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She's coming

Started by FinsnFur, August 18, 2008, 08:53:01 PM

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The days are getting shorter and shorter, the grass dont need to be mowed NEARLY as much as it did, kids are going back to school, the windows get closed at night and an extra blanket comes out.

Ohhhhh yahhhh!!! :yoyo: :yoyo: :biggrin:
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Jim....I am feelin it too. I think once I get back from Kansas City, I'll be ready to get out.  :yoyo:


Sposed to be in the 40's wednesday morning here, high in the 70's thtough friday then calling for 90+ weather this weekend...BRING ON THE COLD!


Be sure to give the 'ol snowblower a tune-up!   :wink:

Down here in Kaintuck we don't need 'em.   Most of the time anyways.


The birds are gathering, the bucks are sparring....the wind? ...shes changing :eyebrownod:


The hurricanes are crank'in up!!   :biggrin:


Hawks Feather

My air conditioner is running and I feel like I am half dead.  I just can't tell which part is alive.  I have started back on the pedal bike to try to drop some pounds and also get in shape so that I can actually carry a tree stand into the woods.  I just got in from a 23 mile ride and I hurt.



The hard part is over Hawk.  It will get easier everyday now.    :congrats:



The apples are falling & the leaves are starting to fall too.  :yahoo:

Good Luck Jerry!!  :yoyo:

BTW Jerry-- Did you consult your physician 1st?? Please get a checkup.  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


yup lots of stuff falling from trees. Gotta get the plow mount for the 4-wheeler and get my winch put on.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!

Hawks Feather

Quote from: HaMeR on August 19, 2008, 12:27:16 PM

BTW Jerry-- Did you consult your physician 1st?? Please get a checkup.  :yoyo:

I did one better.  I grabbed the neighbor's cat (by the neck) and starred into its eyes.  When I was done I dropped it and it ran, so I guess my cat scan checked out pretty good.   :wink:



I've got the itch...I'm going to start my scouting heavy duty scouting permission grabbing tomorrow...rain or shine - heat or cold. I can't wait for the season(s) to start up. 12 days and counting.... :yahoo: :yahoo:



I am gunna get my snow blower in good shape....im buying her a new shovel!!....... :yoyo: :roflmao:


Old Jim has me thinking about those grey, light wind days, with the temperature around 10 degrees. Maybe just a little snow blowing. Man, it just don't get better than that!  :yoyo:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Got below 50 degree last night.  That crisp air is enough to get anybody fired up about fall.

Dan Carey

Well, in southern Arizona the temperature is running 104 in the daytime and in the mid 80's at night.
There is no shortage of coyotes here and that's a good thing, the temp is too high to get serious and that's a bad thing. The compromise comes in about the later part of September.  I'm about ready to start looking the old desert over pretty soon.
Life's tough, it's tougher if you're a nasty, fat, unemployable, drunk, socialist. To say nothing of the fact you are an embezzler.


I dont know how you guys do it Dan.  :nono:
The one time I did hunt Arizona...I was in aww over the fact that the coyotes would give you a shock from static after you shot em. :laf:
Now thats DRY
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Can't wait!!! 

just traded my mazda for a jeep
cleared up my court issues
moving to colorado...better fix the winch on my grizzly
:biggrin:  YEAH BABY!!!
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