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Monster.com DOES WORK !!!

Started by ohiobob, August 08, 2007, 09:33:52 PM

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We've got a chicken processing plant about 11 miles west of us. It too is full of the way, way south folks.

A guy that I work with who is now an engineer at our plant worked at the chicken place for a few years. You couldn't get him to eat a piece of chicken if you dipped it in chocolate gravy...... :wink:

He told me a few things, I think about it everytime I eat a chicken, but I'm really not all that picky......... :nono:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Well I told the Boss to Pack it in his Ass and loaded my Tools and left them with their mouths agap,,when I asked the one Boss why they lied he told me BECAUSE when they get someone in there they dont quit because they either CANT go back to their old Job OR that if the worker DIDNT have a Job when he came in,he WOULDNT QUIT because he NEEDED the Job
engggggggggggg  WRONG ANSWER !!! I drug up on them (an old Ironworker saying),,it went from 7AM-4:30 PM to 5 AM-6PM or whenever,,and then when I saw the way they treated 1 guy,,that pushed me to the edge,,this guys wife took EVERYTHING a Month ago,,he came home to NOTHING,,seems she got a new Boyfriend,,,well the Court ordered her to reveal where the Kid is living and she will NOT DO IT !!! so she brings the kid down on Saturday at 2 PM and Tuesday at 5 PM to see the Dad,,well they forced him to work Saturday 6 AM - 7 PM and he missed his Visitation,,well the soon to be ex came down to his house on Sunday and started shit and told the Kid that his Dad DIDNT love him or he would have been there on Saturday to see him,,,well it got a Little hairy and the Sheriff was called,,and they damn near arrested the FAther !!! he told the Sheriff that she was defying a Court Order and the Sheriff said he didnt care because he isnt a Judge (I understand that)
well she left,,so on Tuesday we had EVERYTHING running good,,so the Boss's decided they wanted to replace Bearings on a line that WILL NOT RUN FOR AT LEAST ANOTHER WEEK !!! and told the Guy he is working till 6 or 7 Pm and he got to work at 4 AM,,he told the boss he WASNT working because it was his visitation night AND at 4 PM he will have been there for 12 hours,,and the Union Contract says that the Company can NOT FORCE ANYONE to work OVER 12 hours !!! the Boss said that IF the guy clocked out at 4 PM they would consider it as him QUITTING !!!  :argh:  So I said I would stay over and take his Place and the Boss said no,,that My 14 - 16 Hour days was coming,,and then in NOT SO FRIENDLY WORDS I proceeded to tell him that NO,,my 14-16 Hour days was NOT COMING !!! so I packed up my Tools and to the Guard House I went,with a Big Grin on my Face  :biggrin:  I am to damn old to take anyones shit at something as stupid as a Job !!!
I have another Job Brewing,,So I have to go talk to the Guy on Monday to see if I am even Interested,,I talked to the guy for about 10 Minutes on the Phone and Laid it ALL OUT on the table on the Hours I will work,,I told him about me working at the "Funny Farm" for 2 days and then Dragging up,,he said he would have done the SAME  THING !!!  the way shit is going I may just stay retired !!! This other Job is 12 hour Shifts,,BUT only Mon,Tues and Wednesday,,,and then the next week you work Mon-Thursday,,and then just alternate 3 and 4 day weeks,,I am just NOT going to work six 12-14 Hour days  :nofgr:  I NEED my Beauty Rest  :sleep:
BUT I did get to see the 1 sided Mexican Dodgeball Game,,GOD I wish I had a Hat Cam or SOME type of hidden Camera
SO MAYBE my Luck is changing because I got a Phone call from a Guy today that says there is a Local guy that has Sheep,,well last year this guy was Deer hunting on the Sheep farmer and shot a Coyote,,the Sheep Farmer gave the guy a $20 Gift certificate  :shck: so I got the Sheep Farmers name and Number and I am going to tell him that I will give it a try,,for FREE !!! My Buddy got all this rolling without me knowing anything about it  :eyebrow: DAMN I am glad he is my Buddy  :congrats:  so now I can be back on here,,trying to keep up,,hell I was off here for a few days and I am lost,I need to catch up !!!  :yoyo:
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


So ya let em have it did ya? :mad3:
Good man, dont take no shit from any one

I had a boss who drove me to goin after him with a shovel, wait... nevermind
"Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." -PSALM 34--14

Integrity of character and clarity of thought are vital to quality of life.


Yeh,I let them have it,,I am to damn old to put up with anyones Bullshit,,especially if I have to be around them 8-10 hours a day and 5-6 Days a week,,which is the other thing that REALLY pissed me off,,within the first 15-20 Minutes of my first day my shift went from 7AM-4PM to 5 AM - whenever,,I dont work that many hours for ANYONE unless it is MY Business OR if I am having fun (which I wasnt),,,I looked at it like this,,IF a Company LIES to get you in the door,,and then the FOREMAN tells you that the REASON they lie is because MOST people leave a Job and they CAN'T go back to it so they are STUCK there,,OR people that DON'T have a Job will stay there because they need a Job,,well that is PURE BULLSHIT and I let them know I DIDN'T need their friggin Job !!!  :argh:  BUT what really pissed me off was the way they treated the Guy that wanted to see his Young Son because his Wife took off with EVERYTHING,,and they went AGAINST the Union Contract  :readthis: :readthis: :readthis:,,,well the Combination of the above 3 things told me that IF I stayed there I would end up gettin my ass in trouble or put in Jail,,and it has been awhile since I was in Jail,,matter of fact it has been 23 years,,and I sure as hell Dont want to go to Jail over a God damn piece of friggin Chicken !!! I am Picky about a lot of things and a Job ISN'T one of them,,BUT I will be Damned if I am going to put up with Bullshit from Day 1,,I DON'T need it,,hell I just got to a point in my Life where I told myself I am going to stop letting things piss me off and I am going to stop getting mad over anything  :wo: Hmm maybe I can't do it  :wink:
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


AMEN!! BOB, yeah jail sucks I know.  I'm sure you can become passive and let bullshit roll of your back if you really want it.  But it seems like that is the time when people try to take advantage the most.  Maybe you could open a predator hunting guide business or something that IS FUN.  Like you said, your too old for the bullshit so why not mix work with a taste of easy street?
"Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." -PSALM 34--14

Integrity of character and clarity of thought are vital to quality of life.


Quote from: ohiobob on August 18, 2007, 10:15:22 AM
,,hell I just got to a point in my Life where I told myself I am going to stop letting things piss me off and I am going to stop getting mad over anything  :wo: Hmm maybe I can't do it  :wink:

Yep, I think ya still got a ways to go yet, Bob.   :biggrin:


I am as far as I can go semp,,either that or I have to "UP" My Medication :laf:
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???