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Faux pro fury?

Started by browning204, August 23, 2008, 11:55:51 AM

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Quote from: bootmud on August 26, 2008, 08:25:42 PM

To everyone: 

For crying out loud, buy the Ecaller you like and can afford and quit the childish bickering, it's gotta look pretty foolish from the outside looking in.  You know as well as I do that any one of em will kill a coyote in the right situation.   Heck, I can't afford a new truck so I buy a used one but you won't see me crying all over the internet about high truck prices.........  Ok, I'm done.


WELL SAID!!   :highclap:  :highclap:

George Ackley

well said my ass :argh:

See that's the funny thing,,,

bootmud I didn't do anything but post my thought on the new foxpro on the PA sight ,,,

The guy ask a question and i answered it ,,,,,,here is what I said

question from hunter   Quote:
((((((((((((((((((((((((((CAN I UPGRADE MY FX5 TO THE FURY??????????? )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

my reply to him was

Shame you didn't know about the new unit before you got your FX5...

FX5 is now obsolete....

the good thing is used fx5 will be for sale cheep

fx5 new today is $699
the Fury, the new and better call $500 new
fx5,last weeks new $699 used now, about $275 to $325


Then then 1 min, after i posted it you felt the need to PM me as a mod to tell me you wont put up with me bashing foxpro on the pa site

I DIDNT BASH ANYTHING,,, I told the guy who ask the question the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but right away you come running to foxpros aid!
are you doing what your saying every one ells shouldn't???

you sent another PM telling me this,

((((Foxpro is a supporter of this site and they do alot of things for the PPHA and Pa hunters. You made your opinions well known prior this post on other sites, no need to start trouble here, plain and simple.))))

how the hell is that post I made starting trouble kid :argh:

what I see is a moderator trying to weed out anything negative about his call of chose .. and I didn't bash anything....

YOU FIND A POST ON ANY SITE WHERE I BASH A FOXPRO CALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! show me one post.

And you come here saying all that shit about you don't understand.

give me a brake will yea

fine that post with me bashing a foxpro call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are all waiting.....

AND REMEMBER PAL huntingpa.com isn't a PPHA sight so what they do for your club shouldnt concern me.


yea yea i know the spelling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump

George Ackley

one more thing    BITE ME!!!

Sorry jimbo i needed to  barrow that
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Quote from: bootmud on August 26, 2008, 12:01:43 PM

No....  The price of the FX5 is currently $679.95


AND Foxpro's site has the FURY listed for 599.95

My calculator shows that as being $80.00 less.


There is no question that the value of a FX5 dropped like a rock when the Fury was announced.   :readthis:   Sounds like Foxpro has infected the common sense of that PA site to me.  Going down the same road as PM maybe???   :shrug:   

George Ackley

NA, THEM guys??????
they say sh1t like ( For crying out loud, buy the Ecaller you like and can afford and quit the childish bickering,) ,,  
but look at them , they grab there foxpro hats and shirts and come running when some one somewhere on the Internet has something other then good things to say about foxpro,,

please you foxpro guys, find the post with me bashed there calls,, we are still waiting

look on any site i challenge you to find one

Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Quote from: George Ackley on August 24, 2008, 06:50:34 AM
I say bye any call you like,   BUT A FOXPRO   :rolleye:  :rolleye: :rolleye:

Read my signature line at the bottom to understand my feeling,,,,

Well, how about that post George.  I guess that's not bashing?????

George you've spelled it all out in the above post.  You're true personallity and intelligence reflects in your posts and Mannerisms (No, I'm not talking about your spelling either).

You obviously have a lot of hatred and anger inside of you to be so harsh toward folks especially fellow predator hunters.  Someday it's gonna bite you back.



Quote from: Semp on August 26, 2008, 10:04:34 PM
Quote from: bootmud on August 26, 2008, 12:01:43 PM

No....  The price of the FX5 is currently $679.95


AND Foxpro's site has the FURY listed for 599.95

My calculator shows that as being $80.00 less.


There is no question that the value of a FX5 dropped like a rock when the Fury was announced.   :readthis:   Sounds like Foxpro has infected the common sense of that PA site to me.  Going down the same road as PM maybe???   :shrug:   


I guess it'll make you feel better when your favorite Ecall maker comes out with a new model and the price is higher????

Yea, that makes lots of sense. :confused:

Like I said, Bitch, Bawl, Complain.    Waaaa :sleep:

George Ackley

I say bye any call you like,   BUT A FOXPRO     

Read my signature line at the bottom to understand my feeling,,,,

Thats not bashing there calls ,,, but good try :yoyo: keep looking for the post out there on the internet where i say foxpro call arent any good

I don't like foxpro because of there relationship with Glenn Guess.

he is a representative to that company, who will make up story's to improve his status in the predator hunting world,,
And my out look is if FOXPRO  can tolerate his untruths to the predator hunting masses then I can't say anything good about that company..

read my signature line it don't say anything bad about there callers just there  way of doing business ,,

you can say what you like but, but the guy goes' out of his way to lie do  discredit eastern hunters to make himself look like a master hunter...

like he told us all,,, he called in every predator in the east on a 2 week trip there ...bunch of foxes red and gray
hand full of coons bobcat and coyotes, with him saying that , what he is really trying to tell you is why do you guys say it so hard there??? i did it in 2 week , 2 weeks of part time calling why he chases one of are ugly PA girl;s that he followed from TX to PA... He wasn't even in the conversation I was having with Shawn.
but went out of his way to call me out WITH A LIE, let alone he was  trying to bait me into a argument...

I know you guys say it can be done, even though you or anyone ells you know of hasn't been able to do it.

So yea,  he bothers me...

you PM me on the other sight in like 2 min, after I post ,
And in my post i just was telling the guy my thought you can read it i am not bashing anything just stating what a bad spot the guys that just got the fx5 are in now.

and like I told yea if i brake the rules of the sight you moderate on then remove the post or get rid of me
don't PM me you team foxpro shit .... and if you remove anything i say you should be prepared to explain your self,,,

read my post everyone and tell me it look like I am braking the rules of the PA board ??

just another mod trying to make the sight his

you find a post with me saying bad thing about there calls yet??????????????????????
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump

George Ackley

and as for this

George you've spelled it all out in the above post.  You're true personallity and intelligence reflects in your posts and Mannerisms (No, I'm not talking about your spelling either).

You obviously have a lot of hatred and anger inside of you to be so harsh toward folks especially fellow predator hunters.  Someday it's gonna bite you back.

I would watch getting personal buddyboy,

You don't know me at all, And where I live man don't say things like that to other man without having to face the consequences of there words...

don't get personal , is all i am saying

you can e-mail me if you have anything in mined
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Quote from: vvarmitr on August 26, 2008, 10:14:18 AM
You mean $600 - $0.05 is cheaper!!!!  :shck:  :shck:  :sick2:
Holy rotten rodent rump!  :rolleye:

-    0.05
That's what my education in math came up w/ which is probably the same as George's & we didn't need a calculater!  :doh2:

Not done yet ... will be adding more ... BRB


Quote from: vvarmitr on August 26, 2008, 10:14:18 AM
You mean $600 - $0.05 is cheaper!!!!   :shck:  :shck:  :sick2:

-    0.05
That's what my education in math came up w/ which is probably the same as George's & we didn't need a calculater!  :doh2:

Quote from: bootmud on August 26, 2008, 04:13:34 PM
  Why is that so hard to understand.  Sheeeeesh..... :rolleye:
That's what I thought when I read your rely & came up w/ $80.  :confused:


I'm lost too.  :shrug:

Quotethe current top of the line model
$680. FX5

QuoteA company puts new technology and features into a caller that hunters have asked for at a cheaper price
$600 Fury

$680(FX5)- $600(Fury) =$80 less for
Quotenew technology and features into a caller that hunters have asked for at a cheaper price

:confused: Give or take the nickel of course.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

George Ackley

I was looking at it like this,

last week FX5 was $680.00
this week the Fury a better call is $599.00

Yea its cheaper but what about the guy that spent $680.00 last week?

some were out there is a guy at basspro walking to the counters as we speak with his $700.00 FX5 not knowing there is a better cheaper one comeing soon.

