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Thanksgiving Trivia w/ prizes

Started by FinsnFur, November 18, 2007, 01:57:16 PM

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What was the first state to adopt Thanksgiving as an annual custom?
In what year did that take place?

As many states followed suit, almost a century later, president Abraham Lincoln appointed Thanksgiving as the last day in November.

What other event took place on that day?
And what year did IT take place?

I'll send the first person to post the correct answers to all four questions, a little prize package of loot.

An unopened DVD of Mark Zepp's DVD "Calling Coyotes - from Warsaw to the Rincons"
An unopened Triple Play Predator Call, by Porath Game calls
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Troy Walter

New york 1817and in 1863 the last thurday in November was assigned the national day of thankgiving.


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New York in 1817,

In 1970 Pope Paul VI was wounded in the chest while in the Phillipines.


In 1870 the New York Times dubbed baseball as "The National Game"

Troy Walter

Ok try this, On Oct 3 1789 George Washington stated the following proclamation and created the first thankgiving.


President George Washington Thanksgiving Proclamation in 1789.

1789 Washington designated a national thanksgiving holiday for the newly ratified Constitution, specifically so that the people may thank God for "affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness" and for having "been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted, for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed...

I admit, I cheated.   Without lookin it up I'd have no Idea.  Sorry if I ruined it, maybe I'm not even correct ??


  New York 1830.  First human face transplant 2005 :shrug:


Troy and Silencer, Looks like you both are getting your info from the whitehouse.gov/news site but your still missing what I'm looking for here, and it's not on that site.

Your both heading in a different direction and what your giving isn't relevant to the questions :nono:

First question;
What was the first state to adopt Thanksgiving as an annual custom?
Answer- NewYork  Troy

Second question;
In what year did that take place?
Answer - 1817  Troy

Third question;
What other event took place on that day?

Fourth Question;
What year did it take place, (the other event)

Here's a hint;
Newyork adopted Thanksgiving Day as an annual event in 1817. Over a span of almost one century later the majority of the other states followed suit.
In 1863 president Abraham Lincoln appointed the day of Thanksgiving as the last Thursday in November. (Something else happened on that day and is believed to have influenced this decision)

President Franklin D. Roosevelt set the date for Thanksgiving to the fourth Thursday of November in 1939 which was then approved by congress in 1941
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Nov 26, 1863
The end of slavery. He chose the last Thursday in November to try to help unite the country in the middle of the Civil War.

Troy Walter

The battle of Gettsburg,and the gettsburg address and he commited his life to christ. 1863


Nov 21, 1621

The Mayflower anchored at Cape Cod


In 1863, Sarah Josepha Hale convinced President Lincoln to proclaim Thanksgiving a national holiday. For the date SHE chose the last Thursday in November because of President Washington's 1789 declaration.

desert dog


The following is a log of Lincoln's activities on this day:

According to Nicolay's account, after breakfast at Wills house, Lincoln retires to his room, where Nicolay joins him, and completes preparation of his speech.

About 10 A.M. President, dressed in black, wearing white gauntlets and usual crepe around hat in memory of Willie, leaves Wills house to join procession. Receives round after round of "three hearty cheers," and shakes many hands as crowd gathers.

Thousands welcome President in Gettysburg. Weather fine. Flags in Washington at half-mast in honor of dead in cemetery at Gettysburg.

Gov. Curtin (Pa.), who arrived last evening with numerous important people on special train from Harrisburg, Pa., remarks to Lincoln about serenade given Gov. Seymour (N.Y.), and Lincoln replies: "He deserves it. No man has shown greater interest and promptness in his cooperation with us." 

President mounts "a magnificent chestnut charger." 

Rides in procession to cemetery.

Head of procession arrives at speaker's platform inside cemetery at 11:15 A.M. President receives military salute. President and members of cabinet, with group of military and civic dignitaries, occupy platform. "The President was received with marked respect and a perfect silence due to the solemnity of the occasion, every man among the immense gathering uncovering at his appearance."

Lincoln shakes hands with Gov. Tod (Ohio), who introduces Gov.-elect John Brough (Ohio), and takes his place between chairs reserved for Sec. Seward and Edward Everett, orator to make principal address. At 11:40 A.M. Everett arrives, is introduced to President, and program music begins.

Once during Everett's two-hour oration Lincoln stirs in his chair. "He took out his steel-bowed spectacles, put them on his nose, took two pages of manuscript from his pocket, looked them over and put them back."

About 2 P.M. Lincoln "in a fine, free way, with more grace than is his wont" delivers Gettysburg Address. He holds manuscript but does not appear to read from it.

On platform, after speech, President remarks to Marshal Lamon: "Lamon, that speech won't scour! It is a flat failure and the people are disappointed."

John R. Young, recording speech in shorthand for Philadelphia "Press," leans across aisle and asks President if that is all. Lincoln replies, "Yes, for the present."

President decides to hear address by Lt. Gov.-elect Charles Anderson (Pa.) at 4:30 P.M. in Presbyterian Church. Meets "old John Burns, the soldier of 1812, and the only man in Gettysburg who volunteered to defend it." Burns accompanies him and Sec. Seward to hear Anderson speak. President's special train leaves Gettysburg about 7 P.M. and arrives in Washington at 1:10 A.M. on Friday.

Lincoln returns from Gettysburg with a mild form of smallpox (varioloid) and remains under half quarantine in White House for nearly three weeks.

"what you pay for your calls is your business, protecting them is ours"


Well on that Date in 1982 My FIRST Ex Wifes Lawyer Removed my Balls and then Removed $200 a Month in Child Support and then basically Took everything EXCEPT my Guns,and a TV Set,,I was in the Military at the time so I took the Guns to my Parents house because Uncle Sam gave me enough Toys to play with and I Gave the New TV Set away to a Guy in a Bar
I KNOW this isn' the answer to the Trivia Question,,BUT I will be DAMNED if I was Thankful for the RAPE that the Legal System Put on me in 1982 !!!
BUT I am Thankful for the Lesson it taught me because if I get divorced from this Wife,,EVERYTHING is MINE  :yoyo: :biggrin:
But I don't have a CLUE to the other answers Jim is looking for  :wo: BUT was it the Cure for a Disease ???  Maybe a cure for the "Bull Head Clap" ??? I give,,was it in the 1900's ???
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???

Bills Custom Calls

In 1947 Princess Elizabeth gets married

By 1830 New York had an official state Thanksgiving Day

Virginia was the first southern state to adopt the custom. It proclaimed a Thanksgiving Day in 1855

But in 1939, President Roosevelt set it one week earlier. He wanted to help business by lengthening the shopping period before Christmas. Congress finally ruled that after 1941 the fourth Thursday of November would be observed as Thanksgiving Day and would be a legal federal holiday.

The Massachusetts Bay Colony (consisting mainly of Puritan Christians) celebrated Thanksgiving for the first time in 1630, and frequently thereafter until about 1680, when it became an annual festival in that colony; and Connecticut as early as 1639 and annually after 1647, except in 1675. The Dutch in New Netherland appointed a day for giving thanks in 1644 and occasionally thereafter.


Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Quote from: weedwalker on November 18, 2007, 11:19:30 PM

Nov 21, 1621
The Mayflower anchored at Cape Cod

THATS! what I was looking for  :eyebrownod: :biggrin: :highclap:

Well since no one could put all the answers in a single post, and if I say someone hurry up and do it, we run the risk of someone who didn't participate cashing in on it all....I'll have to make up another booty package for two winners.

Troy Walter and Weedwalker
Nice work boys. Thank god for the internet uh?  Instant research at your finger tips. :eyebrownod:

I'll get with ya's after work today  :wink:
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Hawks Feather

Congratulations guys.  All of the answers that I though up (for a question from Jim) related to beer, babes, and bull.    :innocentwhistle:   

