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Do you really think the 2nd Amendment is for hunting?

Started by Bopeye, November 20, 2008, 06:23:37 PM

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This gal understands that it's not about hunting guns, but the right to bear arms regardless of what they might be.

It's refreshing to see a non-hunter that understands. I wish more did..........  :rolleye: :innocentwhistle:

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


She cut through all the crap that had been piled on to the 2nd Amendment and got to its very soul.

The NRA should  use that video to wake up the country.

Thanks for posting it.

Jerry Hunsley

Very touching and to the point. Your right Bopeye :  Pretty powerful message.


I've seen that video before & it's still true what she says.  :yoyo:

As for your initial question Bop,,,,, "Do you really think the 2nd Amendment is for hunting?" No I don't. It is about our right to protect ourselves & our families from political tyranny in this country & from foreign threats on American soil should we ever have to defend this Nation while our troops are assembled overseas. As well as the street scum that tries to violate OUR rights as law abiding citizens by using our defense weapons against us in a crime.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Right on!   Great video.  It should be on the national news.  It won't be.....but it should be.


I have had to pull my 1911 before......And this video  brought a tear to my eye. I wish everyone could understand a situation like this.........Bop, you should spread that Video to all you know Thanks for bringing it back.