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Saskatchewan Hunt

Started by SCcoyotehunter, January 13, 2009, 07:09:42 PM

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Here are a few pics of my hunt. This place is amazing! One of the only places I have ever hunted with no noise at all. No planes over head, no cars or trucks on the highway, nobody's dog barking in the distance, just pure silence.
The woods there are amazing.

I hunted this stand for three days and saw lots of bucks here but no shooters. I did come really close to killing a buck on this day but thankfully passed On Thanksgiving day they moved me to another stand. Here is a picture of the stands we hunted from.

The week we were there we saw very little snow during the day. It always seemed to snow a few inches after dark. The guide told me if it starts to snow, be ready, thats when old biggun will come in. This stayed in the back of my mind.
On this day they dropped me off in a huge woodlot and it seemed like I walked for a really long time before reaching my stand. Here is what it looked like outside of my window in my stand.

They draw the deer by throwing out winter peas and covering them with alfalfa hey. The deer come and paw all around in it, sleep in it, pee in it, it actually becomes a huge scrape. I had several small bucks visit that morning but for some reason they all seemed on edge. At about 10am it started snowing, and I mean it was coming down hard. I remembered what the guide had told me so I was on full alert. All of a sudden there were no more deer to look at. Suddenly, out of no where in come walking this huge monster. He stepped right into the plot and I busted him. Only about thirty yards. He ran straight back behind the peas and stopped about 100 yds away. I was breathing so hard. After a few minutes I looked and noticed he was still standing back there. I shot again this time taking him down, but luckily because the 1st bullet had hit his shoulder and deflected straight down out his brisket only wounding him. Thank goodness I was able to make another shot. Here is his picture.

I am extremely pround of this deer. He is mounted in my office at work and I get a lot of people asking about him. This was a trip I will never forget. He scored 163 3/4 B&C


wow! What a monster! Nice deer for sure. It sure would be nice to experience the outdoors without any artificial noise. WTG on the Buck.



Glad you enjoyed your hunt up here and nice deer.  Where about's were you?  I love the silence here and hope I always do.
I say what I think not think what I say.





Awesome Muley :yoyo:
He's got some nice thick tines on him. Looks like some beautiful hunting country.

Thanks for taking us along :yoyo:
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What a hog!  Nice country there, really pretty and full of game where the flat open prairie breaks into those little hills and timber.   Thanks for the great story and pics.


Oh no! look again, that's a whitetail. :nofgr:


What a beauty !!
Very nice, congratulations !  :congrats: :highclap:


Proud indeed!!   What a whopper!  Thanks for the story!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Very very nice!  :yoyo: Thanks for sharing.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Yeah, your right!  :doh2:
Cut that rack off and you got a nice Muley though :laf:
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Man what a monster! Great job!  :yoyo:
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink: