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just getting into this big

Started by dsmitty, February 13, 2009, 02:35:42 PM

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I am looking for good info on where to set up on some land, and also how to call... should i howl or just stick to animal distress... how often to call?? how far to move to make set up #2?? or 3?? i will provide google map images of the areas i hunt, if you experts on here could maybe give me an idea of where you may set up and try to call it would be greatly appriciated. Im going out tomorrow morning to give it a go with my g/f's bro. Last time they went to this spot there were 9 yotes there at 7 in the morn... any ideas how to get in and not spook them??

will provide pics in my next post, have to get them ready


I'm no expert by all means, I've only killed 2 PA yotes in my 4 years of hunting them.  But I can tell ya the best way not to spook them is watch which way the wind is blowing, make sure it isnt blowing your scent in on them when you enter.  Sometimes its best not to even hunt there if the wind isnt just right. 
There's alot of GREAT coyote hunters on here that I'm sure will chime in and help ya all they can.

Welcome to FnF..


this image is an over view of a large section of public hunting grounds, you can see a large number of ponds and field. there are many rolling hills and long, long draws. I have coyote hunted this land many times with no luck at all. This land is also used as a lease for a farmers caddle.

this image right outside of town and is privately owned.. i have hunted this land once again. with no luck. the brownish areas are the low spots of the land, the white barn right in the midde of the land is the highest point. the land slopes down from from the barn in all directions.


Do you have any idea wher e they bed down at ? What area of that land do you here them at howl at? Have you walked the edges of these fields and looked  for scat or traccks going and coming, this would be there core area. Only go into this are with the wind at your advantage. The map is very cool ,but personally I couldnt tell you to the EXACT place where they are in the woods without scouting and looking for sign. When I had the wind in my favor as to where I would hear them howl or kinda know a general area,I would howl 1 or 2 wait 5-7 minutes and then start the distress,or let out a few female invitation howls  then wait 5-7 minutes and then distress. You could also do pups in distress. I hope this helps and you really dont have to get to technical , just go out with the wind in your face ,be quite ,no slamming doors or talking and if you know the general are where they are howling Let her rip and have fun  Good luck and LET us know your hunting story on the yotes good or bad! :yoyo: