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What do ya think?

Started by mandi48, May 04, 2009, 10:45:30 AM

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at the end of this month is my bday...finally!...and i'm thinking of getting a tattoo, of a deer skull...the picture i posted with this is the one i was thinking of gettting, with the word "BOW HUNTER" instead of "hunt hard" and without the black in the background. it wont be big, its just going on my shoulder blade. I've showed a few of my friends but they don't seem to like it, but then again they aren't into hunting or deer. So i thought i'd ask you guys! let me know what you think. bad or good idea?

I am not a murderer, i am a hunter


I'm not real big on Tats but that one there is pretty awesome.


Nix the skin art & spend the $ on a good bow!  :wink:

Hawks Feather

The final decision will be up to you.  I had one younger teacher that had a couple who said that even though she wasn't drinking when she got them, she must have been drunk.   :shck:     The other questions that you need to ask yourself is if it will be visible when you are working (a couple of years down the road).  Some employers don't mind, but there are others that if it came down to you and another who did not have a tattoo showing, they would go with the one without.  I also think that there would be some that would take the tattoo person over the non, but I think there would be fewer of them than the non-tattoo group. 

Part of my thinking I am sure is an "age" thing.  When I was in my formidable years the only people with tattoos were servicemen.  That has changed, but "you are what you were when you were 10" and that hasn't changed for me.


P.S.  For anyone who doesn't know about the you are what you were - it is a study that was done and basically your core values are pretty much set by age 10.  They can be changed, but it take the earth moving for it to happen.


I do not agree with getting one......But if ya do......remember.....
Someday that will be an old wrinkled deer scull on yer back...... :laf:
Just think long and hard before doing such a permanent thing PLEASE... :wink:


I'm going to say it's a personal thing.  I wouldn't get one and really don't care for them.  Some of the guys who have one will have to give their thoughts.
I say what I think not think what I say.


I personaly wouldn't get one. But like Hawk said, it could make a difference about employment in the future. Don't get one that a T-shirt won't cover up. One of my sons can't get a job in the career field of his choice now because of tatoos he's got. Think hard about it. It's PERMANENT. Or at least expensive as hell to remove and it'll leave a scar.


What do we think?  What do I think?  My heart sank a tiny bit when you asked and then rose because you have the wisdom to ask some folks who are pulling for you to succeed, and who have more years of life experience.   Most fads (and tattoos are a fad) aren't permanent.  So the stupid hair and clothes we wore didn't leave anything more permanent than the old photos, mostly in family albums.   What one generation thinks is the coolest thing to have forever will be mocked and looked down on in a very few years by the cool and trendy people of the next decade.  My niece, in her mid 20's now, is already regretting the tats she has.  I would make a small side bet with you that within 5 years and certainly ten years you will wish that you had not gotten the tattoos.  If you live to age 70...  that's more years of regret than enjoyment of them.

It is your body and your choice, and none of us would take that from you.  All of us will esteem and respect you the same, and all of use know the difficult judgment required for someone your age to make a wise decision.  We'll care for you as much either way, as I love my niece.  I have never spoken a word to my niece about her tattoos, because she has never asked me, though she is now talking to her Mom about them.  But you asked...  You are a remarkably bright young lady, wiser and more mature than most.


Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves at dusk - Habakkuk 1:8


Look up the Mullet haircut.......then imagine if they were tattoos!!! :shck:
It would be hard to live with a permanent decision like that. :laf: 


thanks for the opinions everyone, some made me laugh a bit  :laf:

But I still am unsure about what i'm going to do. I guess we'll reaslly find out may 26th!
I am not a murderer, i am a hunter


When I started reading this post I thought you were going for one of those "tramp stamps".  :laf:  I don't think those are cool but some girls do. Maybe you could start with something smaller like your favorite cartoon character on your calf or something like that. Get a feel for the process then remember your shoulder blade has less meat on it than your leg  & the needle will be closer to the bone.  :readthis:  more pain.

It's your decision,, maybe life decision,, & you have the rest of it to get a tattoo. Don't rush it. The answer will come soon enough. HTH

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: alscalls on May 04, 2009, 06:13:02 PM
Look up the Mullet haircut.......then imagine if they were tattoos!!! :shck:
It would be hard to live with a permanent decision like that. :laf: 

come on dude mullets  :yoyo:

personally it is yer body.  you will have to live with it.  9 times out of 10 most have it in their head they want one and it doesn't matter what others think.  I have seen some pretty cool ones and I have seen some pretty bad ones.  I am one of the only ones in my family between the cousins that does not have one.  doubt I would ever get one.  in the end it is up to you. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


I got three tattoos and never been in the service.

None of them are anything scrolling or warlord looking. More symbolic of events in my life then anything. Do I regret it?...not really?
Would I do it again if starting all over at the age I am now?..no.
I think for what they cost it's a waste of money. I got close to 800 bucks tied up in skin art. Kinda stupid when ya look back.

I'm not one for tats on a girl. I have a bad habit of relating tats on girls to trashy women, so my opinion here is going to be slightly biased.
I think your a beautiful young lady Mandi, I really do. And you seem to have what it's going to take to be extremely choosy in life when it comes time to settle down with someone important to you, or time to pick a career. Both a future employer and a  future husband/boyfriend are going to have opinions.
An inked lady also has an uncanny way of attracting certain types of men, and I'm not envisioning you as that type.
And as Hawk mentioned, employers wont come out and say it, but if it's a deciding factor, the tat/s will play a role. Especially if you take a job dealing with the public.
Public opinion is huge, think about it. You might not be able to control it, but you dont have to provoke it.  :wink:
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I have two that I got in basic training and I don't like them anymore. I thought they were great at the time but now they are just embarrassing. They are only a form of identification now (if something so bad happens that I don't have finger prints or dental records)
sometimes I wonder....is that getting closer..... then it hits me

I had a personal conflict the other day, now I'm not speaking to myself.... I'm getting lonesome

I met the girl of my dreams, I was the man of her dreams too.....she used the term "nightmares" though.


Good mornig, Manda

I have  to agree with most everyones oppinion on here that suggest that you dont get one, But the one I agree with the most is  Vvarmtr.

You and I had a discussion awhile ago about all the things that you need and how I cant get it done alone. I have you covered on the bow but as you and I have talked about there is alot more to it than that. That tat would go along way toward alot of other things you need to prepare you for this fall but in the end it all depends on you and what is more important.

I will also say that you dont strike me as the tat type, your older sister yes, you no.  In my oppinion tats  just wouldnt work for you.
I am not going to ramble on about it cuz in the end it is your choice and you are going to what you want anyways. Just make sure you think about it  and be sure its really what you want cuz once its there it is there forever.

Love ya kiddo
Take a deep breath, aim and squeeze , then watch the arrow find its mark.


Make sure you really want to get one, its for life. Ive debated for years on getting one, heres my idea if I ever do>> flathead cat with a big deer rack and the words "what if"? Theyve got a new product out for taking tats off but I hear its very expensive. My wife has one and wants one more.


My only options for one would be a 2 of hearts on my left arm.  Then a 4 of diamonds on my right arm. Done in a manner that more can be added if/when needed. I have 2 kids & 4 Grandchildren & I love them all.  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I have 5 tatts and dont regret them a bit...all mark things in my journey in life......nowadays tatts are main stream and I dont see that changing...its a norm rather then an exception nowadays...as far as prejudice in job and career for being inked....not a huge factor anymore unless your ink from head to toe or maybe have a swastika on your forehead.......in the end...its just some colored ink under your skin..doesnt change who you are as a person...and if someone didnt want to hire me based on the fact that I had a tattoo...I wouldnt want to work for them anyways because theyd probably be an azzzzzzzzhole anyways :yoyo:......where you mentioned one on your shoulderblade is pretty well concealed also in either case.....as far as someone saying you might be 70 and have a wrinkly tattoo....would you rather be 70 and say, damn I wish i had gotten that tattoo when I was younger??.... :wink:


Don't do it.   You WILL regret it at some point.