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more from collection

Started by bearmanric, July 08, 2007, 08:05:23 AM

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Here are some more from my collection. Rick

Raw Call's $30.00 each

Seeing spot Howler $40.00  SOLD

Sears call $20.00

Thompson call  $20.00


I'll buy the seeinspots howler.
Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves at dusk - Habakkuk 1:8


Nice calls......so where is Todd?  :shrug:


Yellerdog Howler water bufalo.  $45.00


Man Rick, I cant believe your dumping all these. I'm afraid your going to kick yourself in the butt later.

Also  Ninthinning...I think it would be appreciated if you'd give some of these others guys a shot at some of this stuff instead of sweeping them up in masses. I realize business is business buddy, but with all due respect keep in mind that this whole maker buyer seller thing is a fairly tightly knit circle and in a way your kinda biting the hand that feeds you.
Again I mean no offense, just try to consider those around you.
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Jim i still have alot call's. i just loss my pizaz dealing with stuff an other site. and certain indevidual's who tried to get me banned. the stuff that happen's suck's. i'm getting a thicker skin. i will only post to sell call's and about call's. taking a break. i'm sorry about Todd i havnt seen him collecting. i'll start talking here. not selling  call's at the other place. doing great on my other site's. two day's and i'm hitting the road scouting bear and fishing.

Hawks Feather


Glad to have you back posting calls here on Fins and Fur.  Enjoy the scouting and remember to take your camera along so we can see some pictures of the fish.  Getting away from the rat-race, if only for a day or two, sure makes me feel better.  I wish I were going along with you.  I doubt that the temps will be in the mid 90s for you like it is here.  I sure miss the mountains in the summer.



OK I'll leave the rest for other folks. 
Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves at dusk - Habakkuk 1:8

Todd Rahm

Todd's always collecting.  :biggrin: But, I'm perty sure ya sold all the calls from your collection that I was interested in.  :sad: I do hate seeing ya sell them, but ya have a good reason for doing it.  :wink:

Ninth if your adding to your personal collection, buy away your not stepping on my toes at all. If I see calls I need for the collction, I'de add them too.

I can assure ya that Ryan of R.A.W. calls isn't making calls anymore though.


Todd it is were the callmaking has gone. it's freaking . every man for them selve's. miss like it it was mad moose and us. wasnt. like now. there was and still good calmaker's.i'm not mad at pm but hurt certaincallmaker's would try to get me banned. the sad thing those guy's dont donate.  i sure dont feel like it at this time thing will change  they alway's do.  i'm very happy now. oh can someone tell Bopeye i have his Wenge inverted strap on done. Rick :yoyo:  :shck::yoyo:

Hawks Feather


I got Bopeye covered for you.



Bopie not sure if your mad at me. that's my goof up i read thing's wrong but be glad your not my i have just letting ya know i'm playing. takw16 inch  black mamba it's made out of black palm wood. dang that would be unpleasant. trying to joke and be a diffrent person. take care. Rick

Todd Rahm

Rick ya still have that laminated Grantham call?


Todd Rahm

Ya parting ways with it?  :innocentwhistle:


Quote from: bearmanric on July 08, 2007, 09:51:25 PM
Bopie not sure if your mad at me. that's my goof up i read thing's wrong but be glad your not my i have just letting ya know i'm playing. takw16 inch  black mamba it's made out of black palm wood. dang that would be unpleasant. trying to joke and be a diffrent person. take care. Rick

Well hallelujah!! I was all messed up......thought I had ordered something I hadn't even heard of..... :eyebrownod:
All's good dude........glad to see you were just busting me a little.......I like that.  :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Nice job Rick,  Opening that box was alot like shooting at that bear, Thank you, Eric
Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves at dusk - Habakkuk 1:8


PS Those Rhino calls were the nicest sounding calls, i want to know why they sound so good but don't dare tinker with them...
Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves at dusk - Habakkuk 1:8

Todd Rahm

Rick...........I got the Gratham calls today, and I thank you much for selling them to me and I thank more for the bonus call.  :wink:

I'm thinking that laminated call was the only one left to get, to complete the Granthem set. Thanks again.



Glad you have it. thank's. Rick