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Maryland Face Hunting Closures

Started by FinsnFur, January 20, 2009, 08:59:46 PM

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Howard County, Maryland supervisors tomorrow will hear a proposal that could effectively close most, if not all, hunting in one of the state's major hunting areas.

The Executive of Howard County, Ken Ulman, proposed a new set of overly restrictive regulations that would:

    *  prohibit hunting on a parcel of land less than 10 acres
    * double the minimum distance for shooting near a building in the county, to 300 yards;
    * prohibit shooting within 100 yards of any public road in the county
    * make it illegal for a hunter to shoot in the direction of a building or a campground should the distance fall within the maximum range of the firearm being used, thus making it almost impossible to use a rifle or shotgun slug under any practical circumstances.

The extreme restrictiveness of the regulations makes it practically impossible for most hunters to lawfully comply.

To block these regulations and prevent similar ones from emerging elsewhere in the state, the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance (USSA) urges all Howard County, Maryland sportsmen to contact the each member of Howard County Council and tell them to oppose these over the top, anti-hunting regulations!   The meeting takes place at 7:30pm.

Click Here to get the contact information for the members of the Howard County Council.

U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance
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Quote from: FinsnFur on January 20, 2009, 08:59:46 PM

To block these regulations and prevent similar ones from emerging elsewhere in the state, the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance (USSA) urges all Howard County, Maryland sportsmen to contact the each member of Howard County Council and tell them to support these over the top, anti-hunting regulations!   
U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance

Support???    :confused:


 :laf: Yeah they kinda redfrogged that wording, didn't they.
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awful funny Obama gets in and the same day anti-gun legislation is being proposed  :innocentwhistle:   Where's Al's BS flag....

Another thing, how could town supervisors over-ride state regulations ?  I'm not sure about MD but I do know in PA state regs over-ride town/township regs. 

We had guys hunting geese basically in town but were in the middle of the river.  They were far enough away from the roads and building and were on state waters.
They shot the hell outta em and someone called the cops because of firing a gun within town limits.
The cops arrived and then called the Game Commission and when they got there said they could do nothing because the hunters were in the right of the State regs and they over-ride local town regs.
+1 for the Game Commission and hunters on this one.

( I was going to try the same thing but didnt have the brass monkeys them guys did lol )


All I can say is we need to keep track of the fight........start a letter writing campaign at every turn and have it posted on all the forums. We should start by just writing a letter to the new Pres. and every one in the house just to let them know that we aint gonna sit by and let this happen and have as many people sign it as possible and go from there!! :argh:


Hunting Will Continue in Maryland County
Anti-Hunting Bill Stripped of Worst Provisions Thanks to Grassroots Effort

Sportsmen in Maryland united to save hunting in Howard County.

A measure had been introduced before the Howard County Council that would have practically shut down hunting throughout the county.  However, the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance and other groups pushed a successful grassroots response that resulted in the removal of the most offensive restrictions.

As reported previously in On Target, the Executive of Howard County, Ken Ulman, proposed a set of overly restrictive regulations for hunters. Among the worst was a provision increasing the distance one may hunt near an occupied dwelling from 150 to 300 yards. Another prohibited hunting on parcels of land smaller than 10 acres. If those regulations had been implemented, almost all hunting would have been effectively closed in Howard County.

Fortunately, sportsmen voiced their concerns during a January 21 public hearing and persuaded members of the council to drop the worst provisions. Instead of increased safety zones and prohibitions on where hunting could take place, the final version makes hunters liable for a civil fine of up to $1,000 should they ignore safety rules.

US Sportsmen's Alliance
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