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Coyote attacks two year old baby

Started by KySongDog, May 08, 2008, 05:36:28 AM

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Yet another coyote and baby story...........


California 2-Year-Old Dragged From Yard by Coyote in Third Such Attack in Five Days
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

LAKE ARROWHEAD, Calif. —  A coyote grabbed a 2-year-old girl by the head and tried to drag her from the front yard of her mountain home in the third incident of a coyote threatening a small child in Southern California in five days, authorities said.

The coyote attacked the girl around noon Tuesday when her mother, Melissa Rowley, went inside the home for a moment to put away a camera, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department said in an incident report.

Rowley came out of the house and saw the coyote dragging her daughter towards a street. She ran towards her daughter, and the animal released the girl and ran away, said sheriff's spokeswoman Arden Wiltshire.

Rowley took her daughter to a hospital where the toddler was treated for several punctures to the head and neck area, and a laceration on her mouth. She was then flown to Loma Linda University Hospital for further treatment, although her injuries were not life-threatening.

State Fish and Game wardens and county animal control authorities set traps for the coyote and were monitoring the neighborhood high in the San Bernardino Mountains about 65 miles miles northeast of Los Angeles.

On Friday, a nanny pulled a 2-year-old girl from the jaws of a coyote at Alterra Park in Chino Hills, a San Bernardino County community about 30 miles east of Los Angeles. The girl suffered puncture wounds to her buttocks and was treated at a hospital.

A coyote came after another toddler in the same park Sunday. The child's father kicked and chased the coyote away.

Alterra Park is near Chino Hills State Park, a natural open space of thousands of acres spanning nearly 31 miles.


That does it  :argh:  Semp, lets grab the spears & head to CA!  ;yes;

I got an idea!!!!!! We'll grab Bopeye & get him to shave up all nice & clean. Ya know like one of those olympic swimmers.  Then have him put on a diaper.  What kind just Depends.  :roflmao: (Oh, I kill me)  A big baby bonnet to keep the sun outta his eyes & put a binky in his mouth soos he'll be quiet.  A real life Baby Hooey!  :wink:
Then all we havta do is set him on a playgound & wait for the coyotes to come running in.  :yahoo:

Those coyote will be like .... "Would you look at the size of that chicken!  :shck: "

Whatta ya say Semp?  :biggrin: :eyebrow:


I'll let you guys handle that one......I don't think I wanna see ole Bop in nuttin but a diaper.  :puke:

:roflmao:  :roflmao:


If this thing with Bopeye gets done, it has to be total nudity, with some of that fancy body painting done to disguise his "Chicken" and the "Chicks".   People won't even know he is naked, and the yotes will think he is a banquet ready for the feasting.  Old Bop can hide some of his cur dogs back in the bushes to help him out when Wiley and family show up, and Bop can be equipped with a set of those steel teeth like that character wore in that movie some time ago.  When those damned killer yotes tackle that banquet, they won't get a feast; they'll get a beast. There'll be fur flying and lots of squalling, and it won't be old Bopeye doing it.  When he and his curs get through with those yotes, they'll spread the word through their communications system, and their cousins and other relatives will quit some of this bullshit.  What say Bopeye?  You game?  :roflmao: :roflmao:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Baby Huey.....er.......Baby Bopeye.  Got a nice ring to it.   :biggrin:

The yote would have a heart attack when he found out what he bit in to.    :eyebrownod:


Quote from: Semp on May 08, 2008, 01:33:52 PM
The yote would have a heart attack when he found out what he bit in to.    :eyebrownod:

I can see it now.......hey, that doesn't taste like chikin.  :doh2:


 It really would give a whole new meanning to his " BITE ME " sign !  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
I try to have a good outlook on life, but some idiot keeps standing up and blocking my view !