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FoxPro's new Open Country Caller

Started by FinsnFur, February 24, 2008, 12:29:23 PM

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Here it is

"Kinda got your peepee spanked eh big guy??

At least now you know what people really think of jerk offs like you.

Semper Fi. what a discredit to the corps"

See any words that are anti military?

I am all done here. Jims's board has been drug down far enough already.
Foxpro Field staff


Quote from: Bob D on March 27, 2008, 08:04:14 PM
Personally I see no need for name calling on this board. It's pretty easy to be a BIG man and start trashing folks from the protection of your computer. It makes this board look bad as well as the poster. It absolutely serves no good purpose.

Bob you are correct, I am not trying to be a big man nor is name calling usually not my style. Redfrog is an exeption to me. He has typed alot of stupid things and wronged alot of people that didn't deserve it.

I think he deserves everything he gets!

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!

Uncle Jay

That made me chuckle.  

I'm sure the fellows from all the boards are monitoring this thread.  They'd be foolish not to.
Homeland Security probably is too... going WTF are these disenfranchised terrorists up to anyway...

Let's get back to talking about FOXPRO.  My favorite subject because every time their name is mentioned on the Internet I get a nickle (but the name or fascimile derivative has to come from someone other than me).

Just for the record, I don't condone name calling either.  I occasionally do it but I still don't condone it.  Not an hour ago I was making a beer run and this B*TCH pulled out in front of me causing me to spill my beverage.  I regret having hollered the expletives because I don't condone those actions.  I got luck though because she turned to look obviously recognizing her name.  
Uncle Jay

THO Game Calls

QuoteI am all done here. Jims's board has been drug down far enough already

And you are holding one of the shovels Mr Cronk.

One day, you are the Minaska Field Staff, then the next you are the FoxPro Field Staff - hell, I even had to ask what happened when I noticed it remember?

Then this thread gest started, and you come in with your Fox Pro hat on and start telling people to go edit their post because they said something about Fox Pro that you did not like,

Your Fox Pro status doesn't give you Moderator Status here, but I played along with you.  I went back and added the smiley you demaded.

Then you made the snide crack about WT - who knows why  - and you got a dose of your own medicine and I told you to go edit your post unless you had some proof to back it up.  It would have ended there but you had to get that last little shot in, and because of it you got your ass handed to you in a tea cup.  Now you want to put that fancy Fox Pro hat on again and take the high road.   

You can spin it anyway you want Rich, but you brought up the WT stuff.  And of all people, you should know what that is going to do.

One has to wonder if you were just trollng? 

Don't bother replying.  I dont care. 

And I dont think we should get an F for this post from Uncle Jay.  We called it dead on the money and should get an A+ for makng PM look like a bunch of "non profit dickweeds"  That should give us at least a D.

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
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"Then you made the snide crack about WT - who knows why  - and you got a dose of your own medicine and I told you to go edit your post unless you had some proof to back it up.  It would have ended there but you had to get that last little shot in, and because of it you got your ass handed to you in a tea cup."

The day a loud mouth like you hands me my head will never happen Al. I took my FoxPRO hat off a couple days ago. This is ME talking now. Take your marbles and go home you snot nosed brat! I hope you are happy now that you drug Jim's board down to the point that it is now known as the home for misfits.
Foxpro Field staff


 :shck: I'm the only misfit.  :shrug:  With my high water pants, messed up hair, crooked eyes, electronic gadgets in the living room, etc. I dont have a pocket protector though. :nono: I'm a good fit for a misfit :confused: :biggrin:

Gentlemen, I think it's time we let this thread cool down. I can tolerate a lot of crap, but when we start pouncing on each other it's time to step back and look at things. I've never told you guys what you can and cant post, or what you can or cant say about a product.....but sure hate to see it turn into internal combustion. I dont like seeing you guys rip at each other. I'm asking you respectfully to not let that go any further. :wink:

As far as this thread taking the board down. Ahhhh thats not gonna happen.  :nono: There's way to much other conversation and content going on daily.

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R Buker

As far as monitoring this board, I just wanted you to know I'm monitoring it as well.  So watch your step!

As far as name calling, I think you are all a bunch of vermin.

Especially that champion character.

:roflmao:   :roflmao:   :roflmao: 

There, that was kind of fun!   :innocentwhistle:


Very entertaining thread...   I look forward to reading it every day.   Now with this thread going on like it has, what do  you think is going to happen when SnowCamoMan posts his tests when he gets all the different callers in his hands. 

I personally think the up coming product comparsion thread will  be of equal or better in the entertainmen value to the reader.

Thank you everyone for your posts.



Quote from: TheHunt on March 28, 2008, 10:48:33 AM
Very entertaining thread...   I look forward to reading it every day.   Now with this thread going on like it has, what do  you think is going to happen when SnowCamoMan posts his tests when he gets all the different callers in his hands. 

I personally think the up coming product comparsion thread will  be of equal or better in the entertainmen value to the reader.

Thank you everyone for your posts.


Like I was trying to say before but wrote it wrong. If he does post his findings on PM then if the foxpro does not come out on top, the site might have a problem with that. There will be private messages, phone calls or they will think of some reason why snowman was wrong. I too look forward to his posts. I wonder if he will get SPECIAL units for his testing or if he will buy them off store shelves or under someone else's name.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


Quote from: browning204 on March 28, 2008, 11:21:03 AM

Like I was trying to say before but wrote it wrong. If he does post his findings on PM then if the foxpro does not come out on top, the site might have a problem with that. There will be private messages, phone calls or they will think of some reason why snowman was wrong. I too look forward to his posts. I wonder if he will get SPECIAL units for his testing or if he will buy them off store shelves or under someone else's name.

I hope he includes one of those Foxaska Technologies callers with the On Star satellite remote in his review .   :biggrin:  I'm thinkin' about buying one.  :wo:



Everything will be a standard unit that any other person would get. It'll be much better than before and will include lots of pictures and hopefully some short videos of the callers. Things will be done fair and legitimately. There's no reason to compromise my integrity. I will post the results on any site and it'll all be the same information, so whether it's here, PM, NH Forum, Cali Forums...it'll be the same. I'm getting excited about it, I think the new e-callers coming this next season will be an entire new level of products from a bunch of manufacturers.  :sneer:


I hope you post it here too snowcamoman. I found your last review very well done. Good Luck getting it all put together again!!  :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Leave it to Buker :roflmao:
Yeah I seen you in there too :biggrin: Night before last to be more precise
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y cant we all just get along????.................. :biggrin:


It's kinda like eating breakfast across from your sister in the morning when we were 7 years old. Gotta put a box of cereal in front of so ya dont have to look at her. We can get along, if we dont have to see em or hear em. :laf:
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R Buker

Quote from: FinsnFur on March 28, 2008, 03:54:22 PM
Leave it to Buker :roflmao:
Yeah I seen you in there too :biggrin: Night before last to be more precise

Prove it.  What was I wearing???? :wo:


dang, i actually just looked at the PM mods bio page, them boys is a hard lookin crew...if i was a sheep n saw them coming id bend over n kiss my wooly arse goodbye.... :shck:.........ok.ok that terrible...i apologize to all the little pygmies in New Guinea....GET ER DONE :roflmao:


I think your PJ's Buker. :eyebrownod: Either that or you was heading to a party. :biggrin:
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Looking forward to your reviews.


Quote from: FOsteology on March 28, 2008, 04:26:40 PM

Looking forward to your reviews.

+1 snowcamoman. I've always enjoyed your reviews.

Now for the rest of ya. Lighten up boys. Guess what I did this afternoon?  :confused:
Uh......thanks for asking.  :biggrin:

I poured about 10 gallons of mollasses on my nekkid body and rolled around in the fresh cut grass......... :wink:
The best part was turning my four dogs loose and letting them lick it off me............. :doh2: :puke: :roflmao:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free