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Anyone near Louisville, Ky.?

Started by Bopeye, July 15, 2008, 10:21:03 PM

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  I'm needing a little help. I have a cousin coming from Colorado to attend college in Louisville. The problem is that he just found out today that he isn't going to be able to live on campus like he originally thought. He's got about a month to find a place and being 1600 miles away is making it difficult to look.
  I told my aunt that I knew a good bunch of guys that could probably help us out.

Appreciate any help.  :wink:
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Hey Bop

If he is going to the University of Louisville, my niece graduated from there about a year ago.  I'll ask her mother where she lived at.  I know it was off campus close to the school.  Give me a day or two.



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hey Bop heres a link to the Louisville courier journal theres an apartment search at the bottom of the page where you can look for Louisvile and surrounding areas not sure if it will help but may be worth a shot

there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

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Thanks Charles. I sent them the link.

Here's a kicker though. He's not going to the university. He's going to Byce (sp) Seminary College.

Now does that add any to what folks might be able to help with? Thanks guys already.
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The students affairs or admissions department should be able to help him with that. Also Craigslist would be a good way for him to check apartments or rooms long distance.


I couldnt find a byce or bryce or brice or bice college in Louisville.


 :wo:  I know I'm getting hard of hearing, but dang I didn't know I was that bad. Let me give her a call.

Thanks Nasty
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Heres the Louisville link for Craigslist, tell him to check in the apartments/rooms sections, and he should be able to contact anyone by email, if hes single id put an ad in saying " studly mountain man looking to share apartment with 3 hot, single , promiscous girls who work in A. strip club, B. liquor store C. Buffet restaurant....or all of the above.".. :yoyo: :biggrin:


**** I just checked the link under HOUSING, theres a huge amount of apartments for rent, compared to NH the rents are wicked low!....theres rooms to if hes in a pinch time or money wise.


Quote from: nastygunz on July 16, 2008, 06:24:10 PM
I couldnt find a byce or bryce or brice or bice college in Louisville.

The correct name is Boyce Seminary College. 


I sent ya another PM, Bop.



There are a ton of options for him and the rental market should be wide open for him right now.  I'm on the sunny side of the river (Indiana) so the cost of living is a lot better over here and things aren't so crowded and crime-ridden.  Most folks I know live over here and commute across the bridge for work or school.

I actually go to church in Louisville with a couple of professors from Boyce (not Bryce) and have one friend that recently graduated the Baptist Seminary there.  Our church is near the campus.  If he needs help with anything have him shoot me an email at Jrbhunter@hotmail.com and I'll see what I can do. My best advice would be for him to visit Sojoun Community in Smoketown when he gets here and make some friends... there are 1000-1500 like minded christian college kids there each Sunday.

Tell him I said good luck; we need more like him.  This area is fortunate to be filled with some level-headed youth and forward thinking churches.


You  might have him try  http://louisville.craigslist.org/apa/ 

OOPPS, me bad. That what happens when I don't take the time to read the other posts in the thread  :wink:


I guess if two of you say it's Boyce and not bryce............whom am I to differ.  :nono:
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