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Went out yesterday.........With Nick, and WVHillbillyhowler

Started by alscalls, March 01, 2009, 08:07:41 AM

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Well WVhillbillyhowler, Nick, Hillbillies son, And myself got out for a very long day in the wood yesterday.......
We saw a bobcat, a coyote, and something big and black that was left a trail of blue jays and a bunch of eggs (seems early for the eggs :confused:) ......I did not get the blue jays on Film but here is the tracks we found near all the destruction....

We first started cutting tracks and got to a Thick edge and called it in.
No shots fired this last day of Bobcat season but a great day in the woods!

WVhilbillyhowler also hooked me up with this howler he made.......

WOW ........This thing is as loud as you could ever want or you can get quiet......Howls and yips Rabbit, deer, Cow, you can go deep or high pitched Just anything you want....I used it on every stand and am hooked!! :yoyo: :yoyo: Nice call Buddy!!

Hawks Feather

I am not real sure, but I think it might have been a female since it dropped it's lipstick.    :innocentwhistle:


Sorry, couldn't resist.


Quote... and a bunch of eggs

Mystery solved....  you all saw the EASTER BUNNY !!!   :eyebrownod: :laf:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


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thanks for the welcome man we had a blast al makes a fine deer sqeeker thanks al good trade :yoyo: :highclap:



Welcome to the forum!!  Just don't turn your back on Al when he has a camera!!  :innocentwhistle:

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!




 had lots fun on the hunt Als Calls and WVHillbillyhowler i learned alot and hope to go with all again  soon 



Thanks nick had a good time cant wait to do it again maybe the wind will lay next time you get that black widow call down yet got dive bomed by crows and hawks today cant find no dog sign :roflmao: :roflmao:


wvhillbillyhowler im still working on it and im geting better very nice call thow i checked out your site to nice pictures and calls


Thanks nick you will get it I hope to be putting more on soon maybe get one tomorrow old hiillbillys getting frustraded  :shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:


