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Decoys, effective or not???

Started by Frogman, August 05, 2008, 07:45:35 PM

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Quote from: Rprince on August 08, 2008, 04:19:32 PM

I hope you realize I was poking at DD, he is a good friend of mine & I saw a open spot to gouge him a little, my response was purly a joke. :shrug:

I know that.  No problem.   :biggrin:  I get poked at a lot.   :laf:



Here is the question I asked the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA):

Is it legal to use live trapped coyotes as bait for calling and shooting other coyotes in Tennessee?

Thanks in advance for your answer

Here is their response:

It is illegal to trap an animal in Tennessee and keep it alive.

Steve Nifong, Asst. Chief
TWRA Law Enforcement Division

Sure doesn't sound legal to me but you can draw your own conclusions. 


THO Game Calls

Coycaller wrote

QuoteWhen I saw the pic of the trapped coyote I figured this is exactly the way you were using the coyote for a decoy

How the hell did you get that from this?

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Ummmmm, I used a little common sense. :roflmao:   I'm not real sure how many OTHER ways you would use a trapped coyote.  :shrug: :shrug: 

I'm headed out for an overnight fishing trip.  Talk at you fellas later.


I do like the original post and allot of the replies  I agree with. JRB I would reply to some of your post but will not at this time I do not have the expertise you do and would only make a fool of myself.. I am looking forward to meeting you at the World predator expo in Kansas. There are several topics I would really love to speak with you on face to face.  :biggrin: I would be more than willing to call and reserve you a room at the Sheraton where we are staying so we could chat together. You seem to be one of the best coyote callers out there and would jump at the chance to speak with you face to face. If you are interested please PM me and I will get the reservation setup.




I know exactly what you are talking about JRB, I have trapped many coyotes and while takin care of the one in the trap have seen the mate or running partner hanging close to the area. What you are doing is neither illegal or unethical, it's purely taking advantage of the situation. I just wish I had your kinda time to spend doing some calling on the trapline....I'm usually bustin balls just to keep up with my sets and gettin my ass to work on time :biggrin:

If you guy's think an animal is in misery while in a trap, give it a try for yourself, until then I suggest you not show your ignorance of the topic.



Canine, shut the heck up!!! You just kissed JRB's butt.........how did it smell?  :rolleye:  :laugh2:

JRB. I would be more than glad to pay for your room at the Sheraton.  ;yes;

While we are on the subject, you mentioned that you were more intelligent than this whole board collectively. Would you care to engage in a spelling contest with me at our next convenient time........maybe LBL?  :eyebrownod:

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Bop, I don't kiss anybody's ass..... :puke:  I can merely understand what he is doing.

To be successful and consistant at this game you have to always to be on your toes and trying new and different things, That's all!!!

Just being my usual pain in the ass self or somethin like that, That's what you and Cronk said about me. :biggrin:


THO Game Calls

QuoteBop, I don't kiss anybody's ass

exactly how DOES one spell

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Quote from: canine on August 08, 2008, 06:39:57 PM
Bop, I don't kiss anybody's ass..... :puke:  I can merely understand what he is doing.
Just being my usual pain in the ass self or somethin like that, That's what you and Cronk said about me. :biggrin:


You don't understand how to button your shirt, much less what the moron is saying.  :nono: :roflmao:

As far as me and Cronk calling you an arse........ :confused: I don't remember doing it, but I'll gladly take the credit if you want me too.  :laf:

Anybody can see what JRB is saying, but most of us know it's pure BS.........and that's all it is.  :sneer: :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

THO Game Calls

Canine -

As I said, if you are doing it for damage control - Fine - I understand

If you are doing it to feed your family with the money from the pelts - fine - I understand that too

But if you are doing it to drive up the number of coyotes you claim to call and kill in a year - well - I suppose I understand that too, and you are one sorry SOB -  or -  JRB as the case may be.

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
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WOW the insults are flying like crazy, this is an outrage! I am calling Redfrog in to clean this up!!! :roflmao:

I don't trap but see what JRB is saying.

THO Al: how about all these rains and violent storms!!!  Do you think they gonna kill some of our Coyotes like we though a couple years ago??

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!

THO Game Calls

Mike - I found a new spot -

and since you agree with JRBlowhard - I aint sharing LOL.

Give me a shout if you want to go out some time.   I'll have to blind fold you for the ride out though.

That spot that I showed you a couple years ago that I told you was now posted - I got permission to hunt it again


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


oh GEEZ, Thanks JRB you got me in trouble AND Al knows where I live!!!!!

Al, Krysten and I have been working so much to make Mortgage and feed these Kids. I have been cutting wood like crazy to heat my house because of propane prices.

