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Faux pro fury?

Started by browning204, August 23, 2008, 11:55:51 AM

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Quote from: bootmud on August 25, 2008, 06:43:37 PMA company puts new technology and features into a caller that hunters have asked for at a cheaper price than the current top of the line model and what happens.....

You mean $600 - $0.05 is cheaper!!!!  :shck:  :shck:  :sick2:
Holy rotten rodent rump!  :rolleye:

Quote from: canine on August 25, 2008, 07:25:29 PM
I agree Bootmud, I don't think you guy's quite understand what the "fury" is capable of doing in the field.

Coyotes may become endangered  :eyebrow:

I know what it's capable of doing to a coyotes little brain.  :biggrin:


If that's the case JD, you get your champion gnarly arse over here in a hurry w/ that Fury & I'll ride shotgun! :wink:
I want rid of those mangy, pea brained, ravinous, fanged fur pieces.  :mad3:


Quote from: bootmud on August 25, 2008, 08:27:32 PM
I'm not familar with Wildlife Tech.  Is the the call that is comparable to the top of the line Fauxpro?

Now that is some funny stuff!!  :iroll:

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


Quote from: vvarmitr on August 26, 2008, 10:14:18 AM
Quote from: bootmud on August 25, 2008, 06:43:37 PMA company puts new technology and features into a caller that hunters have asked for at a cheaper price than the current top of the line model and what happens.....

You mean $600 - $0.05 is cheaper!!!!  :shck:  :shck:  :sick2:
Holy rotten rodent rump!  :rolleye:

Quote from: canine on August 25, 2008, 07:25:29 PM
I agree Bootmud, I don't think you guy's quite understand what the "fury" is capable of doing in the field.

Coyotes may become endangered  :eyebrow:

I know what it's capable of doing to a coyotes little brain.  :biggrin:


If that's the case JD, you get your champion gnarly arse over here in a hurry w/ that Fury & I'll ride shotgun! :wink:
I want rid of those mangy, pea brained, ravinous, fanged fur pieces.  :mad3:

No....  The price of the FX5 is currently $679.95


AND Foxpro's site has the FURY listed for 599.95

My calculator shows that as being $80.00 less.



Quote from: browning204 on August 26, 2008, 11:39:19 AM
Quote from: bootmud on August 25, 2008, 08:27:32 PM
I'm not familar with Wildlife Tech.  Is the the call that is comparable to the top of the line Fauxpro?

Now that is some funny stuff!!  :iroll:

Why? :rolleye:


I thought your question was funny, obviously  not a serious question. But funny indeed.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


So it's not possible for someone to NOT know about the WT callers??  I can assure you they are only the best in certain peoples minds. Others may view them differently. Kinda like the Honda/Nissan thing ya know.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


QuoteKinda like the Honda/Nissan thing ya know.

I'm not familiar with the Nissan! Are you saying it is similar to the Honda?? :confused:

:laf: :laf:



In some ways yes. But on the other hand the comparison is a moot point in that I drive a Chevy & I'm a Ford guy. However,, there's this new fangled truck called the Toyota something or other. I hear it's the absolute best but thats just froma  few people. So in reality I'll just drag my so-so FX3 around in a 1/2 assed ton Chevy.   :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: browning204 on August 26, 2008, 03:02:15 PM
I thought your question was funny, obviously  not a serious question. But funny indeed.

I have never used or seen a WT caller used first hand.  Why is that so hard to believe.

I'm not putting the call down, I simply am not familiar with the call.  Why is that so hard to understand.  Sheeeeesh..... :rolleye:


I do understand, as I thought you are messing around, I was to.

Never saw or heard a WT?? you will have to make a point to. I am sure you will like the sound quality.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


 :holdon:There seems to be some folks out there who think I am bashing FP and others :nono: not at all I just want one and can not afford it and want to know why they can not move to a larger market..........Like........Poor people. I will sleep OK with this question in my mind so folks can stop sending messages to me about my opinions :wink:
I will buy the first one I can afford and will do a quality job for me and I am in the market for one :eyebrow:
It is my hope that I have offended no one at all and if I have I am truly sorry. I only intended conversation to learn what others had been through with these callers.


Boy, I don't know Al??  I think I'm offended??   :wo:  What time do you want me to pick you up Wed. evening?  Should I bring the Scorpion?  :shrug:   :confused:   :innocentwhistle:   :innocentwhistle:

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


I will hunt over any of them Jim, But my opinions are the same :biggrin:


I tell ya what mike I went hunting with a guy that has a WT call.  yeah the sounds are great but for some reason the dang thing never really worked well. changing sounds was a pain.  most of the times that night the wrong call was selected and instead for a mouse squeek or rabbit we got a coyote howl or some other off the wall sound.  say what ya want about foxpro or any other product but I have had three electronic calls in my life.  the preymaster which I would still have if I did not hate the cord.  and a fx3 and a fx5.  I did not like the fx3 remote mainly because of operator error.  I would change a sound and if it did not do it fast enough I tried changing it again.  once I learned how to use it I was happy.  the fx5 came out and I am happy with it.  I did not like the blue lcd for night hunting because it screwed my vision when I went from looking to the remote to where the light was scanning.  I called the foxpro guys up they changed the brightness of the lcd (this was before the red lcd came out) and I am happy now.  they have allways had great customer service.  which is more then I can say about bill.  I called him and wanted to talk to him before I bought my foxpro and before I even hunted with one.  I got the run around and was told basically that I did not know what I was doing.  I might buy a minaska here if they M1 goes down in price or I can pick one up cheap but when I got a 700 dollar caller that works for what I want there aint no need to go buy another.  the fury looks to be a impressive call.  I do not see myself buying one though.  I find myself now messing with the remote more then when I had the preymaster.  maybe it is because we can.  IDK  with a remote with more features we might be messing with it more.  there are a few things to cut down on even looking at the remote now with this new call.  I am curious about this FHSS for the transmitter.  from what I seen on wiki it is similar to what I use in my RC cars and if it is there should be no problems with reception with hardly any interferance.  jmo  takereasy ben smyser
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


