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howling the midnight rain

Started by wvhillbillyhowler, March 15, 2009, 01:36:31 PM

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working on some howlers Saturday getting the fever to howl  some dogs I love howling yotes and trying different ones to see what they will respond to But it was raining no matter i was going I was gathering wy things when I could not find little johnny stu coaxer I had to think about it oshit took dave for a hunt last week left it hanging in a pine tree dam thats twenty miles and up a monster hill Well got to go get it I have left this call or forgot it before :madd: :madd:  :confused About the time I got there it started raining hard up the hill cussing oid me all the way by the time Igot back I was dripping wet Well i was going to go home then I remembered got dry clothes inback I drive back to a farm that i have taken six dogs from there it has a open hay shed perfect its midnight I get to it hay wagon in side set up on it I let out super long lone howl  WHAT yote answers Iread some place that they would not answer in the rain This guy claims he is hotshot coyote expert I love proven them wrong Well i howled again three yotes answer back Old hillbillys getting excited  :eyebrow: :eyebrow: howling has been slow for the last six weeks I over shot a big male here week before howled up adouble killed one The yotes were deep I waited ten min let them have a cattering howl they answered back they were five hundred yards THis went on for hour ahalf man i was loveing this one made it to two hundred or less but howled at this yardage There is arise in this field i've howled coyotes before they always set down right there, and run and howl back anforth in this field, any how when you howl coyotes from a long distance your howling there howling there moving and your not they will come so far and sit on you. this is where you need to move on them if i would have moved and it would have not been raining or if i would have had some of my coyote hunting buddies with me there would have been bloodshed so i backed on out its 3:00 oclock now, but you can bet your ass old hillbilly will be back with some of his friends. so if your up one night and you got nothin better to do and its misten rain don't be afraid to howl in the midnight rain.


Man I thought this was gonna be a song :laf:
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Caribou dreamer

Sounds like a good time Hillbilly :yoyo: :yoyo:
Hunt hard stay late and watch your back!


Sorry I could not go with ya Jon......well you know why but we will soon. :wink:


yea those dogs howlen some pretty tunes  :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:


Quote from: FinsnFur on March 15, 2009, 02:05:14 PM
Man I thought this was gonna be a song :laf:

Not a song, but sounds like there was some singin' goin' on.    :yoyo:



lots of it same thing lasnight to foggy could not see anything try again tonight  :eyebrow: :eyebrow:


Sounds like a great time.  Good luck tonight.


Went with Jon about 3pm and just got home.....5:35am ........Had a blast seen 4 yotes and heard em on every stand :yoyo: :yoyo: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: I love howling :yoyo: :yoyo:


Are you guys hunting and shooting?
Aren't you afraid this routine howling is going to educate the coyotes in those areas and make them tough to call?

If your doing this at night and an Alpha comes in unseen, you guys are talking to each other (hey Larry you hear those? It sounds like there 50 of em over there) That area is going to be ruined.
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So many people around here call to these things ........they are all hard to hunt but what we are doing is speaking their language and pissing them off ........seen a lot of eyes and heard a lot of beautiful howling......from the dogs as well as us....all mouth calls.....no distress........just howling.....and I seen four dogs......and we had em close every stand....I had one dog warning bark me....and we actually got him to come back and challenge howl.There is more to it than this but I aint giving that secret just yet. I would not want it to get to the wrong hands. :wink:
We are already getting complaints from the calving cow owners and we are aggressively taking action....... :eyebrownod:
And it was a heck of a lot of fun....Check out the find, below......... before it got dark........



i think Jon has killed several dogs on this farm and he has educated some maybe, but you are not going to stop him from hunting that farm because he has already educated and elimanated dogs on that farm.  It has several dogs on it and it will hold yotes all year round


going again tonight come on old hillbilly will get you bitt  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: just over shot same male three weeks ago howled in last night can do it again tonight should have killed three had some light trouble  :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :eyebrow:


How the heck did that coyote swallow that Cope can without chewing it? :confused: :laf:
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Quote from: FinsnFur on March 18, 2009, 07:49:26 PM
How the heck did that coyote swallow that Cope can without chewing it? :confused: :laf:

Thats a WV Coyote for ya  :roflmao:  :roflmao:


Good luck with those rainy midnight yotes! 

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


dont know i would like to put the cross hairs on that big basted  :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :roflmao: :roflmao:


 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Jon!.....you SOooo fit right in here. :laf:
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YES SIRE IM LIKEN THIS PLACE ALOT FUN FUN FUN  :eyebrow: :roflmao: :yoyo: