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Runnin Dead

Started by FinsnFur, January 20, 2008, 03:04:52 PM

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Rick223 and I endured the -14 below temps this morning to tour the frozen river bottoms.

We had a train sweeping through about a hundred yards behind us. Sounded like the whole world was crumbling from the inside out down there. He lit up his horn as he sailed down the edge of the river, so since we were in our third series of calling I'd figure I'd change it up by answering the train with some howling.
So I'm fumbling around with the remote on the E-caller and Rich's gun cracks off. :doh2:

That produced this young male, and almost ended up in Rich's lap.
I can't remember what he said he had for a load in his AR, but the coyote showed up to his extreme left approx 30yds away and a direct 'head on shot' to the chest left him hanging open like 6 yards of used mud fence. :eyebrownod:

Blood just spewed as he ripped around the structure looking for cover.

  :laf: Made it maybe 20 yards. You can see his blood trail in the snow on this pic. He was shot at the left edge of the pic, and piled up where the red circle is.

Like Yoey pointed out in one of his posts, it's amazing how far these guys can run on absolutely nothing.

Made two more stands, came up empty handed and it warmed up to about -10 below. We got over heated and headed home for some shade.  :laf:

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 Good Job :yoyo: I dont know how you guy's do it when it is sooooo cold? Of course I never lived nowhere it got that cold either.

Must have been a grazing shot. :wink:


Bob D

Nice job and good pictures. That landscape looks cold to an Alabama boy ! :congrats:


Nice job guys. We went hunting last night, it was a toasty 5 degrees. :biggrin:


Congrats guys, yall made out better than we did.  One lone set of tracks at my honey hole this morning, suspect sometime after the fresh snow last night.   We set up anyhow,  I guess we were out a total of one hour and I couldnt feel my fingers and toes with rocky 800gram thinsulate boots on and wool socks.  Was gonna hit where we heard them yesterday the second stand but decided to call it an early day.  I'm a wuss, I blame it on a doe season when I was a teen in sub zero temps draggin a big one back with thin gloves on and old boots.  Hands and feet havent been the same since !!

Good job guys !!!  :yoyo:


Cool! Congrads! I would of like to got this AM myself but I got this damn cold back again and had some other things need taken care of. But I did hear JD killed one today!

Cold temps and Coyotes go hand and hand!



Congrats on surviving!  Good coyote too.  :highclap: :highclap:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Quote from: CCP on January 20, 2008, 03:13:23 PM

Must have been a grazing shot. :wink:

LMAO , was thinking the same thing !  Hurry up Jim, get these photos down before the "shot placement" expert shows up ! lol  :roflmao: :laf: :eyebrownod: :roflmao:


Way to go Jimbo.....I hear ya about the weather, It couldn't have been better temp wise. The winds here were rippin though. We got right in close to em and got 1 about 1:00 today. We don't have any snow on so I didn't get to see the little frozen red ball trail.

That country your in looks good!!

Say.....Let's have a beer!  I know Brent started without us,, I talked with him earlier on the phone and I think he hit the bottle soon as his head left the pillow :innocentwhistle: :readthis: :biggrin:

Congrads on the dog...and surviving the heat wave :eyebrow:



QuoteSay.....Let's have a beer!  I know Brent started without us,, I talked with him earlier on the phone and I think he hit the bottle soon as his head left the pillow   

All right now! I didn't start till almost 7:00 PM! I been on the phone all day doing business while you all get to go hunting! Hows that right? I was on the phone and still drinking coffee this morning!


Troy Walter


Man that looks COLD!!!!!!!!!  :puke:



It wasn't no grazing shot, but your more then welcome to rip on me about it... I didnt shoot it anyway.  :nono: :biggrin:

But seriously...I shoulda got a pic of it but you coulda stuck your foot in his chest cavity, that thing was empty. And after dealing with that louse covered yote earlier this week, I was gonna grapple that hog and open him up for ya. :nono:  :pout:
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Sometimes a coyote don't know it's dead. They have such a great well to live it's hard to believe. I've shot them right through the heart with 308s, 7mm-08s and even 270s and had em run 50 yards or so with no heart and a hole you could drive a truck through. I don't know of any other animal that can take the punishment a coyote can. We hunt em, but you got to respect them.

Brad H

Well it's about time you guys knocked something over....sort of. :biggrin:

I've had a couple that did that. One in particular didn't even fall over. I hit right where I aimed, He turned and ran and disappeared. Exactly like any other miss.

I was so mad I picked up my gun and started walking toward the truck. But after about 30 steps away from the stand, I figured I look over that small ledge and see how the hell he got out of there without me seeing him. Sure enough, there he was, deader than hell just over the ledge with a hole through both lungs.

It hasn't happened since but I suspect it will happen again.

Cool pics too you got, BTW. Mine wasn't nearly that dramatic.



WTG Rick 223 and Jim,
It was 28 in South Georgia yesterday.  Cold for there but not nearly as cold as where you were.
Congratulations on a nice coyote!!   :yoyo: :yoyo:



Ripping a line from the old Startrack TV show:  Dr. McCoy says to Captian Kirk....  "It looks dead to me, Jim"  :laf:

Good job, guys !   :congrats: :highclap:

Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Great job! And me likes the pics!!   :highclap:


Hey everybody hows it hangin?
Thanks Jim for postin the pics I like seein my handi work.
I would like to say Jim did a good job callin he brought it in to about 30 or 40 yards just after the train went by. :yoyo:
But someone needs to invent batteries that hold up in the cold.
I was told the temp was -30 at 6:30am and it sure felt like it I had four layers of clothes on felt like I was  just wearin a wind breaker, and it didnt take long to lose feeling in my fingers.
That hole was made by a 25-06 with a 75 grain v-max., (I like em messy :biggrin:)
it was a chest shot it broke the one leg and cleaned out pretty much all of the chest cavity if you looked close when you opened it you could see out of  his rearend  :eyebrownod:
Well me and my boy are headin out tonite we got a big shiny moon on the way up lots of fresh snow clear as a bell and its a balmy 7 degrees.
Thanks guys for all the comments.
Good luck to everyone
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle


Quoteit was a chest shot it broke the one leg and cleaned out pretty much all of the chest cavity if you looked close when you opened it you could see out of  his rearend   :eyebrownod:

You wouldn't catch me sticking my head in there looking for daylight!!  :pout: :roflmao: :roflmao:  Good Luck tonight & stay warm!!  :wink:

:wo:  Never mind!! You meant 7* ABOVE the zero!!  :doh2:   :laf: :laf:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


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