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Callmakers chime in...

Started by Coulter, March 05, 2009, 09:21:20 AM

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This may have been discussed in the past but I probably missed it. I realize some guys only make calls and post them on boards such as this, but how many of you actually go through the trouble of advertising? I have been researching various avenues for advertising and I was wondering about the effectiveness of some of them. Of course we have the banners on this sight and others...well you guys do anyway. I haven't even gone this route yet for some reason. :confused: Then there is the option of purchasing advertising in magazines...which we all know can be very costly. I'm wondering if the cost incurred with magazine advertising or website advertising would be recouped through sales that normally would not be made? :wo:

By the way, I do not intend to start mass producing calls or anything like that. And the price of my calls will not be changing to compensate for ad prices. I plan to adhere to the same callmaking philosophy and not change anything about my calls. I am also not looking to compete with the big names in the industry...I'm just trying to reach some of the hunters that I otherwise would not reach through forums, outdoor shows or word of mouth.

I do plan to follow through with some ads in the near future and will be trying a couple of avenues. Have any of you guys ventured down this road and how did it work out for you?

Thanks for your input,

Hawks Feather


I think if you are planning to sell lots of calls, then ads would help.  But then again it would depend on the price of the ad.  If it were something reasonable I would consider it, but if it is too expensive I would pass.  I am not in this to sell lots of calls and can't really remember when I last posted one for sale here, but that is me.  If an ad costs X dollars I would need to probably sell X and 1/2 to break even for the cost of the add and materials.

I just called Varmint  Hunters Association and an ad in the classified section is $73 per column inch and can go in 1/2 inch increments after the first inch.  This drops to $66 per column inch if listed four times.  If you want it out of the classified you are looking at $133 per column inch and $99 if listed four times.  Color rates are $160 per column inch and $119 if listed four times.  While I am not sure, I would assume that these prices are close to other publications.    I am not saying that these costs are "high" or "low" only that I thought I would check with them.

If I were to place a one inch classified ad for one issue, I would need to sell $100 in calls to cover the add and the materials.  After that, I would be hopeful that there would be additional sales that would come from that ad.  Now if I were really interested in selling calls there, I would think that I wold need both color and size, which would increase the exposure of the ad, the cost, and my need for additional sales to cover these costs.

My website, while possibly not being the best looking out there and doesn't have PayPal attached, costs me about $100 a year.  So of the 1 inch, one time, ad vs. the site, I am going to have to stay with the site.

I would probably be rethinking this if I were really in the "business" of making calls or if I was looking to sell molded calls that might not have the same time commitment that my current calls have.



I do good right now to keep up with the local guys and the guys on FNF......Currently with turkey season comming I am about three weeks behind. :madd: I will not take on more till I know I can but it is an interesting topic...wish I could help ya.....try the local sporting shops and gun clubs as well word of mouth works but ya gotta be willing to beat the pavement.