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FoxPro's new Open Country Caller

Started by FinsnFur, February 24, 2008, 12:29:23 PM

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"You Fox Pro suckasses can't see that that's a BLATANT COPY!  Just like they copied Bandit!
Don't be pissin' down my back & tell me it's raining. "
  When you have time, go over to foxPro's main site and take a look in their custom shop. Even YOUR eyes should be able to see that the Prairie blaster in there has very same case as the "Open country" caller, which is a different case than Minaska uses.
While you are over on FoxPro site, you may  also notice that the "Open Country" is not offered there. At the time of this post, allpredatorcalls.com is the only dealer handling those callers. They are not copy's Victor. They are FoxPro all the way. I don't know why you chose to come in here and insult FoxPro and those of us who speak highly of them. I would appreciate it if you would please edit your post. Thanks in advance.  :confused:
Foxpro Field staff


vvarmitr :  I have to admit I am quite surprised at the content of your post.  I gave you more credit than that. I have nothing against Minaska at all, and have no problem with someone preferring their product.  But when you start name calling and making insulting remarks, that is a different matter.  I would venture a guess that a good deal of the advancement Minaska has made in the past few years has been a result of them trying to catch Foxpro.  If you really think Minaska is ahead of Foxpro on the technology curve, that is your right to think any way you want.  I do think you should show Foxpro owners a little more respect though.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Wrong side of bed this morning James?  :shrug: Good you kept those size 14's off your buddies remote, but probably could have made your point of view here w/o using them on fellow board members.   :doh2:
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff


You Fox Pro suckasses can't see that that's a BLATANT COPY!  Just like they copied Bandit!
Don't be pissin' down my back & tell me it's raining. "

WOW..... :shck:   :argh:



I am glad Foxpro and Minaska are in the business.  Maybe both companies products will only get better from the competition.  We hunters win from that. 

The calls look similar.  If something has been done illegal, the lawyers will sort it out soon enough.



vvarmintar if those buttons hurt ur fingers u have a problem, maybe carpeltunnel or maybe just a case of the whines, u probable have a real hard time hunting and walking in the woods, maybe u sould sit in ur rocking chair and stop posting nastie stuff about fox pro


Easy boys......there has been enough mud slingin here lately to fill in the grand canyon. How about if we just agree to disagree?  :wink:


I wish I could get all this noise into a caller and see if you guys can call anything..... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Just kidding I couldnt resist :biggrin:
One thing for sure we all like to see them dogs work and what ever you use to get there use it.
If I go fishing I like to use a spinnerbait that dont mean they wont bite a worm. :nono:
And it all costs to much. Life is short and I like spinnerbaits! :yoyo: :yoyo:


I'm jumping on the Minaska Wagon myself. But it's really nothing to fight about.

One thing you'll notice about this site Al, that really sets us apart from the others....is if someone has a different opinion on a product...were going to hear it. I guarantee it.:eyebrownod:

Other sites edit the posts, or ban people, or suspend posting privileges etc, for speaking their mind on certain products. I know one forum in particular that will literally wipe your post clean, and reprimand you for saying anything derogatory about FoxPro. Which is pretty sad. Members are only allowed to post positive hype about FoxPro there. And no it's not the FoxPro forums either. :nono:

Members here are encouraged to speak about their opinions on products, whether it be good or bad. Canned praised is easy to recognize and often ignored.

On that note I will agree VV didn't have to call anybody names, and that's really not who he is. He more then likely just got frustrated, as we all do :shrug:
VV shake it off and get back here :congrats:

Look at it this way, when he made that post he was really only looking out for you guys best interest.  :wink:
:laf: Ok...that wasn't called for either was it.

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AWWW I am just horsing around, I am all about freedom of expression, and I love spinnerbaits I do :roflmao: :roflmao:
golfertrout is a friend of mine and an awsome hunter and we have seen them yotes come to all kinds of calls.
He just got his fox pro a while back and he worked hard to get it. And I must say they have adapted well to calling coyotes together. I am just affraid of leaving those two alone too long :innocentwhistle: :innocentwhistle:
He is to good a hunter to worry about this stuff when he should be checking the weather for our hunt this week :eyebrownod: :eyebrownod:
Dont worry golfertrout I will bring my hand calls in case you wear out your batteries and if I get winded we can go throw a spinnerbait.... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


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The Bandit

The response to this will be interesting. If you want to flap your gums you better be ready to ......Bring It !



That's good stuff. :congrats:
Only thing is you wont win over there. They will just delete the posts they dont want anyone to see, to protect Foxpro. They been doing it for years. :rolleye:

That's the dictatorship over there.
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Dan Carey

"That's the dictatorship over there."

How can you say that? We voted them in, no wait, we didn't. Well, how did they get in the power seat then? Maybe it was much like the rest of the sites on the net, just different somehow.

FoxPro has come a long way, from a flashlight case to a Minaska box. Now, that's progress. What will they think of next, look out WT.
Life's tough, it's tougher if you're a nasty, fat, unemployable, drunk, socialist. To say nothing of the fact you are an embezzler.


Quote from: Rich on March 17, 2008, 11:57:43 AM
I would appreciate it if you would please edit your post. Thanks in advance.  :confused: 
Rich: I want to say first thing that the respect I have for you in the coyote hunting world is great.  I rank you up there w/ Bill Austin.   ;yes;   However, to go back & edit my post to say Field Staffer, office management, or yes men would be redundant!

