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Four Legged Doves.......

Started by KySongDog, January 02, 2009, 09:24:06 PM

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is what I'm calling those *&^%$  coyotes at the LBL.   :nono:

I went down to the LBL early this morning to scout a little and do a few setups.  My first set up ended after about 5 minutes. I had set the Minaska about 25 yards up wind of me and to my left.  I was hunting in a thick wooded area. About two minutes in to the set up the light wind switched 180 degrees!  Now I'm up wind from the caller.  :madd:   The coyote showed up at about the 5 minute mark and immediately went to the down wind side.  I only saw him for about a couple of seconds, moving through the sapplings. He hit my scent cone and vanished.  So much for stand number 1.  :sad2:

I moved down a ridge line about 1/2 mile and tried another setup. This time I set the Minaska about 30 yards in front of me and to my right. The wind was crossing left to right at an angle to the e-caller so I thought I'd be OK.   That turned out to be a mistake. About 4 or 5 minutes in to the stand, a big black and tan coyote came up from the left out of the thick stuff toward the lake.  The trouble was that where I was sitting I didn't see him until he was on top of the ridge.  And of course the wind had shifted again and he hit my scent just like the first one did.  :doh2:  Afterburners kicked in and he was gone.  *IF* I had set up more to the left so that I could see down the ridge slope, I would have had a shot. 

These coyotes popped out of nowhere and were gone in 2-3 seconds.  Reminded me of dove hunting except these doves have 4 legs. 

It was a lot of fun even with no fur down.  I know I learned a few things for sure.

Later in the day I met up with Jimmie in KY and we scouted some new areas.  We tried a couple of setups but nothing showed. 

All in all, it was a GREAT day.   :biggrin:


   At least you guys saw some fur.  Al and I have been getting out, but we havn't seen a thing????

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


I saw 1 on tue. but could not close the deal. :shrug:


Still sounds like fun Semp! It's always good to hunt, better if you see one! :yoyo:
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


You learned something so it was still a successful day. Next time out you'll have that much more of an edge.

Good for the heart rate too. :laf:
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Jimmie in Ky

We scouted an area I am still finding dificult to get into. What ever way the wind seems to be blowing , it's always wrong. No doubt there are a number of animals in the group. Just have to find a way to get them.

Years ago when I started fishing certain bays up there I saw a cat pretty regular at one point for years. Big fellow, he would sit and watch th cars go by from his spot in the shade. Last night as we were heading out I spotted another trying to hide in th road ditch, not such a big kitty , but a kitty none the less. Semp did not see it , and I know he had to be what caused it to decide to hide there since he was just a bit ahead of me. Jimmie


Sounds like you still had a great day.

QuoteYou learned something so it was still a successful day.

I would think now would be a good time to hunt the LBL. There probably hasn't been much calling pressure if any. A man could learn alot watching these coyotes react and help him later when  the pressure is on and everyone is calling the woods. It might give a guy an edge during the Feb calling season.

I may have to tag along with you at the annual LBL hunt this year Semp.  :wo:


Jimmie in Ky

It seems like everybody and his brother is already in there hunting them this year. Of course they aren't locating any yet since they are going by what they saw from the deer stands. Most have not learned how to work the place. They are learning that hunting coyotes specifically is a whole other ball game.

BTW, the roads are crap this year. We had a cat drowning rain Christmas week and it messed them up something awful. Some of the fords are dificult at best. First ford on Crooked creek is all but gone. I crossed it but I recomend four wheel drive in that part of zone 6 .

Population is also up , but not as high as it was 3 and four years ago. Jimmie


Quote from: CCP on January 03, 2009, 11:38:30 AM

I may have to tag along with you at the annual LBL hunt this year Semp.  :wo:

Hey, that sounds great, Rich.   :biggrin:  With you, Jimmie and the coyotes teaching me I may learn how to hunt these 4 legged doves yet.   :eyebrownod: