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Way to offset traveling costs.

Started by Bopeye, August 22, 2009, 02:05:29 AM

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I ran across this site --------->>>> http://www.bayload.com/   and thought it might help some of us poor suckers who would like to do a little coyote hunting around the country, but traveling costs eat us up.
I haven't ever tried this thing, but it looks like a good way to help make a trip more affordable and maybe get to meet a few more folks from the board.

Check it out and see what you think.

They are located in Nebraska, but the way I understand it can be used everywhere. I'd like to hear some opinions from my esteemed brethren.......even the Yankee ones.  :laf:
Just kidding guys. Some of you have been so testy lately.  :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

Bills Custom Calls

Bop I am not sure I would like this kinda traveling

Now this is just my point of view

My Luck I would catch a truck that is hauling frozen goods or just an open flatbed and I would have to ride in the back

You know just like one of them ilegals that ge smuggled across state lines

Now keep this in mind not everyone has the same good luck that I have

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


That might look bad......Jumping out of the back of a truck in a truck stop parking lot......With guns and ammo..... :laf: :laf:


You posted this one other time. What'r you losing your marbles? :laf: Or just getting forgetful? :biggrin:
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Quote from: FinsnFur on August 22, 2009, 08:57:40 AM
You posted this one other time. What'r you losing your marbles? :laf: Or just getting forgetful? :biggrin:

Did I really?  :confused:  I am so sorry guys. I guess I'm losing my marbles.  :eyebrownod:

Nice thing about losing your marbles is the fact that everything is "new" to you.  :roflmao:

Once again, I apologize. I thought it looked familiar, but couldn't place why.  :huh:  I was just looking for something to offset traveling costs and found that. Guess it wasn't the first time.  :laf:

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


"even the Yankee ones"........ :shck:............. :biggrin:


Hey don't worry about it Bop :nofgr: it's new to me, so new in fact I haven't even opened the link yet :doh2:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Quote from: nastygunz on August 22, 2009, 10:36:36 AM
"even the Yankee ones"........ :shck:............. :biggrin:

Don't take that personal Nasty. I love all my yankee brothers, as long as they keep living up north.  :laf:

Seriously, I'll tell ya what happens here and maybe it will explain it better.
Here in my county is one of the top retirement communities in the nation. The climate doesn't get too hot like the deep south and it doesn't stay cold for long periods of time.
We get some snow and we get some 100+ days, but usually it's pretty nice.
The "snowbirds", (yanks that just stay here in the winter) and the "Damn Yankees", (yanks that came to live forever) love to come down here and tell us how wrong we are on several things we do. They then proceed to go into long, drawn out stories about how they do it in (you name the yank state). It get's kind of tiresome at times.

I love to hear their stories, listen to their "back in my days" type stuff, but for the love of Pete. Do NOT move somewhere else because you didn't like it where you came from and then try to change the place you moved to into the place you moved from. It's down right maddening at times.  :madd:
They even have two of their own communities in this county so they CAN do it "like they did it up north".  They went as far as to try and have their own checkout at Wal-Mart, so they don't have to rub elbows with us "lower class" folks.
If they come and embrace our lifestyle then they are more than welcome. Otherwise I don't have time for them.

I've had more than one tell me how they do it where they come from and my reply was, "If you liked it there so much, why don't you move back"? That usually gets them fired up or at least they shut up.
Many are just modern day "carpet baggers", because our taxes are much lower than other places and our cost of living is quite a bit lower. They can live comfortably here on 3/4's of what it would take them to live in some of the places they moved away.

Put the shoes on the other feet. What if several thousand of us ignorant hillbillies moved to your area and then tried to change it. Telling you how wrong you were and how stupid you talk and all that. It would get old quick, now wouldn't it?

Having said all that. I think very highly of most my brothers on this board and in my heart of hearts could care less where you live or come from. We have a common bond that binds us and that's good enough for me. So please don't take my "yankee comments" as insults. I am just playing with you guys.
If I wanted to insult you I would talk about your momma or maybe make reference to you being without a father or something like that.  :wink: :biggrin:

Has this ignorant hillbilly explained this well enough? If not, just pm me for my phone number and we can talk. I love chewing the fat with you boys.

