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Faux pro fury?

Started by browning204, August 23, 2008, 11:55:51 AM

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It seems as though everyone made fun of the remote for the WT, they where saying that it is to big and bulky. But now faux pro comes out with a crazy big remote and will try to pass it off as awesome.

I find it odd that faux pro once again has done something that they trashed before but bring to market with their name on it.

First it was the metal speaker from WT and MINASKA, now they have it. Then it was a big remote, now they have it.

Wow my sig line really fits now!

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


Their remote is alot bigger for sure, but the price for it was even bigger! :shck:   I seen that price & my butt hole puckered! :iroll:

A nickle less than $600.00!  :shck:  :shck:  :shck:


man they are gunna price themselves right out of existence along with the other caller makers. I have a FX3 and im semi happy with it but for the money i paid i would have expected alot more....for instance it took me about a year and numerous interactions to finally figure out the battery charged question?...answer?....spend more money and buy another battery charger that actually tells you when your batteries are charged fully!....for $479.00 bucks I should be able to just plug it in and know when its charged. I have several sounds that end abruptly and have static....one sound I deleted and Mike Dillon sent me 2 free sounds...fair enough....I just discovered another sound, same problem...again for almost 500 bucks, i want good sounds!!...my unit has performed with no problems with either caller or remote...deadly on crows, LOUD....never ran the batteries down yet...but if it ever dies or whatever ill have to think real hard about the brand and e-callers in general..due to pricing....ONLY 200 more to upgrade to the fx5....and on...and on.....and on...$$$$$$$$$....i was using my johnny stewart attractor today, 35.00 and i honestly think it sounds better then the fx3 as far as sounds...of course lacks the range and power and such.....b204 you know u want the fury....buy one haha :yoyo:


ya, I wanna give my $$$ to the Dillons.   I don't think so!!!!

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


$600!!!!!!!!!piss on that..........I can do without

Troy Walter

Hey browning 204,when is wt coming out with that new e-call?


I don't know? I have read rumors on other sites but I really don't know. I am not In "the loop"

But it should be a nice one!

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


I've got an FX5 and I've also got some thoughts on the new FP Fury. The FX5 owners just took it in the shorts with the intro of the Fury. The FX5 cost more to start with and will now need to be "upgraded" to be equivalent to the Fury. But at what cost to the owner? $200? $300 or?  Forget the resale value of the FX5, if you can sell it at all. Due to its initial cost, it'd have to be priced well below existing callers to be attractive to potential buyers. The FX5 owner will lose his proverbial backside on any sale. As far as the wt goes. No way. No how. Not under ANY circumstance.  MI VHNTR
The Second Amendment isn't about Hunting.
It's about Freedom.

Let's Go Brandon.  FJB


If the FX5 is working for folks (calling in the fur) why would one feel compelled to "upgrade" or sell? You guys would be nickel & dimming yourself to death on such transactions every time FoxPro came out with an "improvement"....  :shrug:


soreloser said that the fury was not an upgrade option for FX3/FX5 owners.


Quote from: MI VHNTR on August 23, 2008, 09:06:42 PM
As far as the wt goes. No way. No how. Not under ANY circumstance.  MI VHNTR

Please explain? Do you not like them?

As far as faux pro coming out with new stuff everyother month. I don't know why people NEED to run out and get their existing units upgraded. I mean I can see if it is a MAJOR change such as what WT might do but that is it.

I have the original Bandit, there is an upgrade or Mother boards ( I think) but so what. My bandit works just fine.

I think FP has alot of its customers by the short hairs, they keep coming out with "upgrades" and telling customers that the NEED these changes.

mean while the guys who bought the fx5 are now screwed!!!

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


Quote from: yucca on August 23, 2008, 09:46:33 PM
soreloser said that the fury was not an upgrade option for FX3/FX5 owners.

Sore loser is an idiot. Who would listen to what he says?

No body in his area will hunt with him and almost won't talk to him.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


soreloser is the biggest shit stirrer over there.  :rolleye: I quit reading his posts shortly after I joined that place.

On topic-- I have the FX3. There are NO upgrades in my future. I do not want 100/200 sounds. I spend enough time looking at the menu of 32 sounds. The only upgrade that interests me would be the presets. I'm not shelling out 2 bills for that. The way I figure it this caller should last me more years than I'll be hunting. If not then I'll look for a used something or other later on.

BTW-- soreloser is a,,,,,,,  aahhh never mind!!  :rolleye:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: HaMeR on August 23, 2008, 09:57:35 PM
soreloser is the biggest shit stirrer over there.  :rolleye: I quit reading his posts shortly after I joined that place.

BTW-- soreloser is a,,,,,,,  aahhh never mind!!  :rolleye:

Don't worry guys I am not in his fan club. Just relaying the info he posted on the fury at that other board.
He seems to be the "poster child" for foxpro.


It's all good yucca. We all know his fan club consists of himself.  :wink:


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

George Ackley

I say bye any call you like,   BUT A FOXPRO   :rolleye:  :rolleye: :rolleye:

Read my signature line at the bottom to understand my feeling,,,,
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


reading the discriptions of the fury there seems to be a good bit different between the FX5 and the fury.  they pretty much just upgraded to what they were hearing from feedback.  is there something wrong with that?  they made the remote so you can read the writing.  if they keep getting complaints from the older genrations that they can't read it then they need to do something to make em happy.  that is just bussiness.
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


"By utilizing FHSS technology, remote range and reliability at longer distances will greatly increase."

The above quote can be found on the foxpro link that Browning posted. This sounds like exciting news to me. All new electronic technology is built into this new caller. A good reliable remote control, with no more worries of the remote failing if your call is sitting in a bush out there 100 yards or more away. I can't hardly wait to get my hands on one of the new Fury's.  :wink:

Foxpro Field staff


WHen I received my bonus form work last year I went out and bought a FX5. After using it for a season I am not so sure that it was  money well spent. I mean it does everything I want it to and has some features that do me well but I think I could have gotten a comparable unit for a lot less. I have hunted with a WT and it was fine. LOUD and CLEAR but was it worth the money? Personaly I wouldnt have spent that kind of mmoney but I will say it is a hell of a caller.  

Will I send my FX5 in for any kind of upgrade? That would be a big resounding NO!! Would I try to stear someone to a foxpro or a WT? Probably not. Not because of any feature or anything like that but due to the fact that there are units out there that are highly comparable for less money.

I own a light force and have had some probelms with it and for the money I spent on it you would think it would be problem free.  Would I suggest a light force? Yes but only because the repairs/modifications I did were simple and the light preforms  up to and beyond my expectations.

Best thing I can say about spending money on a call/light/rifle/gizmo/hunting aid/hooker/ammo  or anything else for that matter is BUYER  BEWARE. I can remember when home computers hit the market. I knew people that jsut hat to have the bigger, better, faster, newset kung fu grip and all the bells and whistles. were they happey in the end? Not really just a lot broker and had a lot of junk sitting around they cant sell and dont use anymore.

if ya want to spend that kind of money feel free to do so. Just remember that foxpro is gona come out with a newer, faster, lounder, higher bit rate, inviso powered, self returning call and try to sucker in anyone they can to spend the money on there newest  creation and someone is going to do just that.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.

George Ackley

Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump