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IDPA match . . .

Started by Frogman, May 24, 2009, 07:44:45 PM

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I have been shooting IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) matches for several years now.  Since I started coyote hunting the IDPA shooting and practicing has had to take a back seat.  But this morning 5/24/09 I decided to attend the Ft. Harmar Rifle Club's Military Gun shoot that I posted about earlier.  The club also hosted an IDPA match at the pistol bunkers across the creek from the rifle range.  Since I was already there why not shoot the match?? 

Here is a wide angle shot of the pistol bunker set-up at Ft. Harmar.  To the right in this photo are 6 horseshoe shaped pistol bays or bunkers.  The dirt berms are about 10 feet high and the shooting areas are about 50 yards deep.  This way several stages or scenarios can be run at the same time.  Range safety is strongly enforced!! 

The shooter signs up, pays his $10.00 entry fee and takes his score sheet to one of the bays.  The range officer explains the course of fire and the shooter shoots it.  IDPA is scored like golf with the lowest score winning.  The first part of your score is the time it took you to shoot the stage.  Then your targets are scored.  Any hits outside the A zones on the targets result in penalty time added back onto the time it took you to shoot the stage.

Following are some photos I took of some of the shooters at the different stages . . .

And I will try another video of a guy shooting a stage.  Hope it comes out OK   . . .

And another video, this one is my niece shooting a stage, IDPA isn't just for the guys!!

I am looking forward to getting my scores.  Ft. Harmar posts the scores on their web site here  http://www.angelfire.com/oh5/ftharicl/

I had one really bad stage so my scores prolly won't be so good??

IDPA is a really fun shooting sport that helps reinforce the skills one might need if he should ever have to use his concealed carry gun!!  IDPA web site is here    http://www.idpa.com/

There is probably a range or gun club near you that hosts IDPA matches.  You should check them out and at least go and watch.  I think most of you guys would really enjoy shooting IDPA!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


I'll second Jim's enthusiasm for IDPA.  I shoot a match when ever I can.  I'm not in Todd Jarrett's league yet  :roflmao: (he's a world class champion)  but I like the challenge and it's a lot of fun   ;yes;!


Looks like a day well spent.  :congrats:
But i didnt see you in there Jim.
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I put the camera away when I shot.  Guess I should have let someone use it to take some pictures of me??  Maybe next time I will think to do that.  I feel like I shot 4 of the stages OK considering this is the first match I have shot in over a year.  The one that required shooting weak hand only on three targets really messed me up.    I need to practice that more!!  By the way that's the stage that my niece was shooting in the second video.  Check the scores on the Ft. Harmar site I linked in a few days and we can all see how I did.  Remember in IDPA you are only competing against others who shoot the same kind of gun that you do.  I shoot a .45 single stack 1911.  I can only load 9 rounds.  The 9mm shooters can start with 11 rounds.  This means they have to do fewer magazine changes and also the lower recoil are two advantages they have.  I'm looking forward to seeing my scores!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


I have shot ALOT of IPSC/USPSA, the same but different as IDPA. Yes it is a blast!!!! I love it.

Looks like a nice range to shoot at!

I posted some pics and videos in the shooting sports section a while back.



I remember your post.  Looks like you, me and Semp are the only combat shooters on here???  Sure is lots of fun.  More of you should give it a try!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


 :confused:  I'm a combat shooter too Jim.  :sad: 

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I'm in Glen's class of combat shooting as well  :biggrin:

I dont know of range like that around here, clay pigeon/skeet is real big.


I have shot it many moons ago......I do not go anymore cause it has turned into a sport where ya gotta know someone to get range time and cost is outrageous for ammo and such.
I would rather just keep the shells I got for when I need them and practice at my own farm....we set up a course now and then and have some drop targets as well.
I would like to trade my Kimber Ultra carry someday for another full frame 45.



I do not understand your comment? 

"I do not go anymore cause it has turned into a sport where ya gotta know someone to get range time . . ." 

You do not have to be a member of the range to shoot in the matches, although they do charge $10.00 to shoot the match.   Some club ranges are private and require a membership fee.  If you are a member you can shoot anytime you like.  The public ranges are free all the time!  I belong to Ft. Harmar near Marietta OH, where the match I posted about was held as well as Ft. Boreman where you and I shot our rifles.   Membership for Ft. Harmar is $65.00 per year and Ft. Boreman is $35.00 per year.  Both allow members to take guests.

I do agree that the cost and availability of ammo has made it difficult to shoot much these days.

Let me know if you want to go shoot.  I think I'm going to start shooting a little more and try to do better in the next Ft. Harmar IDPA match!


Ft. Harmar also has combat shotgun matches that are really fun.  You would kick butt at those!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


For example my brother in law tried to become a member of your range this year and it was full and accepting no more members.
Who does he half to know to get in next year?
No Thanks ......not for me
I will shoot when I want on my own property.
If a gun range is going to turn good people away...... :rolleye: Not much of a range in my opinion.
I am not bashing your little range I have been there it is nice... I just do not like the inner politics that has became a regular part of all the local ranges and used yours as an example.
You do not halve this problem perhaps because you are the treasurer, but many good folks are being turned away simply because they need the signature of a few members??  BULL
I will keep my money and have just as much fun shooting on my own. Thats kinda what I meant I hope this clears it up for ya. :wink:


 :laf: :laf:  I don't know how well I would do Jim but it could be fun.  :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Hawks Feather


As the saying goes, I don't have a dog in this fight, but I do know why the Defiance Fish and Game wants you to be a member if you are shooting there - LIABILITY.  We just cut a check for just under $3,000 for liability insurance for the club grounds and shooting.  (A couple of weeks after they deal was signed, they came to a meeting to ask us to give them an additional $900 since they found out that there were 10 lanes at the inside pistol range.  Needless to say, we said we had an insurance policy and the payments were being made as outlined in the agreement and not any more than that would be given.)   One of the questions that was asked was the number of members so that they could rate the insurance cost on the possible number of people that might be injured there.  The insurance company does want shooters to be members or guests in the presence of a member to be shooting.  That way they are covered.  Since there is no lock on the club grounds there are quite a few "guests" (without a member present) that like to stop and shoot.  They like to shoot cans (plastic and metal), bottles (plastic and glass), targets, target stands, signs, and anything else that they can find to shoot.  But they are very kind and leave all their trash right there rather than pick any of it up when they are done.  

As for other costs there are little things like natural gas for the water heater and furnace, electricity, phone (in case of emergencies), food for the meetings, paper towels and toilet paper (about $400 for the year), mowing costs, snow removal, chemicals for the pond, and the list just keeps on going.  Like the one time cost that we have right now for having the floor redone - about $5,000.

Our membership fee is $20 per year which covers you and any minor child that you might have.  

I am not saying that you are a trash leaving shooter, but I did think you need to know some of the costs that go along with a club.  Since we do not have a limit on the number of members I can't address that.  There are several clubs in northwest Ohio that do have membership limits where you put your name on a list and hope that someone will move so that your name goes up the list.

Again, I am not calling you anything, just passing along information about our club.




Thanks for your quick response.  Let me try to explain the Ft. Boreman membership policy.  About 6 years ago the membership voted to limit membership to 400 members.  The reason for this was the small size of the range, limited shooting stations, and limited parking.  A year or so later the club had trouble with some unsafe and unsavory members.  So the members voted to require two referrals from current club members on all new member applications. 

There is no politics involved.  As the Sec/Treas I just do what the membership requires me to do.  All current members receive their renewal notice in the middle of August.  Our annual meeting is held the second Sunday in September.  Current members have 30 days from the date of that meeting to renew their membership.    When that 30 days is up I start accepting new member applications as well as late renewing current members in the order I receive them.  Usually we have 60 to 75 spots available after that date in mid October.  I tell new members who call me before then that I do not keep a waiting list, and that they should send me their new member application in the middle of October.  This year those open spots were all taken by the end of October.   Knowing someone does not help anyone become a member.  I have had lots of current members ask me to make an exception for their (brother, sister, Dad, Mom, friend, mayor, policeman, wife, etc.).  I'm not going to get into that kind of stuff.

Thank you Jerry for your excellent comments,

Jerry is correct about the insurance and LIABILITY, it is our biggest expediture each year.  We also have trouble with non-members, and even some members.  We have had members refuse to follow the safety rules, vandalize the target stands, etc.  We recently had a non-member shoot holes through our steel reactive pistol targets with AK-47 armor piercing rounds, just to see if they were really armor piercing rounds???  If he would have been hit with a ricochet we would have been sued!!Thus the requirement that all new member applications must have two current member referrals.

Al,  if you or your brother in law would like to become a member we would be happy to have you.  Above is the way our membership has voted to do it.  I don't know what happened with your brother in law last year??

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


sporting goods....owners
DNR .......Ceartain offisials
members in office.......

That is just to name a few that do get special treatment as far as membership goes....I have been there in the past and I have seen it time and time again.
I am not an idiot and I live in this community and people talk about it all the time and it is not for me, as I could not be a person like that and sleep at night.
Remember the old bowhunters store..they had a pistol club I was in it many years ago same stuff started there.......I want no part of it. I do not need it to have fun. those who do? I am glad you can. :wink:

I am not meaning to say all of them are bad but I cant find a local one here in Wood county WV that has a backbone.
Just internal political agendas.


Quote from: alscalls on May 27, 2009, 05:46:33 PM
sporting goods....owners
DNR .......Ceartain offisials
members in office.......

That is just to name a few that do get special treatment as far as membership goes....I have been there in the past and I have seen it time and time again.
I am not an idiot and I live in this community and people talk about it all the time and it is not for me, as I could not be a person like that and sleep at night.
Remember the old bowhunters store..they had a pistol club I was in it many years ago same stuff started there.......I want no part of it. I do not need it to have fun. those who do? I am glad you can. :wink:

I am not meaning to say all of them are bad but I cant find a local one here in Wood county WV that has a backbone.
Just internal political agendas.


If you are referring, to Ft. Boreman Rifle Club you are just wrong.  We do probably have all those kinds people you listed in our 400 members, but as long as I have been involved as an officer they all filled out the same applications, and followed the same proceedure for becoming a member as I  posted above.  What exactly do you mean by "special treatment"??  I'm the Secretary /Treasurer and they even make me pay my dues every year just like everyone else. 

What do you mean "has a backbone.  Just internal politcal agendas."?  Please give me some specific examples related to Ft. Boreman, as that is the only one I am an officer in.  You are certainly welcome to attend any of our club meetings and voice your opinion there.  We may just have to agree to disagree on this one.  Please feel free to call me or PM me about this if you wish.  I don't think it has much to do with F & F anymore!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


I will say only this......Stop asking me to go do things like shooting or hunting with you and you wont have this anymore.
Stop sending Pm about my personal life which is none of your damn business.
And stop offering me a so called DEAL on your conceal carry class..... After what happened at redbird I think I will pass.
And please feel free to not buy any calls from me just to try and come over to the house.
I cant make you understand or put it any more clear than that.

AND YES I mean Ft. Boreman Rifle Club as well as other clubs in this area....I disagree with how they are run.......and I am allowed to disagree.... If you dont like it so be it.
As i said I do not do it anymore....I certainly understand the fees but turning nose up to others for no reason aint right and I have seen it happen many times with many clubs.
I do not need to be in your click!  And I wont.  Good day sir.