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The agony of a parent.....

Started by studabaka, August 07, 2007, 09:55:59 PM

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Nope.... my kids haven't done anything wrong causing me to make this post..... except if you include growing up.

In two weeks I have to take my son to Colorado where he is starting college. I don't think it has fully sunk in yet, but I'm already dreading the trip home. He called me to tell me he changed his class schedule...... He's thinking he may want to switch into the engineering program and wants his classes to count towards that so he chose to switch into Calc II and Physics.  :shrug:

Totally on his own he pursued an ROTC scholarship and ..... he got one. It's Army, but now he is thinking switching it to Marines. I didn't even know that was an option  :shrug: My emotions swing wildly between worry of the risks and pride in the path this young man is charting [largely] on his own. I haven't pushed him one way or another.... trying to just encourage and support his decisions.

...... and I thought the terrible two's was tuff  :doh2:
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff


Your making me think about things that I'm not prepared to think about Stu.
Some days I think I'm stilling dealing with Kyles terrible two's
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Colorado has some fantastic schools and the fishin can't be beat ...all you can do is be thankfull he wants to go to collegeand support him in his indevors  what school he goin to ?

and if'n yer headed to the western slope gimme a shout  :wink:



University of Colorado in Boulder.

Your right on the 'all I can do is be thankful and support', but making the transition to that role now some how seemed easier when he was here...... I'm already missing him and he hasn't left yet  :shrug:

:wo: So how near to Boulder are you? I thinking I could easily get my head around a bit of western hunting and fishing  :biggrin:
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff

Hawks Feather


I had both of mine go to college, not as far away from home  at Colorado, but the oldest did spend a semester in Montana.  It is tough on parents.  Been there, done that, and didn't like it one bit.

As for his choice of work, that does sound pretty good.  Calc and Physics would kill me VERY quickly.  My brain doesn't think that way.  The ROTC is not really all that bad of a plan.  Help with college and if he goes into the service he doesn't start out at the bottom of the pack.



I feel your pain stu! I got one getting letters now for colleges. And trying to decide were she wants to go! Then I got one I haft to make study just to pass! And one that can pass with his eyes shut and has no idea what he wants, were he wants it or if he wants it! :madd:



Stu boulder is about 4 hrs from me I'm in Grand Junction but shoot Nasa a pm he's in boulder  :wink: and if yer gonna be around a couple days ya might consider a trip over the hill  :biggrin:  fishin is GREAAAAAAAAATTTTTT this time of yr


Your son will do just fine.  :readthis: 

PM sent. 



I can't imagine what your feeling Stu. My kids are just 5 and 9, but the very idea of them leaving me someday...... :sad:
I guess God will just have to help me through it....... :sad3:

My heart goes out to you my friend....... ;yes;
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Thanks a bunch guys!!

I had a feeling that some of ya have/had/or will be going through this same thing and figured I'd feel 'better' knowing I'm not alone. I feel pretty good that me and his mom gave him a fair amount of rope early on and allowed him to make decisions and deal with their consequences [good and bad]..... but we were always within spitting distance of the end of that rope to lend a hand if needed. That's the piece that feels like it's changing and while I know it's natural and right, it still gives me pause.

Bow, I may take you up on a visit. It won't be on this trip, but figure I'm gonna be in your neck of the woods more than once over the next few years and a 4 hour detour, even if only for coffee and BSing, to meet with another FnF'r would be no problem.

Thanks for tolerating my whimpering..... probably not the last  :wink:
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff

Bob D

i know what you are feeling, I've done that with two boys. You will feel better,  but it takes a little time. Sounds like your son has his head on straight and he knows what he wants to do. Good luck to both of you. If you want to talk about it in private, PM me and I will try to help you through it.


