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Its time

Started by riverboss, September 30, 2015, 06:46:07 PM

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I got out sat before leaving with the wife on vacation! Neighbor said they were running across the road between me and him all day Fri while he was doing yard work.
Didn't want the little dogs getting ate so I took spot down for a morn stand.
About 4 min in I see movement to the left and lock on it! About then spot heads out straight down the hill woofing and I see 2 coyotes running away into thick cover.
I beep him back and hit the caller again, this time I'm not looking at what ended up being a tree rat. They come in slow and trying to circle us! I shot the closes one in the chest with the scatter gun she let's out a scream and I hit her again as she retreats into the cover. I never did get to see the other one run off. But after a track job and a finish shot I got this young coyote recovers.
Spot is turning into a great dog I really enjoy watching him work.
Its time to get after them again as the weather is cooling down.

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What kind of dog do you have? I'm looking to get either a Mountain Cur or Blackmouth Cur. Good job on the coyote.


He's a Australian Shepard he weights 64 lbs. Adding a dog is awesome they usually let you know long before you can see them and will let you know if there's been one around after they understand what there job is.

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Nice going Dan...even if you did use an e-caller :innocentwhistle:


Steve I didn't have a choice were I was its so tight and dark under the canopy of trees you would of needed a knife instead of a gun. Lol. This is my first called in coyote to a shotgun in yrs. I really like my rifles especially my ar.

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Nicely done! :congrats:
Good job spot!..I cant believe you named him spot...lol
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Nicely done but what is it spot does?  Looks like your coyotes may need a few more months to get their winter fur. :shrug:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Jim when he was a pup he was dark gray and covers in black spots! Ugly as hell his original owner named him.
When they abandoned him and he got pucked up by the dog warden I didn't know were he had disappeared to and I found him on there web site. They were calling him stormy!
I went and bailed him out he wouldn't answer to any name  except spot.
PITW  spots like a decoy dog but I don't let him engage! I guess you could call him bait. He confronts them and draws them in taking me out of the pic so I can shoot them. They see him and they don't seem to even worry about smell anymore.

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WTG!!!  Dan, good shooting!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Still to darn hot down here in the desert, hitting 90+ on a regular basis.  Nice looking little pup.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Toll dog. I've always wanted to try that...just can never find time.
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Man I've got a coyote problem! Lol lucky me. At dark it sounded like being out in front of the cabins at LBL 3 different packs 2 within 150 yards of the house scared the hell out of my daughter.
I went down to check out my deer blind and the coyote I shot on the 27th was nothing but bones and a spot wore down to dirt for a 6' circle and the bones were chewed to pieces. Looks like I'm going to have to get busy.

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I thought coyotes wouldnt eat other coyotes? :shrug:
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They will not very often from my experience. I believe its some from another pack, we've never had coyotes like this around here the population is exploding.

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Quote from: FinsnFur on October 10, 2015, 09:07:52 PM
I thought coyotes wouldnt eat other coyotes? :shrug:

A misconception held by many.  I've shot coyotes that were eating their brother.  Had many heads left in a snare while the rest of the critter was off trotting around with someone else.  Coyotes be scavengers and scavenge they do.
I say what I think not think what I say.


They were running deer every where last night I sat on the front porch a listened for about 2 hours my trail cameras weren't fast enough to get pics all I got were blank photos or blurry images.

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gravesco hunter

If they are hungry,and most of the time they are,they will eat anything that won't eat them