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I am not Bill Martz

Started by JoshT, December 13, 2008, 07:50:32 PM

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Hi All,

First, let me say thanks (again) to the moderators of this forum for allowing me to join. Let me just say, to those folks that were guessing that I am not Bill Martz, you are 100% right. After getting banned from PM, for no good reason, I immediately sent an email to their webmaster telling them that I am not Billl Martz, as they concluded. The webmaster would not discuss this with me, and said that if I did not provide my real name, address, and phone number, I would remain banned. He said I was banned for creating multiple accounts on the same day, which I actually had cleared up way before I was banned. After reading the follow-on posts, it was obvious that they were waiting for a way to smear Mr. Martz's name, and directly inflict damage to his company. This act, in my mind, is one of the most dishonorable things I have seen.

As for the Furie, I have had a chance to review the circuits used. I now know why FauxPro did not respond to my post...they had no response. I do not fault them. They are not a radio company, so they do not have the expertise to even approach answers to my questions. From what I have seen, they are a good call company, so they should just know when to calll a spade a spade. From what I have seen, they have made a very amature mistake in the radio world, they developed an asymetric link. They put an amplifier on the hand unit but not the box unit. What does this mean? It means the box will not be able to talk back to the remote consistently. In fact, it's going to have less than half the range going from the box to the remote, as it does going from the remote to the box. So you are probably asking what does this matter? One of the main reasons to have reverse link is to keep the remote current with the state of the box. Also, the transceiver will probably not go into sleep cycle if they are not synchronized. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the field. I am going to do a little research into the RF IC chip they purchased. I will also be able to do a more accurate link budget, with the real sensitivity numbers and power output, since I now know what they used.


"The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed;..." Thomas Jefferson letter to Justice John Cartwright


Josh T looks like you have one hell of a background in radio building. Have you done any testing of other e-caller companies products? If so would you be willing to share some of your findings in future post?

Some of us want to only know something works 75% of the times they push the button. Then some of us want to know why it don't work that other 25%.




The biggest problem you are going to have with any game call is placing it on the ground. There is a big difference between "Line of Sight" and "Radio Line of Sight". A radio signal sent from one antenna to another is in the shape of a football. So, when you place the radio on the ground, you cut off half of the signal (cut the football in half) that would normally be avialable to the receiver if it were up off the ground. The higher off the ground you get the receiver, the better it should perform. Think of the antenna as an eyeball or some other type of aperature (like a rifle scope). The signal intensity that is seen is a function of good "Radio Line of Sight", not just line of sight.

Also, it is critcal that you have the transmit antenna and the receive antenna parallel to each other. Any mismatch in polaritiy will cause path loss (just more dB's to the loss equation).

Have you ever noticed the performance to be really poor in a canyon or near a mountain region with shear rock walls?


"The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed;..." Thomas Jefferson letter to Justice John Cartwright


Quote from: JoshT on December 13, 2008, 07:50:32 PM
From what I have seen, they have made a very amature mistake in the radio world, they developed an asymetric link. They put an amplifier on the hand unit but not the box unit. What does this mean? It means the box will not be able to talk back to the remote consistently. In fact, it's going to have less than half the range going from the box to the remote, as it does going from the remote to the box.

Perhaps that was done by design.   :eyebrow:   It might be a real good reason to sell an "upgrade" later on.   :eyebrownod:


Foxpro Field staff


Here is just one short sentence from a tester in Wyoming.

"12:07 pm
Posts: 28
" Campbell county probably has as many oil and gas wells as anywhere in the country. You are never very far from one and no glitches so far.

As for the temp, its damn cold and getting colder. Minus 5 right now and 30 to 40 mph winds. Supposed to be colder yet tommorrow. Had a decent morning, but it went to pot fast. It was too windy and cold by 10:30 AM to do much more. "
Man oh Man, those Foxpro guys sure are pee poor at building callers now ain't they?  LOL
Oh well, maybe they ain't quite as bad as some folks would lead you to believe.
Foxpro Field staff


Josh T, I sure am glad for you that you aren't the unmentionable one.  Welcome to FnF. I am sure we all look forward to your expertise on radios.

As for ecallers, I really do look forward to field testing the Fury.  It appears that Foxpro has developed a really efficient remote, and all done legally with proper authorization from the FCC.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff



Looks like there are some good results. I am going to keep an eye on the results as more and more people get the calls in their hands. I guess at the end of the day, all that matters is if it does the work you want it to do. I think $600 is a little to rich for me. I like to do things on the cheap! Thanks for the link.

"The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed;..." Thomas Jefferson letter to Justice John Cartwright



I look foward to your test results. It would be interesting to place a 400MHz side by side with a Furie and do a comparison. I am most interested in the "bending" ability of the radio signals. This can be tested by placing both boxes on the ground next to each other, then go over a hill so they are out of sight and see how they each perform. In theory, the 400MHz should bend twice as much around the hill or obstruction as the 900MHz FHSS.

"The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed;..." Thomas Jefferson letter to Justice John Cartwright


JoshT ,
I understand what you mean about the price. With the economy  about to crash and all, a man needs to be careful with his money. Guys like me have a strong passion for calling predators, so we want the best equipment that we can afford. I say this even though I know that an old Johnny Stewart MS-512 sitting cross-wind some 50 yards or so will call almost any  predator that ain't deaf. Back in the 80,s, I used to tape a minute or so of silence at the beginning of the tape. I would then walk cross-wind of my chosen hidey hole to set my caller where I wanted it, hit the go button and beat feet back to my butt cushion before the screams started. Worked just fine.  :wink:
Foxpro Field staff


Click that first link again, the one I posted above. Look at that first photo, above which the tester said this "First pic is a zoomed out pic from sitting in my driveway, which is below the road. I put the call off to the right (red 100) in the thick grass and junipers at 100yds. It is purposely sitting behind a juniper and a rock pile."

Foxpro Field staff


Another quote from the wyoming tester.

"So far the new remote seems to be all it is cracked up to be. I got along fine with the FX5 remote but there were limitations and I learned to be sure to set it with a good clear line of sight. This one doesn't seem to be near as picky. I will give it alot more of a workout as soon as this weather breaks."
Foxpro Field staff



Looks like it is performing as needed..plus some. I'll be honest, my focus has shifted from purchasing a game call to deer hunting since I was invited on a trip to Texas to hunt deer in January. I will probably wait until next season to purchase a call, since I need to buy a new rifle & scope (not a bad problem to have). I still plan to follow the activity in the call arena, since I am a radio guy and it is very interesting to me. With all the calls out on the market, it will be interesting to see what rises to the top. Thanks for posting your test results, all this info is very useful to me.

"The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed;..." Thomas Jefferson letter to Justice John Cartwright


Hi Josh. Welcome to the Forums. You mention the radio signal being like a football. Well my radio experience consists of having my Wife set the radio in my truck for me if that tells you anything.  :eyebrownod: Anyhow I've always envisioned the signal leaving the remote antenna in a series of rings. Kinda like smoke rings. They just keep growing out until they reach another antenna that is on the same wave length & that antenna grabs them from the air. The signal being like a football is interesting. I'll never be a radio guy but I'm still learning a little bit!!  :yoyo:  Thanks!!

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Hi HaMer,

Here is a picture to illustrate, if I can figure out how to get it loaded:

So you can see that when the antenna gets closer to the ground, the football (fresnel zone) get squished. Fresnel Zone is pronounced Fra-nel zone. This simply has to do with the bending I have been talking about. The radio waves that you think were transmitted away from the antenna bend back to the antenna, so the total power that would be available to the antenna is the accumulation of all the energy that appears at the receive antenna, the straight shot energy and the energy that is bent back. Setting the receiver on the ground is a bad thing to do, but necessary.

You are correct in you smoke ring analogy, this is just the path the smoke rings take to get to the other antenna.

"The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed;..." Thomas Jefferson letter to Justice John Cartwright


That makes things clearer. I also see where the signal loss comes from. But I do have to admit that I've not had the same problem with my FX3 that a lot of others had with theirs. On the other hand I didn't rush right out & buy the 1st one either. I bought mine about 18 months after it's initial release.

Thanks!!  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Josh T: You became very popular very quickly on the predator boards. Don't worry about PM banning you, thats how the cowards over there handle things when they don't go in fauxpro's favor. Couple that with the uneducation of the Mods. over there and you get P Masters.

Keep the good info coming, we love to learn!


Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


A few more tests on the new Fury, with all results still looking good. Here is the link for anyone interested: http://www.predatormastersforums.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=53012111&page=0&vc=&PHPSESSID=#Post53012111
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff