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JohnP & Marge

Started by JohnP, December 03, 2014, 11:24:47 AM

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Hi guys, this is Marge.  John spent another week in the hospital up in Tuscon but is home now.  His condition is ?, he has some really good days as if nothing is wrong or ever has been then there is the complete opposite.  The doctors all say that he is in fairly good shape from what his earlier life was like.  I wish I could tell you about some of his "adventures" but I know he wouldn't want me to.  Suffice to say a Silver Star, three Bronze Stars and three Purple Hearts.  When the kids ask him about his military service he always tells them, "it is not suitable for young ears" or "nobody should blow their own horn" 

His deer season started last Friday and he has not been able to get out, not sure I would let him out.  Depending on how he is I will probably take him out later today or tomorrow.  His season ends this coming Saturday and I know it is bothering him that he hasn't been out.  Other than the times his  military duties took him outside the country he hasn't missed a deer season  since he was twelve years old.  Mandy, (who we gave our house to) wants to build a small place for us on the property so he could be back on the mountain and be closer to his two grandsons and of course her.  He has spoiled her a bit!

We recently received a nice present from Dave and I want to thank him for that and a delay in our response saying Thank You Dave. 

Please know that on the days that he doesn't get around to well I wheel him in here so that he can at least read what you guys are saying.  He enjoys looking at the pictures and reading about the hunts, particularly the predator hunts - so I'm ordering you all to start posting pictures and stories about coyotes, fox, bobcat and anything else.   

Finally I want to say thank you to all of you guys for making his day to day "adventures" a little more pleasant.  May God Bless you one and all and keep you in the palm of His hands.

When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Tell him an old Marine said he was in his prayers.  I pray the good days out number the bad ones. 

Semper Fi



Marge, thank you for the update, and thank you for taking care of John.  Wish I could spell you off wheeling John around or taking him hunting, to let him be served after all of his service for us.  Class comes through his posts, and yours.

I've been trying to get out after a lynx which has opened earlier this year so the cat season overlaps with the tail end of our deer season, but my bush vehicle is in the shop and my boss sprung some work on me, even though I'm partly retired. 

Best of luck this week in your deer season.


Carolina Coyote

Thanks for the update Marge, I know MR. John sure loves the outdoors from all his post and comments and it must be very frustrating for him to not get out when he wants to. Would be nice if we all lived a little closer so we could al take him out to hunt, I'm sure it would be a very pleasant experience. God Bless. cc

gravesco hunter

Best of luck to John on his hunt and hope he gets to feeling better,I am sure I speak for all here when I say he is in our prayers



I sure hope you and John can make it out for a day on the mountain.  I just got back from upstate here in Pennsylvania.  It does the soul good to just get away to the outdoors no matter how fleeting the time. 
Like Carl said, it would sure be nice if we all lived closer, so we could spend some time with John.  But then you would get sick of us all constantly being around getting under foot. :laf:

Highlights of my hunt:

Saw a bear at 20 yards... Two days before the season started! :doh2:
Turkey hunting.  I Saw a turkey land right in front of me as I was watching a deer..Unfortunately, he saw me and high tailed it out of there. :doh2:
Filled my buck tag early in the archery season.. So I was out doe hunting.  Of course I see two bucks come strolling in single file. :laf:  I did manage to fill one of my doe tags later in the morning.
Spent some quality time with the old gang at deer camp.  On the drive home I realized I did not take a single picture? :doh2:

As always John & Marge, we will keep you in our prayers.  I truly hope better days are ahead for you both.  God Bless.



Marge, I thank you from Canada.  Please tell John that I have thought of him many times and even planned on coming down to meet him.  He is one of the guys I respect as a coyote hunter[amongst all the other things].  I'm sure glad he has someone like you to be there for him.  Remember if you ever wanna see my part of Alberta, all you gotta do is get here as I'll look after the rest.  I'll shoot a coyote tomorrow with a bullet i'll make tonight with John's initial on the base.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Marge and John P., it is obvious how many people here are pulling for you, praying for you.  It is understandable how John P. likes to read the hunting stories and see the pictures.  I hope we all keep plenty of stories coming for him to read.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Words cant say the pain i feel in my heart for someone ive never met! John is a very lucky man to have someone like you'  and i hope he has many days left to spend doing what he loves!
But something tells me that even if he never gets to leave the house for the next 10 yrs he will still consider himself a lucky man. I wish i could meet him and listen to his storys ,  i am sure the fire in his eyes would make them seem like they just happend..
          Take care of him and yourself were would he be with out you?  Thank you for letting us know what is going on and i will try and send him a story or two. Untill the i will send up some prayers for you both.


John/Marge, here is the bullet with the J on it.[No room for JP on a .224 40gr]

The boys[they got right into this project] and I screwed up 11 bullets getting this one so I hope it suffices. :wo:
I'll post a pic[maybe two] of the coyote it kills.  Kinda/sorta glad I got a bull barrel as we may have expanded the dang thing a tiny mite. :doh2:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Thanks for the update Marge. Please tell John this old CW4 is praying he gets to feeling better soon and is able to get back to his mountains.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Marge... never have made the trip to meet up with you and John... had planned to and it fell through at the last minute, my buddy bailed on me... I really want to make the trip and soon... want to make it this year coming, hopefully around the 1st of March, right after our trapping season ends... got you, and 3 others in Arkansas and Texas to visit too... give him my best, I think about him often... Dale...
when you step out of the truck you become part of the food chain...


Welcome Marge and thanks so much for the update. I always used to wonder if angels really do exist. I'll wonder no more  :nono:
They clearly DO...and John's got one in YOU :eyebrownod:

Tell him were definitely praying he pulls together and gets that deer hunt in too. I cant wait to hear the details :wink:
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Hawks Feather


Many, many thanks for the update.  I know that a we all appreciate it and I am sure John is happy with your post as well. 

As for hunting pictures from me - there are none.  I have been able to work on a few woodworking projects for Christmas and might post a picture of one of them if they turn out O.K. 

John you need to keep having more 'good' days so that you can get back outside and we can see some of your pictures. 



I'm sorry to hear that John has not been doing well. Prayers sent hoping he regains a measure of strength and comfort enabling him to get back up on top the mountain, and enjoy what he loves. 


Please tell John he is in our prayers.


  Well John we survived the day up here. :innocentwhistle:  Started out by driving West of my house 1.23438 miles West and saw

There are two moose in that pic. One cow and a calf.

We didn't get much further when

another cow\calf pair were  spotted.  Then just before we pulled into a little burg to get gas we saw

Be danged if we didn't see another cow/calf pair but this time the cow had an antler. :shrug:  Only ever saw one like this before.in my life. :confused:
Then we went out in this field of bale grazing

and tried a call with the old call that got this to happen :readthis:

as we never saw anything but Ravens it was decided the call only works when the lakes ain't froze. :wo: :wo:

We spotted 3 of these which you had a wee mite more of a reserve on shooting than a true Canuck. :nofgr:

we saw 6 elk, 11 moose, 60 some Muleys and one whacker WT that big George woulda loved to have seen.  A porcupine that galloped a 1/4 mile in 4 hours, man was he givener.  3 flocks of sharp tailed grouse, 2 coveys of huns and one lonely Ruffy. :huh:

Upon arrival home I finally figured out why the coyotes had been so elusive as the buggers had already heard you were here and with your reputation they knew enough to just stand with paws up. :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie:

I guess it could be worse as we get to do it again. :yoyo:
Feel well and above all else.
Have fun :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls:

I say what I think not think what I say.


LOL!  :laugh2:  Someone yelled, "freeze you s.o.b."
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Great to hear from you again, Barry.   Tagging along on your hunting trips is always a hoot.  I'll bet that brighten up John's day. 


Quote from: pitw on December 03, 2014, 07:55:58 PM
John/Marge, here is the bullet with the J on it.[No room for JP on a .224 40gr]

The boys[they got right into this project] and I screwed up 11 bullets getting this one so I hope it suffices. :wo:
I'll post a pic[maybe two] of the coyote it kills.  Kinda/sorta glad I got a bull barrel as we may have expanded the dang thing a tiny mite. :doh2:

That is the best idea and finest gesture that I've run across in years.  Good for you!  Loved the account of the first outing.  Shoot straight, Straight Shooter.