I have not touched a rifle in so long, I can't wait to break away and hunt some!

As far as blind folds, don't worry about that. Remember you took me to that spot where I shot that MONSTER that we never found?
You told me to go hunt it again and I had to call you for directions. It was only a week later and it was as easy as going left and then straight to the end.

I am horrible with directions!!!!

Edit: after reading your post again, we are talking about the same spot I think.....

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


Quote from: THO Game Calls on August 08, 2008, 07:22:45 PM
QuoteBop, I don't kiss anybody's ass

exactly how DOES one spell


What the crap does this mean??

I don't kiss FOXPROS ass, I like there callers, plain and simple. If you have a hard on for them....well....I guess that's your problem.

I don't try and drive up my kills, I have nothing to prove to anyone...I call and kill plenty of coyotes each year and some get put on film and some get hero shots on the internet, mostly the ones my kids are involved with. I am just fine with my coyote calling masculinity....I have hunted with some of the best there is in the predator industry, and can assure you that I am not all talk, or about being a crapping internet hero.

Since you have turned on me now,,,I'll back JRB again....let's see some proof out of some of you...THO.........You wanna jump in here with your shit....show us....were callin you out.....



Who's doing the calling? You, JRB, or both? Just wondering.

Speaking of not having anything to prove......... BITE ME little guy.  :wink:

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Getting a lil intense in here. :confused:
I think decoys are a great idea, and a great tool to add to the bag of tricks...if you can justify the extra luggage. :shrug:
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THO Game Calls

What exactly is it you are calling me out on Canine?

You got your hands in JRBlowhards pants now?   How DID you ever get them out of Mike Dillons?

You best be careful what you say.  Bad things can happen to folks who make the FP Mafia look bad.  I wouldn't want to see you loose any money over something as silly as this thread. 

If this is about numbers of coyotes killed, then I guess I am going to lose.  I already know that JRB has no integrity, so there's no telling what he would do to win some silly internet contest.  Hell he would proabaly post pictures that were 3 or 4 yearls old if he had to just to win. 

I didn't have a beef with you before, still dont.  But if you want to play, go for it.  I could really care less about you, JRB or FP or anything else.  This has all just been fun and games with JRBlowhard.  Don't mean nothing to no one, and if someone reads it and thinks I am an ass for what I say, well, big deal.  Again, I just dont give a crap.   We are talking about COYOTES here.  Not the arms race, terrorism, the elections or anything that really mattes one little bit to the day to day lives of the vast majority of peoples lives.  It's Coyotes man, Coyotes.   It's supposed to be fun to hunt them, not some contest where you have to prove you are a man for killing a damn coyote. 

I told Bopeye the other day that I was thinking about stopping shooting them and just photgraphing them.  Honestly, I just dont find it all that hard to kill coyotes.  Oh, I dont kill the numbers the guys out west do, or the numbers you sponsored pros do, but I bet you I have just as much if not more fun.   No pressure, and, guess what  -  no one is pulling my strings to make me say anything or stay out of anything.

So -  go pick on someone who really gives a shit and will fall for your crap.  Maybe one of the guys on PM who hangs on your every word.  I know the game partner.  It aint rocket science.  There're coyoites.   Go hunt with who ever you want and have fun doing it.  But for goodness sale, at the end of the day, remember, they're just COYOTES.   99.99% of all the people in the world could care less how many you shoot.   It;s not the freeking olympics or something.  You guys get so wrapped up in being the greay coyote hunters that you've completely lost what it's all about.  You've turned our hunting heritage into a Las Vegas Whore House.  Might be legal there, but the players are still whores and pimps.

Have a good one Canine, and please dont bust a gasket.


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What about a decoy dog? You busted JRB's balls for useing a coyote but what the difference in using a decoy dog or coyote?

What about a freebie? Ever drive by a field and see a coyote in a field and go call it?

THO.....I'm with Jd, lets see some pic's of some dead Coyotes! Lots of talk but lets see you prove it!

I see allot of BS on the enet. And from allot of talk but all and all, its all about killing and calling coyotes. Guys everyone has different tactic's and ways of going about it. But why bust someones balls for what works for them? Come on! Everyone hunts different! And everyone has things that put fur in the shed!

Go kill something! If people spent as much time hunting coyotes as they do thinking about it they would double there numbers!



Dang THO!! Could it be possible.  :doh2:  You and I are starting to get on the same page again.  :readthis: I agreed with everything ya said.  :wo:

I reckon I'm going to bed. Be up in six hours to hunt coyotes. What a novel idea.  :biggrin:

Suppose to be 54 degrees in the a.m.  :highclap: :highclap:
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