The Bandit: Welcome aboard!  :biggrin:  It's good that you are here, but isn't that pretty ballsy w/ your first post you call us to rally behind you? What do you think we are?  PMers?  :argh:

Jimbo: Thank you for the freedom of speech. You are quite the patriot!  My respect for you has grown immensely. But then again there was no place for it to go but up.  :laf:

Quote from: canine on March 17, 2008, 01:27:46 PMWOW..... :shck:   :argh:
Sorry JD, were you to close to the fan when I started slingin'?   :confused:

Just to let you all know I own neither e-caller & don't have a dog in this race.  MHO is that FoxPro copied Minaska! Again!


"FoxPro has come a long way, from a flashlight case to a Minaska box. Now, that's progress. What will they think of next"
OH Lordy Dan, if you only knew.  :roflmao:

A box with hinges makes it a Minaska copy? My gun case has hinges too. I guess I copied Minaska huh?  :roflmao:
Foxpro Field staff


Quote from: Rich on March 19, 2008, 01:57:37 PM
A box with hinges makes it a Minaska copy? My gun case has hinges too. I guess I copied Minaska huh?  :roflmao:
:shck: Why the bass turds.  See what Fox Pro has started!  :laf:

Rich, I bet you're thinking "If only I could make a hinged howler."  :roflmao:


vvarmitr : It is good to see everyone laughing and having a good time now. At the risk of being redundant, I will say I don't appreciate being called a suckass.  You said you don't have an ecaller, which probably indicates you don't know much about them. One thing is a positive fact; if you think Foxpro is copying Minaska, you need to check the history a little.  I have no interest in making a pissing contest out of this thread, but if you don't know what you are talking about, do some research.  I chose Foxpro long before they chose me, and do know a good deal about them and Minaska.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff

Todd Rahm


Don't take this the wrong way because its not my intention for ya to do so, but when I see FoxPro in your sig line, I think only one thing. Your gona say only good about FP and nothing else, because if ya do, you'll answer to the Dillon's or be gone, that's the nature of the beast. So when I'm reading through an EC thread, I mostly skip everyone that is an EC "Staff" member for any of the companies because the post will be biased.

I yet to see a FP, MINAwhatever staff publicly say, a WT is a better quality sounding machine, but we are gaining on them or we are working on it. I have an FP and us it, but I think the sound quality from the WT is for sure superior, but hey the FP was in my budget at the time, and the WT wasn't. Plus the WT speaker I saw was a lot bigger then my flash light FP to carry around. Bottom line though is the FP works for me now. I also know of at least 5 FP staff that agree and have in the past said the same things, two while they were currently FP staff, and the others prior to being inducted, but since have muted their public opinion supporting that (The whole nature of the business beast thingy). We recently lost a good fella to such the beast.  :wink:

Any way what I'm trying to say, while you as individuals are respected, for the most part we take all your opinions as "Staffers" with a grain of salt, when ya mention the product your staffing for. (Human nature) I have noticed with the e-caller companies that for the most part they used to get hard core hunters as staffers, and they still do for the most part, but its also a "lets staff who's popular with the crowd right now" thing, and folks are jumping from one ship, on to other boats and such. So do ya believe the guy telling ya one caller was tops a few months ago, or do ya believe him now when he is on the other boat saying this caller is tops?  :innocentwhistle:

I know you like the caller you represent, but will you or other staffers come on here and say what you don't like or the down falls to the product? Better yet, I'm not saying its true and I don't care one way or the other, but if you knew it was true, would ya come on here as a "staffer" and say yeah, FP copied that call from Minawhatever?  :wo:

No harm meant towards FP, WT or Minawhatever, just an unbiased "Non-staffer" with an opinion.  :wink:


I don't have a dog in this fight but I do have a foxpro and I have a question.
I have not had my hands on a Minaska or a WT, form what I HEAR they are great callers and I know that each of the companies have customers that will argue till the end of time that theirs is the best.
Personally I don't see how the sounds could be any better than what I have on my scorpion, I did own a FP38 and in my opinion (and the coyotes that I hunted) the sounds were terrible. I know that the sound quality of the old calls compared to the newer versions are not in the same boat. I have always hunted with mouth calls but after purchasing my call I rarely use a mouth call anymore, I don't feel the need.

I have to ask, you what model foxpro are you talking about when you say the WT is better in the sound quality? All of them?

vvarmintr, This question is for you, what call did you use that "hurt your fingers" from pushing buttons? I had a few problems with mine when I first got it, after READING the manual I have not had ANY problems out of mine that were not caused by me. The call has performed without a flaw. Did you truly understand how to operate the call? I'm not trying to be a smart ass (or a "suckass" for that matter), I'm trying to find out why you didn't like the call.

Like I said, I have not had ANY experience with a WT or Mikaska & I will not talk bad about anything until I have first hand experience, for all I know I could be hunting with a piece of junk compared to the other calls out there.
I'm not a foxpro staffer & I don't imagine that I ever will be, but I can't believe that the newer foxpro's are so behind in the sound quality & function-ability.

As for them copying Minaska, or anybody else. I tend to agree with one of the previous comments, if they broke a copyright of any kind - let the lawyers argue, not the hunters.