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LBL shot restriction

Started by KySongDog, August 25, 2009, 06:10:58 AM

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I know we have gone around in circles on this topic before but..............

The way I read the LBL regs as written now,  for coyote hunting,  shotguns are restricted to #2 shot until the centerfire season opens on Jan 26 when up to T shot can be used.  
Does anybody see it any differently?  


That's the way I read it too. :shrug:

Jimmie in Ky

And after all of my fussing with anyone I could piss off last winter over the state regs too. Ky now says nothing larger than buckshot for furbearers in the regs. BB is once again th shot of choice during furbearer seasons. This means I am still going to wind up buying a box of 2' s. Jimmie


Quote from: Jimmie in Ky on August 25, 2009, 03:00:36 PM
And after all of my fussing with anyone I could piss off last winter over the state regs too. Ky now says nothing larger than buckshot for furbearers in the regs. BB is once again th shot of choice during furbearer seasons. This means I am still going to wind up buying a box of 2' s. Jimmie

I tried to give you a box of #2's last year, but you said nothing. So pizz on ya this year.  :laugh2:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Which do you guys like better #2 or BB. I have never used either always Turkey loads or Dead Coyote loads, wanting to try something not as high as dead Coyote loads. The BB is bigger right? I went looking around murray today for some BB or # 2 in something besides steel no luck ! I have a Dead coyote choke for my12 and I hate not to use it but it will not allow steel through it!!


Dead Coyote is my 1st choice. If not that, then I use Federal copperplated lead "BB" loads. Any Hevi-Shot #2 shot, B, or BB would work good. Steel is lighter and looses it's energy faster than lead or Hevi-Shot.

Jimmie in Ky

I agree withEd on theheavy shot. We should be able to get them at Gander mountan in paducah. I like copper plated bb's myself. But like any other unusual load they are hard to get sometimes without ordering them through the mail. Jimmie


Quote from: weedwalker on September 21, 2009, 04:02:52 PM
Dead Coyote is my 1st choice. If not that, then I use Federal copperplated lead "BB" loads. Any Hevi-Shot #2 shot, B, or BB would work good. Steel is lighter and looses it's energy faster than lead or Hevi-Shot.

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


This is not the first time I've seen discussion on this topic. I can't remember who it was that posted last year about the shot size restriction onLBL during small game season, but they provided a link to a KY statute that says BB's are OK at LBL. Could not find the link on the old posting so here it is  http://www.lrc.ky.gov/kar/301/002/125.htm      I've never posted links before so I hope it works,  Here is another one that leads you to what you need to know  http://www.lrc.ky.gov/kar/301/002/122.htm           it sends you to the 2:125 for LBL law. I carry this printed copy at all times in my fanny pack while at LBL. I killed a coyote there on 12-4 with BB's. I read the forum every day but rarely post anything. Post your comments about this. Would I still get a ticket if checked? Don't know, guess the judge could decide if the fine is valid if that was to happen. I have never in my life hunted without proper license or permits or broken any game laws of any kind. I'm not starting now! But, I will use every advantage I can that is within the law as best as I know it. For me, It's BBs. Ialso have a good source for 3" lead BBs. :biggrin:


For S&G me and a cousin bought a box of that dead coyote. GOOD GOD!! that stuff expensive!. But it patterns so nice. If I had the money the DC loads would be my choice. Sense money is an issue I use 4BK. It patterns fairly well out of my full choke 30 inch barrel. Too bad ya cant use it at the LBL.  I will have to try the T shot and see how it do.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Quote from: kyruss on December 22, 2009, 05:16:32 PM
This is not the first time I've seen discussion on this topic. I can't remember who it was that posted last year about the shot size restriction onLBL during small game season, but they provided a link to a KY statute that says BB's are OK at LBL. Could not find the link on the old posting so here it is  http://www.lrc.ky.gov/kar/301/002/125.htm      I've never posted links before so I hope it works,  Here is another one that leads you to what you need to know  http://www.lrc.ky.gov/kar/301/002/122.htm           it sends you to the 2:125 for LBL law. I carry this printed copy at all times in my fanny pack while at LBL. I killed a coyote there on 12-4 with BB's. I read the forum every day but rarely post anything. Post your comments about this. Would I still get a ticket if checked? Don't know, guess the judge could decide if the fine is valid if that was to happen. I have never in my life hunted without proper license or permits or broken any game laws of any kind. I'm not starting now! But, I will use every advantage I can that is within the law as best as I know it. For me, It's BBs. Ialso have a good source for 3" lead BBs. :biggrin:

I saw that before somewhere and I think bb's are legal, especially hevi shot or high density loads that are approved also for waterfowl.  The waterfowl season is in at LBL and those loads are legal.

At a minimum one has an argument to make if checked.   :shrug:   


i have been trying to get in touch with them but the way i read it,,,if you duck hunt and have all of your permits state and federal you can hunt coyotes during duck season with up to t shot,
as soon as i find out for shure i will post
my goal: do as much as I can, as fast as I can, for as long as I can, and at the end of the day if I'm not satisfied I will be to wore out to care


Being able to use up to T shot when waterfowl season is in is probably true. I think LBL should have it spelled out clearly in the hunting regs amd posted at the welcome stations and the Golden Pond wisitor center. What is legal or not should be in black and white and simple for any common joe to figure out.   :confused:   As far as hunting on the KY end, the small game equipment restrictions are on page 37 of the KY hunting guide. But,,,,,,,,,page 1 of the guide has a little paragraph titled 'About This Guide'. The first sentence states that this guide is a SUMMARY of laws,,,,,,,,is not a reprint of any statute and should not be used as such. It also says that the actual wording of KRS and KAR can be viewed at bla bla bla website.  :readthis:     That is where I got the links I posted yesterday. I would think that officials at the LBL are aware of this and I would be surprised if they are not.    :shock2:   

Jimmie in Ky

They are not Russ. They change regs last summer to match the gobledy gook that Ky had for last season on small game without reguard to coyote hunting, which causes the stirring of hte pot so to speak.  This year the state wrote things more clearly  in the book so that us simple folk could better understand it. But it was not posted before LBL change their regs on coyotes which state you go by small game regs  :madd:  Which it has always been that way for as long as I can remember. What ever was legal for small game in Ky was legal in the LBL. 

Something is going to have to be done. Coyote hunter numbers are growing by leaps and bounds in this state and we are going to need a voice in Frankfort. Or at least be able to get our needs heard through our commisioners, if you can get them to answer your calls.

I am going to print out the regs you posted and carry them with me in case.  I am not going to chase down difeerent loads that may or may not be effective each season. Jimmie


I placed a call to the law enforcement office at LBL Thursday afternoon and only got an answer machine, guess they all took off early for the holidays. I left a message and will hopefully get a call back. I will post whatever I can find out. If I don't here anything back, SuperX Rick says we're going to Golden Pond the next time we are there to get an answer or at least get the pot stirred up and bring this subject to a close. :madd:   Once the centerfire season opens this won't be an issue. Bad thing is, most coyote hunters are going wide open now or immediately after CHRISTmas. I can hardly notice the government is involved. :roflmao:


In my reply I said I called LBL Thursday. The short work week has me confused. It was Wednesday. :shrug:  Russ


They never did answer my e-mail questions. :shrug:


 The KY game laws  are very similar to many states and are vague when reading them and hard to interpret. Even asking game officials you will find different answers from one to another.

Here in Alabama the public ground when hunting coyotes we are limited to shot sizes(no T shot) and rimfire only also. There have been several people asking and wanting this changed as more and more people come forward asking and unifying together to make change it will happen.

What will be the cost of change?? As we all know with the current President wanting change he is getting it but look at what it is costing us.

Most state biologist and enforcement I have spoken to says we will eventually get the shot size changes but in return to help make it easier to identify potential poachers hiding under the guise of being a coyote hunter that seasons will be set forth.

So keep in mind increased shot and calibers could potentially decrease time in the field.   

