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Cal Taylor had a good article

Started by Bopeye, March 31, 2007, 04:06:41 PM

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I was reading the April 07 edition of Predator Xtreme and saw an article on using dogs for coyotes. It was written by Cal Taylor and he did a pretty good job on the basics I thought.

Where does Cal hang out on the boards, I can't seem to locate him?  :confused: :shrug:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


This will probably start a board war, but he used to frequent PM quite a bit.

He's got a video out called "Going to the Dogs". Awesome video, I thought.

We (in the PM days) put his video in the PM cart cause him and Black were buddys and he didnt have a website.

I dont know but I have a hunch that some of the issues a few months ago with all the bannings over there found itself with Cal caught up in the middle. I'm not saying he got banned, I simply dont know.
Next thing I hear, the video is out of the cart and he's not posting as much over there.

Cal's good stuff. He's very set on his ways and he aint afraid to let you know. I guess we all are at times. But he's got a good reputation to back his attitude.
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Cal was one of the guys suspened for 30 days in that flare up.   I was under the impression that he told them to cancel his acount and they did.   Not for sure on that one.

He is a regular on Huntmasters.

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Thanks guys..........I'll see if I can't look him up. He lives in the same town I use to out in Wyoming.....wonder if he remembers me..... :nono:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Yeah, I read that article too Bop. Left me kinda wishen he would shuffle on over here every once & a while. :eyebrow:

Since Jerry Hunsley doesn't give me enough stories & pix to suit me. :pout: (hint, hint, hint, Jerry!) :biggrin:


 Iam not at home right now so I cant refer to exact statements in that issue but found quiet a bit of wrong info in it. I also found several articles that were lacking. Cal's article was a good read but don't remember any specific breed of dog he recommends.



Yeah, but your not all there when ya are home .....so  :shrug:
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