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Dear Hillary, and the rest of you running for President

Started by THO Game Calls, January 06, 2008, 08:39:25 AM

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THO Game Calls

This will be the first time my son will be able to vote in a Pesidential Election, and with that, participate in the Primary Process.  So, as a family, we sat down together last night and watched the debates.

At the end of the Republican Debate, my son asked me what I thought.  I told him, that after seeing it, I was ready to put a bullet in my head.

Mitt Romney thinks Big Corporations are all good.   That the Market will even things out.  Hmmm, I'm paying 3 bucks a gallon for gas, and 3.25 for fuel oil.  I'm not so sure the market is working in this case, especially when I am going broke and Exonn/Mobile claims record proffits of 40 BILLION dollars.  I did like the part about sending all the illegals back.  But it's not enough to get my vote. 

Fred, you don't seem like you care, or maybe know.  I was not that impressed.

Rudy, you're a sneaky snake.  I wouldn't be able to trust you with my daughter if I had one, but maybe that's what we need in the white house.  Someone who is a little bit of a crook.

Ron Paul, sorry you had to spend the night at the debates.  I know you really wanted to be out watching for UFO's with Dennis Kucinich.

John McCain, I'm not sure after last night that you will last 4 years in the white house?  You seemed to have a tough time holding a cognitave thought.  You stumbled and bumbled all over the place.  It's like someone kept you up way past your bed time.

And Hucklby, well, I suppose out of all of them, you came across the most sane.  But if we get attacked again, I don't want you holding a prayer service on the White House steps.   I'm not sure you have the courage to be President.

Oh my, I just was not impressed with any of them.   

Then we watched the Dems. 

I hear them all talking about "Change".   First, why is it that every four years we have one party or the other telling us how messed up things are and how much change we need?  All of you have been in Government for years, so why haven't you changed anything already?

Especially you Hillary?  You say you have been working for change for 35 years.  I aplaud effort, but honestly, if things are still this messed up, what have you accomplished?  At 53, I don't have another 35 years to wait for things to get better.  I'm a results kind of guy you know?

And all of you are talking about Health Care.

I'll tell you how to put a dent in Health Care here in the North East.  It's really easy.   Let us heat our homes to something more than 50 degrees for 5 months of the year so our kids wont get sick.   Allow us to buy gas for our cars at a reasonable price so we can afford to drive them to school instead of having to make them walk in 10 below weather.

Did anyone else watch the debates last night or were you all watching football?  We vote on Tuesday.  I'm hoping there is a block for "None of the Above".

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
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QuoteRon Paul, sorry you had to spend the night at the debates.  I know you really wanted to be out watching for UFO's with Dennis Kucinich.

So true!  :roflmao:




I feel the same way. I really wonder where were headed here. None of the candidates are any more appealing then  the other.

Something has to be done, and I dont think any of them have or are an answer. I got a feeling this country's gonna hit rock bottom before 2008 is over.
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I don't know; I think Barack Obama has some promise.
He's a great speaker and a visionary, and I think that's what we need right about now.
Red Slicker \ˈred*ˈsli-kər\: a city slicker partially enlightened by the ways of the redneck


Quote from: Flaming_Redneckery on January 06, 2008, 01:52:53 PM
I don't know; I think Barack Obama has some promise.
He's a great speaker and a visionary, and I think that's what we need right about now.

Tell me I didn't just read that............ :rolleye:  :sad3: :sick2:

Barrack Hussein Obama.........his pop was a raghead.......... :rolleye:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


I agree with Jim. We are going to hit rock bottom, but I believe it's gonna be far worse than anyone suspects.
China, for all practical purposes, owns us. Mexico, for all practical purposes, is taking us over. We average one illegal alien into this country less than every 30 seconds. That is an invasion folks!!! Hitler, statistically, couldn't put people in place as fast as Mexico can.  :rolleye:
Our decent jobs are gone and still we have an insatiable appetite for living above our means. We're screwed.
In the words of Ross Perot, let's just set back and keep listening to the "Great Sucking Sound" brought on by NAFTA!
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

Bills Custom Calls

I can't even believe that some would even consider obama to lead our nation anywhere.He has no respect for our flag so in my eyes he has no respect for our country.

I say we need to have a big tea party out your way Al our fore fathers did it and got there point across.I think we all need to stand up fire all the politicians and start over

Just My Thoughts

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


I believe THO Al has the best idea. Provide a block for "None of the above".  I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I think they feed us too big a portion of BS with all this coverage of the various caucuses and polls.  If they would just restrict these candidates to talk about the issues, and give us credit for being able to make a sensible choice, we'd be better off.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff

Jimmie in Ky

I think Obama hit washington as sincere as he could be. But he has since learned th Washington two step and is as corupt as the rest. If you pay attention to some intervues , they are full of double talk and he says nothing. At least Bill asked what our definition was.

Fred has been a huge disapointment.

I say to heck with the tea party. Lets have a politician party . Guess what gets thrown over board. Jimmie


Yep, it is sad to see what surfaces to run for election.  The problem is that there are lots of very qualified folks out there who won't go through the suffering it takes to run an election campaign.  Because they are smart and well qualified they are already rich and don't need the headaches.  Plus, the media goes back to the time you were in diapers to find any kind of dirt or scandal.  Who needs that? 

Ya gotta be crazy to run for national election in my view.  That's why we got what we got.  And that is so sad to say.

northern coyote

Quote from: Flaming_Redneckery on January 06, 2008, 01:52:53 PM
I don't know; I think Barack Obama has some promise.
He's a great speaker and a visionary, and I think that's what we need right about now.

And here I like'd you fer a bit :)
I'm learnin' and I've got nothin' but time

Carolina Coyote

I HAVE TO AGREE WITH BOPEYE, WELL SAID :yoyo: :highclap: :congrats:

     BOPEYE FOR PRERSIDENT!! :eyebrow:


Hawks Feather

As  much as I like "none of the above", we had all better vote.  Maybe it will be a vote for the "best of the worst", but I do plan to vote.  While the person I finally cast my vote for might now win, I will have at least supported them at the election.   

It is remarkable how things can be looked at when you become a candidate.  My cousin was labeled (by a fellow republican running for the same seat in the special primary) as a "tax and spend" liberal.  In the TV ads by the opponent,  Bob even went so far as to vote in favor of an increase in the gas tax.  Now for the kicker, the bill was sponsored by the fellow Republican - HE started the bill and then attacked Bob for voting in favor of HIS bill.  I guess it all came out in the finals - Bob won the election and was sworn in shortly before Christmas.  But, it sure made it clear to me that I would NOT want to run for office and I am pretty sure there are very qualified people that feel exactly the same.

Bop would be a good candidate and stand a chance till they start showing pictures of him and his kids shooting.  Firearms and lead pollution.  There goes his Massachusetts' vote.   :roflmao:


Carolina Coyote

I do plan to vote regardless of my feelings right now of being frustrated on whom to vote for but rest assured it will not be for Obama.cc

THO Game Calls

It seems like every election, we end up picking the best of the worst.  What a sad commentary on our political system.

Right now there's so much BS flowing in New Hampshire they will probably declare the entire state a bio hazard by Wednesday.

If I could ask any one of them one question, it would be

"Who's going to clean up this mess?"

Not the mess in Washington, the mess on Main street.  The mess on Elm St.  The mess on Granite St. 

Who is going to pick up all these stupid signs when you all leave?


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Ya all these guys are lame. I am now entering the election! Vote BasinBoy 08!!! :biggrin:


Voting for the lesser of two evils is what these elections have become. Vote democrat & know up front you will pay more taxes & lose your gun rights. Vote republican & silently have a beady eyed little prick take things away that you've busted your ass to earn but be able to go & shoot your guns IF you live within walking distance of your hunting property or range. I'll vote too,, and it won't be for either one of those ragheads from Chicago or New York. :argh:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I haven't missed a vote in twenty years, which is when I turned eighteen. I will continue to vote, but I just don't have any idea for who just yet.......... :rolleye:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


I missed two elections. I moved & forgot to re-register.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Brad H

As far as I can tell, Huckabee is the only one who backs hunters and gun rights. But I don't know if he's the guy to stomp a mud hole in the terrorist's ass like Al mentioned. That's where Mckaine comes in, but that's all he's riding on it seems. There's just no winning with this deal.

It's one extreme or the other and absolutely no independents.
