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How many use a decoy?

Started by cb223, January 01, 2008, 05:43:42 PM

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How many of you use a decoy predator hunting.

Why or why not?

If so what kind and with hand calls or e-caller?


I used one till an owl flew off with it. I plan on getting another  :biggrin: I think they help divert the critters attention.
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff


do you think they increase your chances of a critter "committing?"

Us that hunt in the thick stuff and might call in stuff we never see, could we benefit from a motion decoy?

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


I hunt in some pretty thick stuff. Mos of the time I try to position both the caller and the decoy a few feet off the ground. The few critters I have called clearly had no problem picking up the movement even though it was thick. I'm a believer they work and until I start consistently putting fur down figure I'll leverage every advantage I can.
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff


I use a Jack in the Box about 90% of the time. I never know when I am going to call a cat, and it REALLY helps with cats...I also believe it helps more than hurts with coyotes.

That being said...the last cat we called/killed we weren't using anyhitng but a little Kat Kaller, we also killed a coyote on the same stand...Hmmmmmmmmmm



 I just posted on this in another forum. I have used lots of different decoys through the years from store bought to homemade jobs. I use the one on the Minaska all in one when using the e-caller and the Whirling woodpecker.

I use mostly hand calls so the whiling wood pecker gets used the most. It is small, light and is made of a hard plastic so I dont Have the problem of it distributing even more scent. I Liked the JIB for a while but the switches would get turned on in the bag . Most of my equipment uses AAA and it used C batteries plus it was bulky. I sold it last year at the LBL. Will it work yes.

Will a decoy help in the thick woods?? Yes but in the thick woods you need a decoy up off the ground. I have an extension for the Minaska decoy from yoters den and they also make one for the JIB I think it wood help in the woods. This is another reason I like the whirling wood pecker you can clip it on almost anything. The only draw back is it does eat batteries but not a big problem for me I use rechargeable.




I have been kicking the idea around for a while of getting one of those minaska decoy things. I am afraid that it just will end up as another gadget to pack into the woods. I am not looking for a magic bullet but wow these coyotes got me asking myself "what am I lacking, how do I keep missing them, do I suck that bad?"  I have used 2 different E-callers, a variety of sounds, set-ups, locations, weather patters and on and on. I gotta get these buggers to commit.

I think these coyotes take a little more convincing than in other areas. I know NH guys that have shot a bunch, but some how I am missing the boat.

I have also had people touch on the idea that THEY will CONTROL from what direction the animal response from by using the motion in a certain way to their advantage.

I guess it is just one of those things, do I get one or not? Just can't decide.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


I was at Gander Mt. today. I had a Whirling woodpecker and wiggling rabbit(forget the name brand) decoy in hand. I couldn't decide which one or how much help it would be. I use all hand calls so the sound would be in a different place than the decoy.

If I go with the woodpecker do I have to use only bird sounds or doesn't it really matter. If I use a rabbit distress and the coyote or fox sees a bird fluttering around are they gonna look at it and say "YEA RIGHT".

Forgive my ignorance. I've been after predators for a few years now and I just can't seem to get it right. There's been a few almost but I really want to connect in the worst way.


QuoteIf I go with the woodpecker do I have to use only bird sounds or doesn't it really matter.

Wont matter, I have had them come in with all kinds of different sounds using decoys that didn't look like the sound.
Before getting the whirling woodpecker I called several in with bird sound and they came to the JIB and it don't look like a bird and vice cersa.

Decoys help some of the time but just because you have one and they see it doesn't always mean they will come a running to it. I have had several coyotes within feet of a moving decoy and they not pay it any attention. I had a predator enticer on 2 occasions actually scare the coyote when the unit came on. The coyotes that do lock on to a decoy can sometimes be almost unstoppable for a shot.



Im with CCP. I quit using decoys years ago. It was a wash. Half ran from it and the other half were somewhat interested. Besides, in my area, if the coyote can see the decoy, he should already be dead.


I place as much value on learning what not to do as I do in knowing what to do.


Quote from: cb223 on January 01, 2008, 06:51:25 PM
I was at Gander Mt. today. I had a Whirling woodpecker and wiggling rabbit(forget the name brand) decoy in hand.

I think you are referring to the Quiver Critter.   I bit and bought one.  For $19.95 I thought "Why not?"  Decoys and hand calls are starting to look a lot like fishing lures.  They catch mostly fishermen and coyote hunter wanna-be's.  :biggrin:


Semp, thats the one. Is it a good thing that it is still at the store?



You NEED one of these!  Run, don't walk, to Gander Mtn fast....before they are all gone!    :roflmao:

Seriously, the danged thing looks pretty good to me.  But then, I ain't a coyote.   :nono:



I truthfully was leaning more towards the whirling woodpecker only because it was alot smaller and I hate dragging all that crap out to the woods!

The only way I would buy a decoy is the majority on this site said "I will kill more critters with it".

Now that I posted this I'm sure everybody will tell me to buy one.  :hahaha: :innocentwhistle:


In my opinion.

Cats ....yes



I place as much value on learning what not to do as I do in knowing what to do.


Get a decoy dog.......... :innocentwhistle: :eyebrownod:

Chet and I have used some funny looking decoys, but they worked. Now we go with the "lesser is bester"........... :iroll: :biggrin:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free



If you weren't so far away I would be getting a decoy dog! :eyebrownod: I even have all of the kids approval.


I say just howl the crap outta them every freaking day and wave your damn confederate hat while doing so....  :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


QuoteI say just howl the crap outta them every freaking day and wave your damn confederate hat while doing so....

:confused: :shrug: :sleep: :shck: :huh:



Foxpro Staff Infection Free