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Marine Sniper Deer Hunt

Started by KySongDog, May 06, 2008, 06:37:16 AM

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Now this is what I call a LONG shot..........



Yup.......that is how I shoot.  :biggrin:


Well, if you didn't stalk like a bulldozer through the woods you wouldn't have to shoot that far! :rolleye:

:laf:  :laf:  :laf:


More like a Mack truck......  :nono:


In Vietnam, Marine sniper Carlos Hathcock was credited with a confirmed kill at 2,500 yards.  That's 1.42 miles!   :shck:

He had 93 confirmed kills and over 300 more unconfirmed.  In Marine sniper circles, Carlos is God.



I've seen that before and it still blows my mind, That is one hellofashot.
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Quote from: Semp on May 06, 2008, 11:29:01 AM
In Vietnam, Marine sniper Carlos Hathcock was credited with a confirmed kill at 2,500 yards.  That's 1.42 miles!   :shck:

He had 93 confirmed kills and over 300 more unconfirmed.  In Marine sniper circles, Carlos is God.


He was a true marksman and my Hero growing always looked up to Carlos as for the vid that was a great shot DRT all the way one shot one kill just how I like em  :highclap:
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

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Definately my hero as well  :bowingsmilie:  He made those shots with a .270.  Also, he mounted his riflescope to a .50cal machine gun and shot a VC riding a bike with weapons on it.  I would recommend the book "marine sniper" to anyone looking to further seek the history of Carlos Hathcock.
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Bills Custom Calls

No doubt a nice shot at that distance

But that is not hunting That is killing

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Quote from: bushmaster on May 07, 2008, 02:44:57 AM
  He made those shots with a .270. 

IIRC, he mainly used a Winchester model 70  30-06.


Quote from: bnccont on May 07, 2008, 03:38:33 AM
No doubt a nice shot at that distance

But that is not hunting That is killing

Well, then, enlighten me.  At what distance does it become hunting?  800 yards? 500 yards? 300 yards?  50 yards?

With all due respect, I think you are full of shit, Bill. 



I think he meant the lack of scouting, stalking and waiting. It was basically a spot and shoot.
Never the less it was a hell of a shot.  :eyebrownod:
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So Bill you're saying I'm a stalker & not a shooter?  :shrug:  :pout:

Women were all the time telling me that back in the day.  :noway:

:laf:  :laf:  :laf:

Semp: Don't be to hard on Bill.  :nofgr:    Why shuck's fire, Bill probably ain't never seen a deer that far away, but that's all going to change. Bill's got new glasses!  :thumb2:  It might be a tinge of jealously there too.  :wo:


Quote from: FinsnFur on May 07, 2008, 06:38:07 AM
I think he meant the lack of scouting, stalking and waiting. It was basically a spot and shoot.
Never the less it was a hell of a shot.  :eyebrownod:

That's precisely what snipers do.....they scout, they stalk and they wait for the right moment to take the shot.  I am pretty sure it wasn't easy finding that deer at 950 yards amongst the brush.

When people start talking high and mighty about hunting vs killing it gets to me.  If game laws were not broken, it is all good.  I know a guy who hunts russian boar with a spear.  He says THAT is real hunting!  Not me.  I used a bow.  Another guy used a .44 pistol.  Who is the hunter?

What about shooting a coyote who's caught in a trap?  Or should we look down on trappers because they are not true hunters???

See my point?


Bills Custom Calls

Jim Your right lack of scouting stalking and waiting,and see how close you can get to your target
Thats my idea of hunting.
Anybody with a good set of binos ,or a spotting scope could see a deer off at that distance.Hell I have set 200 yards away from a deer and watched it for a half an hour before it wondered off not scared off.
Semp you can not compare a trapper to a hunter in this instance.Not all trappers shoot their catch in the trap,I don't.I have had many experiences with live coon in a trap,and those little suckers can fight.Yes that could also be classified as killing.

My point is at 900 yards the deer didn't even know they were there and had noway of knowing it should have run.
I believe the deer should of had a sporting chance.
What about the rush from shooting the deer where would that come from?
For me the rush starts when you see your target coming in,and it ends sometime after the sun goes down,or maybe the next day.Thats my idea of hunting,and this is just my opinion.

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Quote from: bnccont on May 07, 2008, 03:30:51 PM
My point is at 900 yards the deer didn't even know they were there and had noway of knowing it should have run.
I believe the deer should of had a sporting chance.

Bill, 99.9% of the deer I've killed with a bow or a gun over the last 30+ years never knew I was there.   :wink:


Bills Custom Calls

The deer you shot with the bow did you just happen to come across them then shoot did you call them
to you or did you put a tree stand up on a deer trail and wait till the deer of your choice came by

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call

Carolina Coyote

I wish I could make a shot like that, I guess whatever pulls your plug.cc

Troy Walter

If its hunting or not you guy can talk about that.Is it smart hunting.No,because now he has to walk 900 yards to get that deer.And 900 back out draging a deer.I am to old for that.


Looks like more fuel for the antihunters 'that's not hunting'.  I sure am glad I don't have to hunt like others like to. There are forms of hunting I don't care to do but I don't tell others they aren't hunting, it's a personal thing.
It takes a lot of prep work to get ready to take a long shot. From reloading to running Exbal or another ballistic calculator to lots of practice.Then there's lots of practice.
At least with a long shot you can sometimes get back on target and see the hit  :highclap:
My son's hunter safety/ shooting coach met with Carlos a couple of years before he passed away. He was a Marine too, and said  it was a pleasure to meet and talk to him.

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