Hang in there Stu...he'll be just fine. He won't be doing much trappin' in Colorado, but he can always shoot some critters :highclap: I have a daughter getting junk mail from colleges now too. She still has two years to make up her mind,  but just like you have done - we are giving her plenty of rope, but she still knows we are there to back her up. Especially when she needs a bit of guidance. Actually, she will be getting her first college credits this year in Psych and Sociology. It looks like she is going to have the same Pschology Professor as I did. I made sure she knows that I got an A in that class :readthis: Actually I did in Sociology too, but she will have a different Prof. Only two more to go after her -  I only hope they do as well as she is - so far so good.

Go out and do some paddling...roll your kayak a couple times and you will feel much better :biggrin:


Carolina Coyote

Its really hard when the kids grow up and start out on the own going to college getting married but the bright side of all this not to far down the road along comes the grandkids and believe me you get just as attached to them and when they grow up the same thing starts again. Its a never ending thing. Good luck to your son in college, I have a grand son in Wyoming now and I miss him he's my main shooting buddy. cc


Quote from: studabaka on August 08, 2007, 05:10:59 PM
Thanks for tolerating my whimpering..... probably not the last  :wink:

I call that just being a good dad.  :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Stu, let me know when you'll be in Boulder.  That's where I live.  It would be a pleasure to take you and the boy out to dinner!   :highclap:


Stu, sorry your schedule didn't allow you time for a chat.  I hope the separation went smoothly.   :wink:


I have a Son who is starting his Senior year in High School next week,,he says he is going to College but he has been asking me about the Military,,I told him to do what HE wants to do and NOT what his Parents want him to do,,my Ex is havin a Fit ANYTIME he says the word Miltary,,I am ALREADY gettin Anxiety and he STILL has a year in High School to go  :doh2:
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


Tom, I am sorry too..... I kept thinking 'I need to give Tom a shout', but it seemed like we were running the whole time. We met with his commanding officers, filled out mounds of paperwork, stood in mob scene lines multiple times at stores getting stuff for his dorm room, ....etc. But by the time we left, he was moved in and somewhat organized, had met his roomies/others and establishing plans, had his books/supplies and knew where all his classes would be and what assignments were on tap for next week. Got a note from him that he has already been running with a new ROTC buddy getting ready for a physical fitness test they have to take this coming week [sit ups, push ups, and 2 mile run]. I forget the score he needs to get, but I don't expect it will be a problem other than adjusting to the altitude which I'm hearing takes several weeks. I expect to be out there again in the coming months and will do a better job of catching up with you.

Bob, I completely agree. They need to plot their own course to be committed to it and go for it. I never pushed my son to get into ROTC, but I didn't discourage him either. I only asked him what he was thinking, why, and what all he was considering just to feel secure that he was thinking through it all and not just reacting. I hate war and I hate it even more that it is our children we send. But if history tells us anything it tells us that freedom and security do not come free. I pray that he never see's a battlefield, but am proud that he recognizes what many take for granted and live off the scrafices of others. The world has become small and ignoring ass holes, regardless of where they might be hiding, is nieve. I just hope that our leaders are thoughtful and wise on how these precious children are engaged to deal with it and that we here do all we can to see that they are given the best equipment, technology, training, and support .... before, during, and after. I do not think we do a good job of this today.
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff


I agree with you also,,its funny for ME because when I went in around January 1982,I had people ask me WHY I joined,,I said,so MY Children dont have to,,well I was young and DUMB to believe for a Minute that MY Children or ANYONE'S Children would not have to keep the Military tradition Going,,God 1982 seems like it was 25 years ago,,Damn  :doh2: it was 25 years ago  :laf: MAN I am gettin OLD !!!
But as you stated,,we NEED to back our kids with EVERYTHING they need to face a War,,But we never do,,we will always Lack for the "Right Equipment" and the right training,,the Liberals think we can do all the RIGHT things with Nothing,,I know 25 years ago we had a lot of Junk left over from the previous years,,But I guess they do teach us to Adapt,with whatever we have at the time
It sounds like your Son will make a Fine Officer,,and 1 good thing is,,at LEAST he isnt going to that School up North(Mich.)
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: keep us Posted Stu
Thank You
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???