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Coyote ?

Started by wv_yoter, October 15, 2007, 06:46:22 PM

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I looked thru several pages and didn't see this question asked , so if it has and I overlooked it please point me in the right direction. My question is this. I killed a couple coyotes  on Sept. 28 and three nights ago on Saturday at about 8'o clock at night there was a couple coyotes in the same holler raising cain. So what I'm asking is, could this be their pups searching for mom an dad or just a strange pair passing thru the neighborhood? This is still new to me so if anyone has any thoughts I would really appreciate it. Thanks


There are guys here that will know better than me, but my two cents is that they are part of the same group..... in feb I would say  :shrug:
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff


I'm kinda curious to see what kind of replies you get myself. My guess would be they are from the same group, but I doubt it's younguns looking for Ma and Pa.

First you'd have to be positive that you took out the parents. Second the pups have been out on their own for quite while now I believe.
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  I don't know if that's true about the pups all cut loose already.  The young male we took on sat. was part of an intact family group of five   That's right 5 of of 'em!  Should have had a grenade launcher. :madd:  The young males stomach was empty so I think the gravy train is over though. 
   Your howlers could be either,, but most likely part of same pack. I don't think the big shuffle has started yet, around here anyway.   My 02   :shrug:               'bender


I'm waiting for the heavy hitters to post up too. :biggrin:  I'm thinking maybe a couple more are laying claim to that land & have run the younguns out. That is if you did get the elders. :shrug: JMHO

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Thanks guys , I don't know if it was the parents or not because these were my first and I have no way of telling an old yote from a young one other than body weight. I am pretty excited that there is apparently more of them than I thought, and as soon as I get some time off I'm going hunting.


No heavy hitter here... just a little plump around the middle.  :laf:

Around here, coyotes will claim a prime area pretty quickly. By removing those two you may have opened the area to new comers.  
Within the time frame given I would guess they were from the same group. I don't feel anyone could say for sure, that is, without actually knowing how many's in the group.

Regardless, sounds like a good place to do some more calling.  :wink: :biggrin:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Wether they are from the same family unit or not,, there are still coyotes there to be called in and killed :yoyo:. The void left from a kill will fill in pretty quickly if the habitat is desirable. If I remember right from your posted pics without goin back and lookin, I'm thinkin they were not pups. The Betas will lay stakes to claim the territory or will be beaten out by older stronger coyotes, moving in on there more desirable habitat.. Thus driving the rest of the pack and betas to search for a new home.

Another question along these lines would also be, would new leaders accept any of the existing pack into there pack....and which ones do you think would be allowed to stay and which ones would be driven out? :wo:



You say it was a couple coyotes in the same holler raising cane? It's a tough question to answer for sure.

I saw a study one time on t.v. where a pack of wolves had lost the lowest wolf in their pack to a mountain lion. According to the researchers, the wolves continued to mourn her through howling for quite some time. Whether coyotes could do the same thing......I don't know.

I do know this much about coyotes though. It doesn't take very long for a void to be filled by new coyotes. Whether they be from the same family unit or maybe a subordinate pair that was living on the fringes of the others territory......don't know.

Good question though.

BTW, I don't know who the heavy hitters are, but I reckon I'm about as heavy as any of y'all. After vacation was tallied, I officially gained 6 more pounds. The doc is going to be so pleased...... :rolleye:
I nailed 310 lbs. on the nose today.  :eyebrow: :shck: :huh:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Sorry WV, but the heavy hitters have no clue about your situation as they never would have left coyotes behind, alive! :nono:

Wether they're howling in mourning, to locate the missing pair, or setting up in the territory it's better than having them do this  :hahaha: when you walk outta the woods. :sarcas3:


Since coyotes normally run in a family group, my guess is that you simply heard members of same family which haven't got dead yet.  There is another angle to consider though.  Coyotes claim a certain territory, and the territory has it's boundaries. A deep gorge, a river, interstate highway and sometimes a simple fence line can be the boundary line. Residents from one territory are hesitant to cross over onto territory of other coyotes. Maybe you heard the yippety yowls of coyotes along the neighboring territory?  Just go call em up and shoot em Victor.
Foxpro Field staff


Thanks for the input fellas. I beleive it was unanimous that there are some coyotes to be shot, and they just might be from the same pack. VV you maybe right about the heavy hitters, but at 135 lbs I'm never gonna catch Bopeye  :laf:


Hard to say for sure, most all the replies are dead on. Voids will be filled fast in prime territory's. And I would guess that its members of that family group that was raising cane. Could of been a boundary line like rich said or new coyotes in the area? Sounds like they were yip howling, and by that they were just letting everyone no that that was there territory.

Real hard to say for sure. Either way they are there to shoot!!!!!!! Go shoot them....lol
