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Our Children Need to Learn Spanish (According to Barack Hussien Obama)

Started by blacky, July 09, 2008, 06:07:02 PM

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Barack Hussien Obama said yesterday that we shouldn't worry about immigrants learning english but worry about our kids learning spanish.

Here is what I have to say about that.

BS and kiss my butt Obama.
Complete line of turkey, locator, deer and squirrel calls.


 :mad2: :mad3: :mad2: :mad3: :mad2: :mad3:

I talked my daughter out of taking Mandarin when she was a freshman :noway: Now that she is going into her senior year she insists on speaking her new found Spanish language :doh2: :mad3: :mad2: :mad3: She has been taking it since her freshman year and is pretty fluent. I forbid her to speak a lick of that crap in my house. She still sneaks a word or two in every once and a while just to piss me off.

Gumbi for president :yoyo: :yoyo: (Pokey can be VP) Either of the two of them probably have more sense than both candidates combined. :doh2:



Obama also said he was embarrassed that Americans don't speak French.   Check this out.   :argh:


If he wants to be our President he should at least ACT like he's proud of the USA instead of the elitist A-hole that he is.



"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.

George Ackley

Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.

George Ackley

I have herd him say things like

we shouldn't worry about immigrants learning English but worry about our kids learning Spanish.

Americans don't speak French

See my prospective on them is from a guy that live in the city, i to think are school systems are way below so many other country's , I feel here in Philadelphia and many other city's  most kids are just getting the basics out of school  just getting schooled enough to get them graduated with some sort of Diploma let alone speaking different languishes .

I am not going to get into politics on hear , but YES I will say am all for Mr. Obama

I can hear what he is saying
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Edited:   <note to self: got to remember to bite tongue and keep mouth shut>

Carolina Coyote

Ditto to Semp:  :biggrin:
To George:  :confused: What the hell are you thinking. cc


I will not argue about politics or religion, but I believe that Obama is the anti Christ.


I place as much value on learning what not to do as I do in knowing what to do.

Troy Walter

So lets face it we are screwed.If we vote for Obama your kids will need to learn to speak Spanish but if we vote for the other dill rod we all will need to speak Chinese because we will go to war with Iran gas prices will hit 20 bucks a gallon and the national dept will be three time higher then it is now.So take your pick which dill rod do you vote for.

Bills Custom Calls

We need an independent to run and I have seen some ads on CNN and I think we have one that is gonna step

Neither one of these nimrods will get my vote

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


We should all write in DAFFY DUCK.........That way they know we went to all the trouble to vote and wasted it cause no one was worth voting for. They waste plenty of our time it is time to pay them back...........Daffy Duck for pres. :yoyo:


Vote for whomever you like. These are the only 2 that can win in the system. It's gonna be interesting to see who the VP's are gonna be. Especially since yobama will be assassinated.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I've bit my tongue until the dang thing is almost a bloody stump.  :madd:

Anyone ever see me be quiet like this?  :nono:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

Bills Custom Calls

NO !!!

If you are that hungry Bop maybe we could send you a couple cheese burgers  :roflmao:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


I wrote a bunch of blather about Yomama and then deleted it.   

One thing is for sure. Of the two twerps running for Prez, McCain is the better choice when it comes to our Second Amendment rights.
If elected, Obama will put left wing nuts on the Supreme Court and then our gun rights will be GONE!

You may not like McCain but I guarantee you will HATE Obama.   :readthis:


THO Game Calls

Here, let me help you all out.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words - which should do it I guess - and I aint shy anyway

Have a great day

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Makes sense for your kids to learn spanish. It sould be your choice though. The spanish speakers are breeding at a much faster rate than we are. Our kids and future grandkids will need spanish for sure.

THO Game Calls

So has anyone ever been down to Mexico and tried to make a phone call?

Do they say "Press One for Spanish Two for English"?

Do the ATM machines let you choose your language?

Do they give foreigners ballots in english?  Do they give them ballots at all?

Do the doors on stores have Enter and Exit in both English and Spanish?

Just wondering?


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
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