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another one this morning

Started by ilcoyote, December 29, 2007, 08:18:23 PM

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I went out this morning and on my first stand had one dog barking and challenging me back. Then I had a group of goose hunters show up and set out their spread between me and the dog . They had two black labs which I proceeded to mess with. After a couple of minutes messing with them and the guys hollering at their dogs I got up. "The looks on their faces was worth it". So I headed south about 8 miles and set up. After a few howls I had another house dog start to throw a fit and then I heard a challenge out in front of me across the road.

This dog crossed right past my truck and was heading toward me. Then I saw movement to my right and there out in the bean field was another coyote just sitting there watching.  Not a sound out of that one. I looked back toward the first one and it was on its way back from where it came. The second one got up and headed back where it came from. So I got up and headed toward its direction since I had over a 1/4 mile or more to cover. I picked a spot overlooking a grass field and did some barking with my mouth since I knew that the dog was close by. After a few barks she showed up and BOOM!!.


Jimmie in Ky

Sounds Like the Brian I know so well  :biggrin: You reckon the goose hunters could keep their mind on bussiness after being screwed around a bit  :roflmao: Jimmie


I Dont know about the guys but the labs sure didnt like it. Must of been city dogs. I might not be going to the LBL hunt this yr. I would like to head out west again. Stan and lance are wanting to go so I guess they will be there.

Jimmie in Ky

I am looking forward tro seeing them again. Hope you change your mind too. Jimmie


See...I just cant imagine Brian being the type of person that would mess with someones dog out there like that  :shrug:

:hahaha:PHHFFFFFFFFT! :laugh2:
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