Yea its a cool deal, for the guy just looking for a new call , but what about all the guys that just got the FX5
that cant be upgraded ,

and now I will say this slow,,

If you cant  up grade the fx5 and the new call is $80 dollars cheaper then the fx5 is obsolete  :madd:

unless you are a rock head and bye the more expensive call over the better one :confused:
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Quote from: George Ackley on August 27, 2008, 09:53:58 AM
I say bye any call you like,   BUT A FOXPRO     

Read my signature line at the bottom to understand my feeling,,,,

Thats not bashing there calls ,,, but good try :yoyo: keep looking for the post out there on the internet where i say foxpro call arent any good

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Oh George, I won't make it personal.  Even though you've called me two cuss words.... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:



Quote from: George Ackley on August 27, 2008, 11:27:11 AM
I was looking at it like this,

last week FX5 was $680.00
this week the Fury a better call is $599.00

Yea its cheaper but what about the guy that spent $680.00 last week?

some were out there is a guy at basspro walking to the counters as we speak with his $700.00 FX5 not knowing there is a better cheaper one comeing soon.

Yea its a cool deal, for the guy just looking for a new call , but what about all the guys that just got the FX5
that cant be upgraded ,

and now I will say this slow,,

If you cant  up grade the fx5 and the new call is $80 dollars cheaper then the fx5 is obsolete  :madd:

unless you are a rock head and bye the more expensive call over the better one :confused:


I think I'm starting to see your point.  I've been paying close to $4.00  for gasoline for the last few months and now it's like $3.50.   That's bullshit!!!!   Hundreds of gallons of gasoline down the old tube.

Oh yea, and that new camera I just bought $400 bucks and now the new one comes out with more megapixels and it $100 bucks cheaper.  How could Sony do that to me?   That's bullshit!!!!

Well at least I know where I can still spend $1.00 and get the same thing I got 10 years ago for $1.00. :roflmao: :roflmao:

George Ackley

 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: YEA FUNNY



THATS WHATS FUNNY :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

:nofgr: good try but your the funny one
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump

George Ackley

 I wasn't saying anything about what you just posted above,,,

Read my post that you sent me the PM about over on the PA site....

here is the post again

hunter asked this

i reply with this


Shame you didn't know about the new unit before you got your FX5...

FX5 is now obsolete....

the good thing is used fx5 will be for sale cheep

fx5 new today is $699
the Fury, the new and better call $500 new
fx5,last weeks new $699 used now, about $275 to $325



THATS WHAT IS FUNNY :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

what the conection between this below and my original post??????

bootmuds last reply

((((((((((I think I'm starting to see your point.  I've been paying close to $4.00  for gasoline for the last few months and now it's like $3.50.   That's bullshit!!!!   Hundreds of gallons of gasoline down the old tube.

Oh yea, and that new camera I just bought $400 bucks and now the new one comes out with more megapixels and it $100 bucks cheaper.  How could Sony do that to me?   That's bullshit!!!!

Well at least I know where I can still spend $1.00 and get the same thing I got 10 years ago for $1.00.   )))))))))

Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Quote from: George Ackley on August 27, 2008, 11:51:02 AM

fx5 new today is $699
the Fury, the new and better call $500 new

George, Please get it right.  The Fury is $600 not $500

Thats a savings of .05 cents.
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

George Ackley

yea yea it was a typo ,, you pointing that out don't change anything pal.

you jump the gun in PMing me because your just like the others , your pro foxpro and will defend them even if your wrong....

You can stop looking for my call bashing post,, because there isn't any out there i don't bash people product.. and Mike knows that ,

I tell it like I see it,  and people here will tell you that. and it has nothing to do what call anyone uses

I have  killed a couple predators and have photos all over as you guys know ,, did you ever see me promoting anyones electronic calls in any of my photos??????????????????? and i have them>

have ever herd me say one call is better then the next....

did you ever see me holding a call up in the air in a hero photo?????????????
you see me makeing how to videos or makingcalls for sale ???
no you haven't... i ant that kinda guy pal, use what you like but don't tell me a am wrong cause i don't

I don't have a rep of a great coyote killer only the rep of telling it like i see it
unlike most
I am a simple guy, saying it the best way i can, and if i don't like something i say it

George W Ackley
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump

George Ackley

some my think I have a ego, but I don't, and guys I have hunted with or taken hunting will tell you that to say i have a ego is as far from the truth as you can get..

it ant hard to find the guy i helped out on these sight or in the hunting comunity

so what ever you think of me your wrong dead wrong.
and I hope I am done with this conversation
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump