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hunting essay

Started by mandi48, April 17, 2009, 06:49:22 AM

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 :shrug:  Where's the essay?   :confused:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Jim Champion took it......... :innocentwhistle:



RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: HaMeR on April 21, 2009, 06:44:55 PM
:shrug:  Where's the essay?   :confused:

I am not a murderer. My main objective isn’t to strike down an unexpecting animal. I do not feel unaccomplished if I am not so lucky to bring in that trophy buck, the knowledge and experience is unlike anything in the world. The rush of hearing the sound of a mysterious animal walking behind, to the side, or right in front of you, is unexplainable. Being surrounded by nothing but trees, maybe a trickling stream, and complete silence is breath taking. This is a battle for food, not thrill killing. I am not a murderer I am a hunter.
Let me set the scene. It’s roughly 4:30 on a Saturday morning. I’m on my way to my secret hunting spot with Henry, my hunting partner. About 15 minutes from departing, I arrive. I step out of the truck and douse myself with Scent Killer earth scent spray. I put my camouflage hat on, equipped with a light on my head to lead my way to my stand. I’m at my stand. I sit down and carefully lay my .35 Remington lever action rifle across my legs. I wait. To the right of me I hear something. It sounds close and it sounds big. A big rush of adrenaline comes over me. I ever so slightly turn my head to determine the cause of the noise. About 3 feet from me, is a squirrel. Damn. I wait again. This time the noise comes behind. I’m frozen. Cautiously I start to turn my body. Out of nowhere an ear piercing, high-pitched screech is in the air. The deer acknowledged my presence. Henry and I both knew that any deer relatively close were just warned that danger was near, so we call it a day and head home. What most people don’t realize is that deer are actually very intelligent animals. Also most of the time when a hunter sets out to hopefully harvest that trophy buck, more often than not, they fail.
Some people, or anti-hunters for a better name, believe that hunters are the cause for extinction of some animals. The reality is that no North American animal has ever become extinct because of hunting. Hunters aren’t the heartless animals killers that people believe. Did it ever occur to you that if there were no hunters, animals would over populate causing a food and space shortage for them to live, which would later lead to starvation and a painful death? Also more people would be hitting these animals with their vehicles, making it unsafe for everyday travel. I personally would rather shoot a deer have it suffer little to no pain, rather than hit a deer with my car and stand there watching it, sometimes, suffer for an excruciating amount of time. People who believe I am evil for wanting to take the life of an animal, that they believe is incapable of evil itself, get serious. Are you aware that your “non-evil” animals kill others of their species for something as stupid as mating rights? Animals eat other animals, that’s the way nature works.
I’ve found that most of the people, who have a strong dislike for hunting, have never experienced it or anything close to it.  How can you truly hate something without first trying it? Hunters in the United States generate more than one million jobs. With our economy being the way it is, how can hunters still be looked down on f we’re actually helping? Hunters also spend more money, time, and effort on wildlife conservation that any other group in society, yeah that includes PETA. Why am I, and fellow hunters considered evil, even after paying $4 million every day to conservation?
I do not expect you to understand why I hunt, because I know anyone can’t without doing it. I am not trying to prove to you that my actions are justified, because in the end, I’m still going to hunt. So go ahead and call me a “dumb redneck,” but don’t criticize the sport of hunting if you’ve never tried it. With that being said, I’ll end with this, I don’t go around criticizing your way of life, so don’t criticize mine.

I am not a murderer, i am a hunter



RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUESSSSSSSSS WHOSE ESSAY IS PUBLISHED IN THE NH HAWKEYE?....BLING$...BLING$....BUT ILL LET HER TELL YOU... :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :yoyo: :yoyo: :dance:


We lost several posts from the 16th and 17th of April from converting our database to tighten security.
We been getting a lot of hack attempts, and I wanna keep things as tight as possible. It was a risk I had to take.
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FIGHT CENSORSHIP  :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well there it is in black in white. You made the paper.

Again, I just want to tell you (for what its worth and what if anything it means to you) That i   am very proud of you.
And I will be proud to have  you as ah hunting partner any time

Love ya kiddo

Take a deep breath, aim and squeeze , then watch the arrow find its mark.


Way to Go!!!!  You should get an A in the class for getting something published!  That's a greater measure of real writing ability than a class grade.


Yes ma'am congratulations are in order here :yoyo:
Nice job!
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Quote from: FinsnFur on May 01, 2009, 05:26:38 AM
Yes ma'am congratulations are in order here :yoyo:
Nice job!

I think she deserves a free FnF membership :yoyo:............oh wait they are free anyways..what a frickin deal !!! :highclap: :yoyo: :biggrin: :yahoo: :thumb2: :dance:


AWESOME JOB Mandi  :yoyo:  :yoyo:  :yoyo:  :dance:





That is way cool!!!!  :yahoo:  :thumb2:  :dance:

Quote from: bowtech611 on May 01, 2009, 01:39:58 AM
Love ya kiddo
Henry: I hope you don't get to use to ending your post that way.  You answer one of my post like that & I'll have to slap ya!  :huh:

:roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:


Congratulations on your essay Mandi.  It is inspiring to see a young, articulate person that not only enjoys the outdoors but also understands the contributions and value of the our hunting heritage and it's role in the conservation and preservation of our country's wilderness.  Keep up the great work.

Hunt hard, die tired
Growing Old Ain't for Pussies.


I am not a murderer, i am a hunter


Quote from: vvarmitr on May 03, 2009, 11:00:14 AM
That is way cool!!!!  :yahoo:  :thumb2:  :dance:

Quote from: bowtech611 on May 01, 2009, 01:39:58 AM
Love ya kiddo
Henry: I hope you don't get to use to ending your post that way.  You answer one of my post like that & I'll have to slap ya!  :huh:

:roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
LOL! No worries there, I will never mistake you for my manda, she is far better looking than you or john wayne. Not to mention like a daughter to me. So dont hold your breathe waiting to slap me.
Take a deep breath, aim and squeeze , then watch the arrow find its mark.


Sure glad to hear that!