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shotguns for coyotes

Started by hammeryotes, December 14, 2007, 09:18:02 AM

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after posting the rimfire question yesterday, i got some real good reply's; and after going hunting last night i am in full agreement with the folks that recommended the shotgun over the rimfire. i hooked up with jimmie and semp for the first time.  great folks.  jimmie picked a spot and we set up.  five minutes after jimmie started calling, a big yote came in hot.  i shot him at 30 yards with my rimfire right at the base of the head.  it rolled the yote and i thought he was done. a second later he jumped back up and i body shot him.  he took off running and that was it.  we looked for him for 30 minutes or so and nothing.  jimmie was packing a shotgun and also recommended i do the same.  lesson learned.  this weekend i will have the 12 guage.  thanks to jimmie and semp for allowing me to join them for the evening.


I really wish they would change them laws......

Oh well, at least you got to meet Jimmie and Semp. They are both good people in my book. I got to hunt with Jimmie last year and he taught me so much, I was in overload.  :sneer:


Jimmie in Ky

Your welcome gentlemen.

We got lucky with that one, finding him. Conditions are real bad for tracking anything but large animals up there. Rains have packed the ground so hard it won't even take my tracks . Semp and Hammer were wearing grip sole boots and theirs barely showed up. Scats were even washed out and hard to spot. If it weren't for the seeds in them I wouldn't be able to find them at all.

There is a lot of pressure in there from other hunters keeping animals moving a lot. Need some cold weather in the worst way! It will improve tracking conditions and weed out all but the hardcore hunters. Jimmie


It was great meeting hammeryotes and Jimmie.  Both hammeryotes and Jimmie are first class guys.  I had a real good time and learned some new things.

I think a large part of the rimfire problem hammeryotes had was that he was using a .22 LR instead of a .22 magnum.  I think the magnum would have had a better effect on the yote.  Of course, a .243 would be even better.   :biggrin:


I use a shotgun for predators most of the time I cannot see anymore then 100 yds.  I figure they are coming or they are not going to come.  and in the woods they come or you do not see them.  and most of the time with the shotgun they are DRT or you missed em.  here is a link to what my shotty looks like  deadly out to 50 yds on fox and I do not have many shots to 70 but if I needed it I might make the shot. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


Quote from: Semp on December 14, 2007, 10:46:29 AM
It was great meeting hammeryotes and Jimmie.  Both hammeryotes and Jimmie are first class guys.  I had a real good time and learned some new things.

I think a large part of the rimfire problem hammeryotes had was that he was using a .22 LR instead of a .22 magnum.  I think the magnum would have had a better effect on the yote.  Of course, a .243 would be even better.   :biggrin:

you are right semp.  i didn't mention the fact that i was shooting a 22 lr and mot the mag.  there is no doubt that the mag will do a much better job on them yotes.  i was just up the road pricing one at lunch time.  right now i'm in limbo whether to spend the money on the new mag or just take the shotgun that i already have. :wo:  anyhow, i will let you guys know how things go this weekend.  they are calling for snow so i'm chomping at the bit.  i'm planning on hunting tomorrow afternoon and then hit the roads around 3;00 a.m. on sunday to start checking for tracks and then go back through the same loops just before daylight.  hopefully pick up on the red hot tracks and be able to make a play on something.  of course that all sounds great providing it snows. 


I wished I lived closer to LBL.  I'd be right there with ya, hammer.  Good luck!! 



Quote from: Semp on December 14, 2007, 12:47:08 PM
I wished I lived closer to LBL.  I'd be right there with ya, hammer.  Good luck!! 


just break the ties and get on down here semp.  would love to hunt with you again. :yoyo:


Semp is a good guy from what i can tell,sold me a JS PM e-caller.


I have been hunting LBL almost twenty five years and have settled on my shotgun as the better weapon to hunt with. It rolled 2 out of 3 called in last weekend, did not get a shot at the third. seen five total.  One was a beutiful red.


Quote from: hammeryotes on December 14, 2007, 09:18:02 AM
after posting the rimfire question yesterday, i got some real good reply's; and after going hunting last night i am in full agreement with the folks that recommended the shotgun over the rimfire. i hooked up with jimmie and semp for the first time.  great folks.  jimmie picked a spot and we set up.  five minutes after jimmie started calling, a big yote came in hot.  i shot him at 30 yards with my rimfire right at the base of the head.  it rolled the yote and i thought he was done. a second later he jumped back up and i body shot him.  he took off running and that was it.  we looked for him for 30 minutes or so and nothing.  jimmie was packing a shotgun and also recommended i do the same.  lesson learned.  this weekend i will have the 12 guage.  thanks to jimmie and semp for allowing me to join them for the evening.

Right there, to me, is what this site is mostly about!  ;yes;  Good job fellers! Proud of ya!  :highclap:


Aint there a penalty for connecting on a coyote with less then 25 posts on the board  :confused:

Good deed by Jimmie and Semp. Hammeryotes, welcome to the site  :wink:
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Sounds like you guys had fun. :yoyo:

Quotei got some real good reply's; and after going hunting last night

I get a little mixed up now days :doh2: was this a   night hunt? or a daytime evening hunt?



Quote from: CCP on December 17, 2007, 05:26:35 AM

Sounds like you guys had fun. :yoyo:

Quotei got some real good reply's; and after going hunting last night

I get a little mixed up now days :doh2: was this a   night hunt? or a daytime evening hunt?
evening hunt.  i wish we could hunt at night here. :rolleye:


What kind of damage does a shotgun do to the pelt? Or does it matter to you?

Just wondering  :biggrin:  My main reason for going after Yotes is the pelt, that why I only hunt them when they are in prime.

" I've spent most of my life hunting and fishing. The rest of the time was just wasted."


Quote from: finhunter on December 17, 2007, 03:04:31 PM
What kind of damage does a shotgun do to the pelt? Or does it matter to you?

Just wondering  :biggrin:  My main reason for going after Yotes is the pelt, that why I only hunt them when they are in prime.
i personally hunt them because it is FUN !!! If I had to think of a reason to justify shooting coyotes, it would be, "Predator Control".  But it is always nice when you can go someplace where the hides are worth selling.  As for you're question, I don't know.  I have never killed I coyote with a shotgun, but I'll get back to just as soon as I do.  Best of luck to ya!


I understand about predator control. We'll probably never really control the population of coyotes and it is fun to hunt them. I just think of them as a crop and harvest time is November through February. I might try bustin a few outside of that boundry, just for th fun of it though.

" I've spent most of my life hunting and fishing. The rest of the time was just wasted."


Shotgun won't hurt the pelt at all.  I've shot a lot of fox over the years with a shotgun and never had a problem.

Jimmie in Ky

No damage to the pelt. I would say a load of bb's is about as pelt friendly as you can get. Now if they got real close and personal, less than ten yards, there might be some sewing involved. But I use a standard full choke tube.

Animals I saw hit with dead coyote last winter were in good shape shot at around 20 yards. Not sure what tube he had in his gun at the time.

You also have to understand we are hunting in timber as well. You can't always get the animal to give you the best oportunity for a shot. He may be moving at close range and that is the only chance you have, can't always stop them where you want them.

The cover here was thick enough that my phone rang while I was looking at where to set up. We talked in conversational tones as well. A lot more noise going on than most believe can be gotten away with.  Winds were somewhere near ten miles an hour. This animal was in Hammers lap within five minutes.  Jimmie