So you have used a WT. At least you have and can actually base your opinions on actual experience. Not because a bud told you to say it or wanna be in a club.

Thanks and I wish you had a better experience with the caller than you did. I will admit, I screwed up a couple times because I was mashing buttons to fast. But I learned and it is better now.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


Quote from: alscalls on August 26, 2008, 04:30:45 PM
:holdon:There seems to be some folks out there who think I am bashing FP and others :nono: n  folks can stop sending messages to me about my opinions :wink:

If people are sending you messages about you opinions because you MIGHT be against fauxpro, then they need a life!

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


I am not against anyone......and I would not want them to think that I was. I simply know how things can be misunderstood.
I just think the price of everything is too high and to have to pay a small fourtune to hunt a coyote? Is nuts
As am I so I will probably get one someday.... which one? who knows but It does not matter long as it works.


Quote from: browning204 on August 26, 2008, 06:19:17 PM
So you have used a WT. At least you have and can actually base your opinions on actual experience. Not because a bud told you to say it or wanna be in a club.

Thanks and I wish you had a better experience with the caller than you did. I will admit, I screwed up a couple times because I was mashing buttons to fast. But I learned and it is better now.

I never used one.  I hunted with a guy that had one.  he had the one that still used the FRS radio.  like I said there were some good sounds comin out of it but it malfunctioned more then I thought it should.  foxpro has been coming out with better sounds in the last two years.  slowly but surely they will have something that will fully maximize the foxpro.  there are some sounds though I know that are hand calls that work better then some of the ones that are real live animals.  the DSG cottontail is one of my favs and it is Mike dillon Byron south and Glenn guess on a hand call doing a rabbit distress.  right now ya have a mp3 player on steriods that uses a remote.  if ya put sounds into it that does not fully utilize the new technology that they have in these FX calls then it does not matter.  the old sounds worked good in the 416 calls because the sounds were actually recorded onto the call.  I am not sure if they had static in them at all from transfering them but I would imagine it would.  now a days the sound file is just that a sound file.  when ya add sounds you are just modifying the what is on the hard drive.  now with the new sounds they are coming out with I believe foxpro is finally getting sounds that make the FX series actually sound the best they can.  do ya understand what I am saying?  I know when I get work done on mine I pretty much just stop in at foxpros facility on the way to a hunting trip.  I hope to get the lcd changed over and a few sounds put on my call next time.  everytime has been a good experience.  I see they are adding more and more sounds everytime I look at their website and there is a list of atleast 30 I would like to get on my FX-5.  I have a bunch on my FX-5 that were from various websites that are free but have never had luck with em.  anyhow takereasy ben smyser
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


Quote from: bigben on August 26, 2008, 06:34:53 PM
Quote from: browning204 on August 26, 2008, 06:19:17 PM
So you have used a WT. At least you have and can actually base your opinions on actual experience. Not because a bud told you to say it or wanna be in a club.

Thanks and I wish you had a better experience with the caller than you did. I will admit, I screwed up a couple times because I was mashing buttons to fast. But I learned and it is better now.

I never used one.  I hunted with a guy that had one.  

Thats what I meant.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!



No offense taken.  Honest.  Ecalls are very expensive, I certainly won't argue that fact.  What rubs me the wrong way is the call bashing before the product even comes to market.  I guess if folks haven't heard it or used it there's nothing left to bash except for the advertised price.

I have only ever owned two Ecalls in my life, an FX3 and an FX5.  No doubt in my mind that I'd still have the FX3 if I wouldn't have lost it. :doh2:  Yep that's right, lost it.  I figured I was starting from scratch again so what was another 200 bucks.  At the time I had it to spend so I got the FX5.

One thing I have never done is bashed any other Ecall or Mouth call.  Obviously I can't say anything negative about other Ecalls cause I haven't used anything but Foxpro.  I'm certainly not in to bashing mouth calls either since I have my own line of calls.  I certainly don't want people trashing my calls especially if they haven't used one.

I know the Dillons fairly well and they are very nice people.  Like Ben stated their customer service is great and they do alot for us local folks in Pa. and that means alot to me and alot of others.

I don't know all the history between the board and PM.  From what I understand there is some controversy of some kind between the two boards.  Honestly I could give a crap about all that.  I don't come here to be apart of some political childs play between predator hunting message boards.  Nor will I be involved with the "My caller is better than your caller" syndrome.

To everyone: 

For crying out loud, buy the Ecaller you like and can afford and quit the childish bickering, it's gotta look pretty foolish from the outside looking in.  You know as well as I do that any one of em will kill a coyote in the right situation.   Heck, I can't afford a new truck so I buy a used one but you won't see me crying all over the internet about high truck prices.........  Ok, I'm done.
