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Lead bullet ban in Kalifornia

Started by Lonehowl, December 09, 2007, 04:00:03 PM

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Well, its done. Cant use bullets containing lead in historic condor range in Kalifornia, which is a major chunk, and Im right in the middle of it. :argh: You can still shoot .22  and smaller rimfire , but coyote hunting with them is prohibited (as it should be anyway).

Will have to switch to a non lead bullet.
Who makes lead free .22 caliber bullets anyway? I love my Speer 52 gr. hollowpoints for the 22-250.


hevi shot and barnes varmint grenades are you only choices my firiend.  a buddy here in pa goes to cali a good bit for predators and he was saying he had better results with the barnes varmint grenade. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.

Hawks Feather


Thanks, Ill have to do some research.


Sorry about that Lone Howl. :rolleye:

Such stupidity! :madd:


As a former Kalifornia resident who still keeps a house there, this affects me to, but honestly, it is no big deal.  I've found everything I need from varmint to big game bullets from Barnes and the more I use them, the more I realize they outperform the lead bullets I've been using the last 30 years.    Barnes makes some great .22 bullets including their Varmint Grenade line which is a dynamite bullet for fur hunting as it doesn't tear up the hide like a Nosler or Sierra bullet.


Omega,Ill probably  give the Barnes a try next year thanks.

Gary in CA

Friday, the Fish & Game Commission voted to ban all lead projectiles when hunting for all big game, non-game, rabbits and squirrels.  They're still yammering about upland birds.  They banned all centerfire, rimfire, shotgun, muzzleloader from birdshot to .50 cal.

Carolina Coyote

This sounds like The Fish & Game Commission has some Anti's in the group, The Commission should be Pro-Hunting. cc


Montana fish and game are getting as bad. I had to deal with them on our controlled burns on our ranch. Destoying deer habitat and killing innocent animals :shck:. We have around 30,000 acres and 12,000 of it is solid cedar trees. I told them we are in the buisness of raising cattle not mule deer. As it is the mule deer dont use the cedars untill there is 6 foot of snow anyway, and we haven't had that much since 1978.

Anyway you will be surprised how much more they are against us than are for us.

Right thing easy, wrong thing hard...


Quote from: Smith on December 11, 2007, 09:42:01 PM
We have around 30,000 acres and . . .
Why are we not best friends? :sick2:  hehe
   If anyone is using the  36gr grenade has some field reports, I'd like to hear them.  Haven't had A chance with them yet.
  Contact me for information on how to become one today, and see how easy it is to save money on guns & ammo.  List of references available upon request.


I see that the PRK is at it again.   

Current and HISTORIC range?   Give me a break.   

When I lived in Carmel (70-76), Monterey County was about the only place that condors could still be seen with any regularity, and the residents there loved having them.   And even then mostly only in the area of the vast San Carlos ranch south of Carmel Valley and a few were spotted down by San Simeon.    They didn't fly along the entire central coastal mountain corridor as this map suggests except maybe very rarely, and certainly not in historic inland, northern and southern areas.    I hunted the coastal mountains and fished the ocean along them from Santa Cruz to Lucia nearly every weekend for years and never saw a single one there.   So while I am all for saving this species, this is just another ploy by the states panty twisters to ban firearms in the PRK.   

When I lived there it was all the old homes on the Monterey Peninsula that had lead pipes they were pushing to get torn down and hauled away.    Why?   Because they were putting too much lead into the water table and that was killing all forms of plant and animal life slowly around the peninsula and polluting the ocean.     No scientific fact to back it at the time, but that didn't stop them from trying.   I really loved the area - Carmel is one of the most beautiful and fun places on earth to live.    But I left it in 1976 due to the mentality of the areas politics and never looked back. 

They've tried some pretty innovative tactics over the years to ban all firearms in that state, but this time they may have found the way to make recreational shooting and hunting so impossible that most residents will just give up.    $1000 fine to be caught in about 1/5th of the state starting July 1st with any projectile that exceeds 1% of lead by weight.    And with this in place they'll soon be able to add more surrounding areas as the animals shot with lead in them but not killed "might" wander back into historic condor habitat and be scavenged by them.    Maybe this craziness would help preserve the species in their last stronghold - Monterey County, but there's just not enough of them in the rest of the state to help much.   

How about we just give the RPK back to Mexico?   They are taking it back illegally anyway.   LOL

USN 1967-1971

Thou shalt keep thy religious beliefs to thyself please.  Meus


I could not agree more. What a crock of shit this state is.
It is doomed just like the dino-bird they are trying to save.

Btw, I am in the middle of the state, Tulare Co.

I hunt pretty much everything between there and Bakersfield on over to San Luis Obispo area.


This the most rediculous thing they could have done.

They won't have to ban our guns, just make it impossible or too expensive to find ammo. :rolleye:


And to many people will do anything but VOTE to stop 'em.  :argh:


Quote from: Lonehowl on December 15, 2007, 09:50:15 AM
I could not agree more. What a crock of shit this state is.
It is doomed just like the dino-bird they are trying to save.

Btw, I am in the middle of the state, Tulare Co.

I hunt pretty much everything between there and Bakersfield on over to San Luis Obispo area.

Yep, this ban pretty much takes out all of your hunting range.   I lived in Lemoore for a short time while at the NAS - hunted Coalinga and the mountains around Huntington/Shaver Lakes mostly - fished the Kern RIver.   All gone with the ban too.   Went to SLO often too, but only to dig clams and drink wine.

Kalifornian's don't vote for their politicians do they?   Seems like they've been appointing actors to those jobs for decades.    :rolleye:

USN 1967-1971

Thou shalt keep thy religious beliefs to thyself please.  Meus


Does anything Good come out of California anymore ??? so is this Lead Ban State Wide ??? I have heard Mixed Reports on the Barnes Varmint Grenades, but if it is ALL you can use,then Maybe Barnes will fix the Problems that I have heard of, that is IF these Problems even exist  :shrug: But for your Sake, I hope you start getting More choices of Lead Free Bullits
Maybe other Companies will start making Lead Free Bullits since the Market WILL be good in California  :shrug:
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


The problem with the VG is they explode on contact with any leaf, twig or pine needle in their path.  They aren't very useful for east coast hunting, but they should be fine in the open fields of CA and elsewhere in the west.

If the VG is an issue, you can use the Barnes solids which will push their way through just about anything and leave little tiny holes going in and coming out.  I tried the TSX but they leave a big exit hole.   Since I hunt in the east, I'm in the process of changing out all my VG loads with the solids.