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KY Coyote

Started by kcb346, February 06, 2008, 08:39:31 AM

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This is my first yote. Jan. 1, 2008. I was set up in a draw of the dam of a pond, with a fallen Oak as a backdrop. Hills on both sides. I had set up at dawn and was in place for about ten minutes. I caught movement to my right, coming down the hill, at about 50 yards. I had just enough time to pick up my rifle, cock, aim and shoot. Dropped her at ten yards in front of me. There was another with her that took off like a scolded dog. If I knew then what I learned at LBL, I might have been able to get the other one to come back.

    To add insult, while I was retreiving the female I saw another to my front at about 270yds. I did try to coax that one with no success.

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, and thats why it's called the present.


Nice looking coyote there kcb346. :yoyo:


Nice looking yote kcb.


Congrats on a fine kill !   :highclap: :highclap:


Congrats on the yote!  How did ya know to set up the way ya did?  Seeing 3 dogs sounds like you're in a hot spot.  :eyebrow:


Congrats on a nice yote.  That one at 270 yds that you couldn't coax had already made you in all probability, and it is seldom they can be called back once they have seen you.  :highclap:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff



This farmer has been having problems. Scouting revealed alot of track and sign. I was fortunate to have the sun to my back and no wind that morning. I have been back several times, fresh sign and fresh kill, but have had no luck. I am going to leave it alone for a while. Have several other places to go.
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, and thats why it's called the present.


 :yoyo: Ya gotta love when that happens. Congrats on your first, and thanks for taking the time to share the story
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Nice Coyote! And congrads on the first of many!



WTG Beaver Pimp! :thumb2:

Didn't recognize you w/ that beard at first. :confused:


Nice dog!   Looks like you made a good shot.  It's a kick isn't it!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


               Nice dog you got there.. How long did you sit after you shot that one??  Maybe there were more than 3 .... congratulations on the kill :congrats:


Nice coyote kcb346 and congrats on your first :yoyo: HEY wait a minute your not the same kcb346 that came to LBL :wo: Oh yea thats you!!! I can tell by the Led light on your hat (you trickster you)  :nofgr: Dude you didnt have to shave just for us...... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)



Nice lookin coyote!! Looks like your boy wants to get in on the hunt too!!  :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11



Bob D

Way to go on your first coyote. Nice one too!!!!


I waited a few minutes, but did not know that I might have a chance at another.

I know thw beard throws people off, I might grow it back.

My boy does want to get into the hunt, I dont think he is patient enough yet. I'll give him another year of wanting.
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, and thats why it's called the present.