoyo:

If you post something about your volleyball team I'd read it.  hint...

Thanks Okanagan, we had a good season this year, not a great record, but we made it to the regional playoffs and placed second to earn a trip to the state playoffs !!  That is me in the front of the picture, number 3. We lost at state but had a great time. It was my first state playoff, hope we can go back next year ! 


OOPS !!   Sorry about that,  Daddy was logged in and I typed it in under his name. My mistake !


Going to State plus getting TWO deer on your own-- You've got it dialed in this year!  Congrats again!


Thank you !  To tell the truth, I'll be glad when this year is over.  Please tell your grandson to enter the contest, and if he wants to talk hunting, let me know !!   



Thank you Fos!!

  For four thousand years there was no such thing as Christmas; then a baby was born in Bethlehem. This baby is the reason we celebrate Christmas.
The first recorded celebration of Christamas was in the Year of our Lord 336. The Christmas tree entered the picture in the 8th century when St. Boniface used the evergreen tree as a symbol for the everlasting Christ. In the nineteenth century and some of the twentieth century most children were lucky if they got an orange or a small package of nuts for Christmas even in the wealthiest nations. Travel during the holidays was usually limited to within town so visiting with non-local family was almost non-existent. Now, we have heated homes, an over-abundance of food, cars, and on top of that we have enough money to give each other Christmas presents. Did you know 870 million people in the world are hungry while you are reading these very words and a lot more than that need Jesus Christ. That's a lot of people to forget about while we live our lives of luxury in the United States.
If you remember only one thing, remember the reason we celebrate Christmas: Jesus Christ's birth.
Merry Christmas  Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas   Merry Christmas   Merry Christmas Merry Christmas  Merry Christmas  Merry Christmas   Merry Christmas
Thanks, Cody
"One does not hunt in order to kill. On the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted." --Jose Ortega y Gasset


Amen Cody, very well stated !!   :yoyo: Merry Christmas.


Christmas Season!

This is my favorite time of the year. The season begins for me just after thanksgiving as we are driving up to our deer camp in the mountains, on Friday and get to stay until Tuesday. While up there, my dad, uncle, cousins and I go to a Christmas tree place to cut down our own trees. This year my dad and i got two trees - one big tree for our big room and one for the room our family gathers for Christmas eve day, which is when my moms side celebrates Christmas. Up in Potter County is when the Christmas season starts for me. It's time I get to spend with friends and family I don't get to see except for a few times a year.

Soon other cousins will fly in from California and Texas and we all get together for both Christmas eve and Christmas day. Then my Grandma and Grandad take all of their grandkids somewhere close by, usually the Pocono Mountains, for 3 or 4 days. I love all the time we get to spend together. Jesus is the reason that all this happens for my family. He was a gift to us from God. I feel this is how the gift giving and receiving tradition started.

Even though my mom gets all the presents for the rest of my family, I like to try to get something special for each person to show them how important they are to me. I like getting gifts, but I am especially happy, and like it when someone opens a gift I got for them. I hope everyone has families to make each other feel special like my family does.

I'd like to thank Fos for putting on the youth contest again. And I hope everyone has a Christmas season that lasts as long as the one I have, and gets to spend it with the ones they love.

I wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!



The Registration has come to and end. I would like to thank our participants for their entries.  :congrats:

Not as many entries as I was anticipating. Therefore, I will be consolidating; returning to vendors; making   exchanges and adjustments to the prizes to be awarded as there will only be three awarded. Which, for the three participants is better as they're going to end up with something a little better!  :wink:

Lacie, Code, and Spike, please shoot me a PM letting me know what sort of hunting gear you could really use (i.e. riflescope, spotting scope, rangefinder, binoculars, boots, hunting backpacks, hunting clothes, etc.)


FOs, thanks again for your generosity.  :yoyo: :yoyo:  RayElla and her mom are doing some last minute shopping for some friends and will be home later. I will have her send you a PM.  I'm sure she  would be satisfied with anything to do with hunting.  Thanks again !


By the way, congrats to Code, Spike, and Lacie.............  Well done !!!!   :yoyo: :yoyo: :highclap: :highclap:


"One does not hunt in order to kill. On the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted." --Jose Ortega y Gasset


Yes, thank you for putting this excellent drawing together.


Thanks again Fos. I really appreciate what you do for us youth hunters. Thanks again and have a great christmas.



Quote from: FOsteologyLacie, Code, and Spike, please shoot me a PM letting me know what sort of hunting gear you could really use (i.e. riflescope, spotting scope, rangefinder, binoculars, boots, hunting backpacks, hunting clothes, etc.)

Lacie and Code have already touched base with me. Need to hear from you!


Thank you so much Fos !!  Merry Christmas !!  Congrats to Spike and Code !!


Congrats guys. Nicely done by all of you :congrats:

Fos, Kudos to you for being in the position to be able to this. Much appreciated for sure. :wink:
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