Many of you I talk with on the phone anyway, so you know how I feel about you.  :eyebrownod:

Now let's have a group hug and then I'll go vomit. Almost made myself sick with all this mushy crapola.  :nono:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


......................... :wo:.......................................


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Told me he had to poop........."I'll call ya right back"..........Aint heard from him since...I get called a Hillbilly from northerners....
Yankee, from those funny talking people down south......
Now this....... :rolleye:


Quote from: FinsnFur on August 22, 2009, 11:22:07 PM
Bops on the hooch again. :laf:

I don't think so :nofgr:.  We have the same thoughts here :wink:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Not sure what Hooch is, but I am assuming it means "Pot". I haven't smoked that since 9-11-94.

Just trying to explain my views to let you know that I don't hold anything against yanks and it seems you understand it even less. Oh well, I tried.  :iroll:

Al, I'm still taking a crap. You were inserting so much crap in my ear, it had to come out somewhere and it still ain't finished.  :roflmao:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: alscalls on August 22, 2009, 08:21:53 PM
......................... :wo:.......................................

You would have that same look if I stuck you in a round room and told you to pee in the corner.  :laf:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


I knew it would take a long time but for a very different reason...... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


Quote from Bopeye "Put the shoes on the other feet. What if several thousand of us ignorant hillbillies moved to your area
and then tried to change it. Telling you how wrong you were and how stupid you talk and all that. It would get old quick, now wouldn't it?"

I live near Akron Ohio, don't tell me about the three R's they teach in West by God Virginia to help their younguns get jobs. Reading, Riting, and Route 77 north to Akron.

I like it though. Makes me feel right at home. I hate the way some people can say Hillbilly in a way that makes it sound like a dirty word.


Christian Outdoorsman. Certified Ohio Hunter Ed and Trapper Ed Instructor.


I know exactly what you mean....I lived north of Akron for 14 years.......

George Ackley

bopeye, question for yea,,,If hillbillies come from the south what is it that's liven in  coal mine hills of Pennsylvania ,west Virginia and Maryland? or the hills of upstate New York to the loggen country of Maine 

sines we are talking hillbillies here one for bop,

An Irishman, a Mexican and a hillbille were doing construction work on the scaffolding of a tall building. They were eating lunch.
The Irishman said, "Corned beef and cabbage! If I get corned beef and cabbage one more time for lunch, I'm going to jump off this building."

The Mexican opened his lunch box and exclaimed, "Burritos again! If I get burritos one more time, I'm going to jump off too.
" The hillbillie opened his lunch and said, "Bologna again. If I get a bologna sandwich one more time, I'm jumping too."

Next day the Irishman opens his lunch box, sees corned beef and cabbage and jumps to his death.
The Mexican opens his lunch, sees a burrito and jumps too.
The hillbillie opens his lunch, sees the bologna and jumps to his death as well.

At the funeral, the Irishman's wife is weeping. She says, "I I'd known how really tired he was of corned beef and cabbage, I never would have given it to him again!" The Mexican's wife also weeps and says, "I could have given him tacos or enchiladas! I didn't realize he hated burritos so much."

Everyone turned and stared at the hillbillies wife. "Hey, don't look at me," she said. "He makes his own lunch."
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

and whats with all the old cars and junk in them there hillbillies driveways and front yards , you boys in the country do know you dont need to keep everything you come across in life, if helf of yea cleaned up you could get a new duble wide in there
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Quote from: George Ackley on August 24, 2009, 09:32:54 PM
bopeye, question for yea,,,If hillbillies come from the south what is it that's liven in  coal mine hills of Pennsylvania ,west Virginia and Maryland? or the hills of upstate New York to the loggen country of Maine 

Those would be "Good Yankees" George. They stayed where they were.  :roflmao: :roflmao:

I thought we just covered the whole Yankee thing?  :wo: :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

Jimmie in Ky

Bop, if you weren't so round and jolly you wouldn't have to hear them fuss. If ya lookd mean and ugly like me they would just go back home.  :eyebrownod: Jimmie