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Predator Hunting Question

Started by Bills Custom Calls, March 21, 2009, 06:20:32 PM

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Bills Custom Calls

Hamer and I got out for 1 stand this morning
After we got to where we were gonna hunt we walked about 1/4 mile to where we were gonna set up.

We walked in from the west with the wind coming from the south.The fox pro was set on the ground,yes on the ground,on a feild lane then we walked past it about 60 yards  on into a valley.We sat down on the hillside with a bunch of small trees behind us and had a good veiw of the farm lane  the pasture field ,and the direction we came from.
Glen fired up the fox pro with a howle and we got an answer right now about 300 yards on up the farm lane and we seen a flock of birds take off.A couple more howles then some distress sounds and no response I done a few howle on a hand call and got a response from further up the holler,some more distress sounds from the foxpro and we never seen the coyote.

I am wondering what we might have done wrong here

Could it have been last years pup and he wasn't looking for any confrotation.
Did we catch him out of his safe zone and he beat feet towards the den
Next time we hunt this should we set up on the other end of the holler? Thats where we got the last response when I howled  :shrug:

Usally when we hunt together we either get busted or get no response at all so this is somethi completely different for us

Ask any questions and post any info that might help us any and all info is welcome


Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call

Bills Custom Calls

Here is a pic of what we seen on our way to the stand.This was a mile or so up the road


Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Neat pic Bill.  I think our coyotes either come in or don't and that's all there is to it up here.  You guys hunt a totally different situation there so I'm not gonna guess.
I say what I think not think what I say.


When you get a response howl like that Bill......What do you think the coyote would expect next?
I have the same problem in that I want to hear him howl again .......so I howl....... :nono:
The coyote already knows where it came from now he wants to know what to do........
You can go many directions with this but I would have the farthest man back slip farther back and then distress or even howl to let that yote think the first yote was leaving and he would then slip in for a closer look perhaps. With a shooter quietly waiting the yote should try and come sniff where the dog (YOU) first howled.
Try and play out the whole game in your head and be right in it.
I know it wont work all of the time but trust me it dose work some of the time. :wink:
I hope this helps.


We rang the dinner bell on em after they howled.

I also think we got cut off by a cow. I seen her run down to the road well out in front of us. I never seen her come back up either. I'm thinking she seen the coyote(s) & ran them/it off.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I am such a novice at this that I have NO idea what you should have done. I can say that I checked out CCPs website and watched a video on yips and barks. My last time out, I got absolutely no response with howls, or with howls and distress, so I tried a howl and a few minutes later turned the Foxpro on the coyote barks and they came a runnin' just about a minute or two later. Might be worth a shot. Like I said, I have no clue so I try just about everything  I read about. Sometimes it works, most of the time it doesn't, but I do make note of what does, when, what time of day, time of year, etc..



I can think of a couple things that MIGHT have come into play.

One may have been territories.
And without hearing you howl I'd have to hazard a guess and wonder if your howl was too intimidating. That's a wild assumption especially not knowing if you were dealing with the YOY or not.
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Iwould not do destrees after i hear a howl give a lone howl back  in one hour or less dogs 99 will show up some will come in like screeming bancheees others come in not say anything bit your asss most dogs that have not been fooled with will howl back and forth with you the more they are mest with thems the ones that sneek in you think their not comeing in so you hit that howler or that call yep your busted iv done this alot howl get a howl back wait think their not showing hit destres booooom your busted dogs will not go down wind on you when howled  they come in right from were they answered blow a cry there going down wind  its hard to do when calling with somebody  but the best thing to do is wait and your cow did run your dog off  :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :eyebrow: :wink:

Bills Custom Calls

Thanks for all the input here

Jim I had thought about the territories thing also
Me intimidating  :laf: Noway,well maybe  :nono:

We were sure hoping that coyote would come straight down the farm lane then we would't have to be so careful
as if he came down through the pasture.The cattle were up on the hill across from us and back behind the ecaller
except the one that ran down the hill

Glen one day we will mess up right and and that coyote will get hit with a 250grain 44mag hollow point  :biggrin:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call




We started with the FP Interrogation howl & the FP Female Invitation howl. We were calling dang near straight into the wind which was probably only about 2mph. And it makes sense they would come straight to the howls but circle downwind to the distress.

:wo:  Maybe we should have stayed longer. But with the howls further away & the cow running down to the lane I thought it was a good time to make our escape undetected for another day.

I hope you're right Bill!! I wouldn't mind seeing one get trampled by that 44.  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


when you interagation howl the response you should get is either a challenge howl or you will get a bark threat howl either one of these are a aggresive dogs. the howls that i use are the lone howl or a female invataion all dogs of all sizes of all ages will respone to these two howls some of them take longer than others when your only howling your stand should be at least an hour or more after you here your first howl. over howling a stand after you here a dog response you will be doing more harm than you will  good lots of howls to begin a stand and proper howls less after you get a response learn what the howls mean so you can howl correct howls back.

Jimmie in Ky

If I am  reading your post right you goofed by expecting and asking the coyote to come down the same lane you just traveled yourselves.

And this is the biggest reason for beginers not to use howls.You can't really tell what your hearing from the responding animal. It took many years for me to be halfway sure of what I am hearing and still prefer other sounds to howls. And I don't use them on stand a lot either except in cases where I know I have a dominant dog out there.

Once you reached the bottom you should have placed the caller down wind of your chosen position. That way any animal using the trail would not be likely to ascosciate te sounds with your scent. Canine puppies or gray fox distress will beat the daylights out of howls any day because of the age classes of the animals in the area at this time of year. One or two of the pups are still hanging around and would likely be shy of coming to the howls. Only the alpha pair will work them and if your not in the bedroom or on teh trail they are using to gewt there, your not likely to gewt a response. Jimmie

Bills Custom Calls

We were walking west to east and the coyote was further east of us and the wind was coming from the south
And we were wanting the coyote to come to us on untravled ground

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


I kill pups on howls year round howls howled the right way will bring in any age dog spring time is one of the best times to howl the only reason most guys dont do well with howls is they cant howl bottom line  :yoyo: :yoyo:


Quotethe only reason most guys dont do well with howls is they cant howl bottom line

:roflmao: :roflmao: :laf: :laf:



wvhillbillyhowler, You have my full and undivided attention! A tutorial with your sound clips would be great! Thanks in advance. RP :biggrin:


some times i think old hillbilly is half coyote that man can howl it dont matter big dog little dog he can do all boys it :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


Welcome to the site Donny, pull up a chair!

Bills Custom Calls

Welcome donny Feel free to chime in anywhere

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call