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we're snowed in here

Started by cathryn, January 27, 2009, 10:23:49 AM

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theres no way i can get out of the holler so we went and played in the snow.

we have about 6 inches on the ground and over the next 2 dys theyre sayin we could get betwen4 and 8 more inches. it snowing like crazy now.

Hawks Feather

You can get out.  Just fire up that truck.  What year is that by the way?



oh that truck?  dont know the kids are in my neighbors yard in that pic.

i do know Will said he was gonna use it for target prectice.

it was running earlier this year cause hed go mud boggin in the crick with it


I've been wonderin how my FnF friends have been makin out.  All the snow and ice I've been reading about. 
Keep the fire burin' Cathyrn !!!   

We're not gettin hit until later tonight into tomorrw.  Last report they're calling for 10+  :shck: :huh:


Got 4+ inches on the ground now and more comming.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Just now turning to ice.......could be no power tonight.........Stay warm folks!!


1/2" here this AM. Supposed to ahve gotten 6-8". Now they're calling for that tonight into tomorrow.  :shrug:  Just wait & see I guess. Good Luck folks!!  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


The snow in those pics looks like this place 8 months out of the year :eyebrownod:
Oh by the way, what's Bubba doing up there, golfing?  :laf: Poor boy's got spring fever.
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its raining here a bit here now.

hes holding the handle of one of those fancy snowboard scooters.its his friends. it looks like a snowboard but has scooter handle bars.BUT he does like to play golf.


If its raining you'll be gettin the ice...hunker down, make some home-made bread and venison soup  :eyebrow: !!

Hawks Feather

I think Cathryn has CABIN fever.  And it is going to get worse!     :shck:



i do and it is.  :madd:

we're baking tomorrow. theyve already called off school here.

Carolina Coyote

The snow scenes are really pretty, looks like the little girl is enjoying it, we have not had any snow in South Carolina to amount to anything for several years, would be nice to see one for a little while, but not to much, like to see it come and love to see it go. cc


You must live in the south. Not used to much snow.  :biggrin:

The morning news said we've had over 120 inches of snow so far this year. Schools only been canceled 1 day. Most people around here don't think much of 6 inches, just a bit of snow. But we are equipped for it, the plows run 12 - 16 hours a day to keep the roads semi clear.



I have not seen a snow plow yet......and I am in town!!!! Cathryn probably wont see one for a few days. :rolleye:


after the wreck last night they sent one up here about 8 oclock last night.
i havent seen one today and dont expect to till bout Saturday.

theyve already called off school here for tomorrow. in all likelyhood even when there is school the bus wont be coming up here to get the kids.

theyll eithre have to walk out or they wont be going.


We are supposed to get between 10-14 with sleet tomorrow whoo-hoooooooo....I may have to drive down to Derry and video Browning shoveling his driveway! :yoyo:


Cathryn, can they make them walk out like that ?  I dont think its legal  here.  If the bus cant make it around here and there is school you have a legal excused absense.  Many a times when I was a kid living with my grandparents on the mountain I missed school because the bus couldnt make it.


they dont make them but our driver wont come up sometimes for a week and that adds up to alot of work to make up.

ive actually complaind because there are alot of days it isnt dangerous he just doesnt want to come up.

if he put chains on its be easy.

the lady bus driver we had before him always put on chains and came up in here to get the kids.

dont get me wrong, if its dangerous i dont want him to come up but theres alot of times he could get up here but just wont even try. we're abut 1.5 to 2 miles from  where they catch the bus when he doesnt come up.


Quote from: alscalls on January 27, 2009, 06:56:30 PM
I have not seen a snow plow yet......and I am in town!!!! Cathryn probably wont see one for a few days. :rolleye:


Are ya'll that far out or are the plows stretched that thin?

The county plow trucks are a regular sight here this time of year. I have a cousin that plows for the county. His job is to go from one end of the county to the other on highway 31. He does that for 10 hours a day if it is snowing.