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Frogman's Redbird photos (Friday)

Started by Frogman, February 08, 2009, 10:06:53 PM

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On Friday (Feb. 6) Al and I planned to hunt hard all day and stay out til nearly dark.  We went back to an area we had hunted on Wed. South of Pineville.  We discovered this spot by stopping at a Forestry office and talking to some of the rangers.  They were very nice and even copied some maps for us and showed us how to get to a promising area.  We did some stands here and in this photo you can see Al heading back to the vehicle.

Here is the ridge where Al saw a coyote on Wed.

On this stand we set up in a large meadow with a piney wooded area to our right.  We set the Scorpion about 100 yards out in front of us.  After some distress sounds Al saw a coyote coming from our right towerd the Scorpion.  It soon dissapeared behind some brush and we never saw it again???  We tried some unique sounds to try to entice this coyote out into a shooting lane.  Instead we attracted the attention of one of those free rangeing cattle . . .

The e-caller is in a tree just beyond the cow??

After lunch Al and I decided to move to another location for our afternoon stands.  On the way up the haul road we saw these bull elk . . .

After arriving at our new location Al set up here and we had another unsuccesful stand . . .

We then moved about 200 yards away and set up again looking down into a wooded holler that was less steep than some we had been hunting in.  I could see pretty well down a couple of flats.  We planned to make this our last stand of the day and intended to stay longer til nearly dark.  After calling for a while I let Al know that I intended to move a little further out to my left.  It appeared that I would be able to see even better there.  After this move we resumed calling with Al doing some howling.  I was about ready to give up the stand and called Al on the radio to have him come over to my location and see what a great spot it was.  That's when I saw a coyote below me on the next flat down and about 75 yards away moving slowly to my left.  It seemed to not be paying any attention to the calling??  When it came into a good firing lane between the trees I fired and put him down.  Here is the photo I took just after the shot.  You can barely make out the coyote just above the scope . . .

And here is the Fins & Fur e-caller contest photo . . .

I was one excited hunter.  This coyote had it's front left paw missing and had a mangey tail, but it was still fur down.  Another great day of hunting.

Stay tuned.  I will post my Saturday photos tomorrow.  Thanks for looking and I wish you all had joined us.


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


WTG Jim!  :yahoo:
Did you have Al drag it back to the vehicle for ya?  :laf:


Good photos, really good stories.  Nothing like quality time with good guys.  :congrats:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff



He did the hard part dragging it up that steep hill.  I used my new F&F yote tote to carry the dog back to the car.  Al did help a little bit with that too, but he didn't want to get blood on his clothes???

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!



Who's in that first pic, peein in the road? :roflmao:

Wish I coulda made it down there. Looks like ya's had fun :wink:
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Quote from: FinsnFur on February 09, 2009, 03:27:06 PM
Who's in that first pic, peein in the road? :roflmao:
:roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:

Caught him dancing w/ his banana.  :dance:
:laugh2:  :laugh2:  :laugh2:


I was texting on my phone.. :laf: I could not find that little thing in that cold :nono: :roflmao: :roflmao: